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9 Between Zhouhua Xia Country and Jade Lake Holy Land, the Taiyousui River is the boundary.

A long Taiyousui River separates the two continents and surrounds the entire Jade Lake Holy Land. It is the guardian holy river for Jade Lake Holy Land.

Tai Yousui River is very weird terrifying, the river is quiet and deep.

It is said that anyone who enters Taiyou Suihe will be lost and will never be able to get out of it until he dies.

Therefore, no one can force into this Jade Lake Holy Land.

A secluded river that guards Jade Lake Holy Land is isolated from the outside world.

Jade Lake Holy Land itself is very unique, and no outsiders are welcome to enter Jade Lake Holy Land. Most of the intruders will be executed.

There is only one passageway into Jade Lake Holy Land, and that passageway is called Magpie Bridge.

It is said that the Magpie Bridge was built by 100000000 million 10000 fairy magpies and turned into a bridge. It will appear when needed. When not needed, those fairy magpies all entered Taiyou Suihe.

And that fairy magpie is also the only life in Taiyou Suihe that can survive.

9 The edge of the territory of Chau Xia Country, the land of Magpie Bridge, at this time a lot of ancient Saint Powerhouse has gathered, but the Magpie Bridge has not yet appeared, and the people of Jade Lake Holy Land have not yet come.

Qin Xiao’s group of 4 people came here. At first glance, they were all strange faces. Qin Xiao knew not many people, so it was normal to not know who.

Although I didn’t know a few people, I found a silhouette among the crowd.

No one else, it is Pan Guo Eldest Prince.

Eldest Prince’s previous plot against him, Avatar was killed by him. didn’t expect this time, even came to participate in the selection of the Saint Prince Consort of Jade Lake Holy Land, and want to become the Saint Prince Consort of the host country?

Seeing Pan Guo Eldest Prince, Qin Xiao also flashed a coldness in his eyes.

Only one Avatar was beheaded, and he felt a little cheaper. If there were not many things to do in these years, Qin Xiao did not bother to pay attention to him. From the very beginning, Qin Xiao really wanted to cut the deity of the Eldest Prince of Pan.

Pan Guo Eldest Prince also saw Qin Xiao, as if he was facing an enemy, he was suddenly very nervous, and there was a little expression of fear on his face. It was really terrifying.

Seeing Qin Xiao, he was naturally jealous of meeting him. His hatred of Qin Xiao in his heart was over these years, but he has not subsided for a while, and it is getting deeper and deeper.

He does not want to kill Qin Xiao all the time and revenge on him.

But his strength is not enough, he can’t kill Qin Xiao.

Therefore, he wants to participate in the selection of the Saint Prince Consort of Jade Lake Holy Land at this time, wants to get 9 Xuan Saintess, wants to take this opportunity to break through to the Ancient Saint altar in two steps, and then go to revenge his blood sea.

But I wasn’t able to see Qin Xiao here.

Not only did he see Qin Xiao, but he clearly felt the powerful breath from Qin Xiao.

That aura is not a one-step Ancient Saint realm, but, but-a 2-step Ancient Saint realm! ! !

How can it be?

He Qin Xiao has actually broken through to the Ancient Saint of 2 steps?

How can it be so fast? It was only a few million years from the last meeting, and even 10,000,000 years, how could he Qin Xiao break through to the Ancient Saint 2 step so quickly?

How could this be?

Therefore, Pan Guo Eldest Prince is indeed dumbfounded. After the dumbfounded, a deep sense of fear suddenly came out of my heart.

With Qin Xiao there, he still has half of the confidence, and where is the courage to continue to participate in the Jade Lake Holy Land Saint Prince Consort choice.

If he meets Qin Xiao, he feels that Qin Xiao will definitely kill him, and he will definitely not show mercy.

Avatar is dead, the deity can no longer take this risk.

After Pan Guo’s Eldest Prince was shocked, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​giving up. As soon as this thought came out, he didn’t hesitate anymore and immediately turned around and left.

Xiao Gu felt a bit like the excitement was not too big, he immediately said to Qin Xiao: “Brother, you can’t let this guy go, I’ll go grab him. If you run into it, then kill him first.”

“This guy, holding his belly in bad water, staying in the world will only be a scourge, and it would be better to kill him.”

Xiao Gu wanted to chase, but Qin Xiao waved his hand, not quite in between, saying: “Forget it, let him go. He is now out of favor with Pan Guo, and I believe there will be no waves.”

“He has killed him an Avatar. He saw that I knew to leave actively, and it was a bit of fun. Just this time, let’s just do it. It’s important to do the right thing.”

Qin Xiao said, Xiaogu can only do that’s all.

He had some itchy hands, and he wished to grab Pan Guo’s Eldest Prince to scrub it.

On the other side, Han Sen, who had left El Panest’s Eldest Prince, gritted his teeth, his expression stubbornly twisted, and his eyes were filled with thick anger and hatred.

“Qin Xiao, good Qin Xiao, really mention soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed, how can you be everywhere?”

“This Imperial Prince can meet you in the selection of a Saint Prince Consort. As a disciple of Saint Sheng Li, you are so shameless to come to the choice of Saint Prince Consort. Are you afraid of losing your Master?”

“Hateful, hateful, how can this Imperial Prince be relieved?”

“Qin Xiao, and let you be complacent first, I will definitely get you back, and I will.”

Pan Guo Eldest Prince is gone. The other people here, Qin Xiao, don’t know any of them, all are strange faces.

Looking at the past, there are already nearly 300 people gathered here. It is estimated that most of them come to participate, and a few are here to join in the fun and be accompanied.

Most of them are also the existence of the two-step Ancient Saint realm, and a few are the existence of the one-step Ancient Saint realm.

It seems that the competition at this time is still very fierce. It can attract so many 2-step Ancient Saint environments in the background.

And this number will obviously continue to increase, this is not the final number.

Qin Xiao doesn’t know those people, but many people know Qin Xiao, not only Qin Xiao, Zhang Yang Young Master, Yuan Yuan, and Ming Yue, but they are all very well-known. It’s still called the number one, and few people know it.

Zhang Yang Young Master But the Direct Disciple of Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, this status is naturally needless to say.

Yuanyuan, that’s Li Sheng’s daughter, Goddess exists in the hearts of countless people, the object of chase.

If you can get the Yuanyuan girl’s heart, wouldn’t it be Li Sheng’s son-in-law? That is ascending to the skies with a single leap.

But there are a lot of men who yearn for something even in dreams, so ah, there are a lot of people who are close to Yuanyuan. St. Academy is a big piece.

It’s a pity that Yuanyuan obviously has no interest in this aspect, and it is very difficult for other men to really approach her.

Ming Yue’s heart is similar, her grandfather is the master of Kunlun, but it exists on a level with Li Sheng.

Therefore, naturally Ming Yue has also become the target of many men chasing.

Yuan Yuan and Ming Yuexin are definitely the 2 hottest women in the Saint Academy who are hot enough to scald one’s hands. There are countless suitors.

Not only in St. Academy, I am afraid that the whole person is within the realm, but countless people have such thoughts, right?

The appearance of Qin Xiao 4 people naturally attracted everyone’s attention. These four people all have a background that transcends the world’s realm.

So, many people are also weird.

“What kind of situation is this, Qin Xiao and Zhang Yang Young Master are also attending? Do you want this?”

“Yeah, they still lack this? Need to come to participate in the selection of the Saint Prince Consort of Jade Lake Holy Land? Are you really afraid of embarrassing the teacher?”

“What do they mean by Yuanyuan girl and Mingyuexin girl? Simply join in the fun? Or cheer for Qin Xiao and Zhang Yang Young Master?”

“Who knows, they take part in it and they are not afraid to take part. They are still tender, even if it is Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan and Li Sheng’s discipline? We have lived for so long, are we afraid? They failed?”

“Yeah, they are just a step of Ancient Saint’s level that’s all, what’s so scary? They dare to participate, so they don’t know what to do.”

“Hey, that Qin Xiao seems to be a two-step ancient confrontation. This guy, is it so bad, how old is he? He has lived for about 2 Million years? Crazy, is this?”

“Zhang Yang Young Master is still a one-step Ancient Saint realm, but that Qin Xiao turned out to be a two-step Ancient Saint realm, which is incredible. No wonder it’s called number one genius, I used to be snort disdainfully, now it seems Qin Xiao is indeed a demon, he can’t do it if he doesn’t accept it.”

“The two-step Ancient Saint realm is the two-step Ancient Saint realm. It may also be provoked by the drawing. It is not at all fearful. No matter how high the realm is, he can only live for 2 Million years that’s all, there is no experience in it. Yes, the strength must be average, we don’t need to bother.”

“Well, yes, I don’t think I need to bother.”

……At this time, two figures came to Qin Xiao on their side, there were 2 2 step Ancient Saints.

Seeing these two people, Young Master’s browse slightly wrinkle rose up and looked towards these two people.

Obviously, Zhang Yang Young Master knew these 2 people.

“Zhang Yang, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I trust you have been well since we last met. You have a good time now, it’s not bad, it’s our Hu’s pride.” The 2 step Ancient Saint of the left side said with a smile, It looks like an elder.

Obviously, these two people are Hu’s people.

Yang Yang Young Master speaking of which is also considered to be the Hu’s person, but he does not admit that he is the Hu’s person that’s all.

So, for the Hu family, the Young Master Zhang Yang does not have any favors.

Hearing that 2-step Ancient Saint environment said to him, Yang Young Master lightly snorted and said, “Sir, are we familiar? I don’t remember knowing you, what kind of relatives are you coming for?”

“Also, I am telling you clearly that I am not Hu, I am Zhang.”

“I have nothing to do with your Hu family. You have nothing to do with it. It doesn’t matter to you.”

“Don’t stop hypocritical hypocrisy here, it’s really disgusting, I really don’t like it.”

Two Hu’s Ancient Saints frowned and looked at the head with a sad look on their faces.

Especially the two-step Ancient Saint realm that I just talked about, sighed, and said: “Publicity is too heavy for you, and the grievances are too deep. Anyway, you can never change the fact that you are a Hu’s person, You have our Hu’s Bloodline, and you can never change this.”

“Although your mother’s things are a bit wrong, you don’t understand the situation inside. It’s complicated. It’s not that 3 words and 2 words can tell you clearly.”

“And, it’s definitely not what you think it is. Our Hu’s door is always open for you, why should you complain so much?”

“Child, blood is thicker than water, we Hu Shixia still hope that you can return to Hu Shi.”

Hearing this 2-step Ancient Saint situation, Zhang Yang Young Master sneered: “hmph hmph hmph, ridiculous, really ridiculous, this is the most ridiculous thing I have heard.”

“You guys, can you be more hypocritical?”

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