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Here, 100 Xiao Shuling is not easy to use, and she does not understand the situation here, so there is no way to provide Qin Xiao with any information.

So, the situation of Tangcheng can only be known by Qin Xiao themselves.

Fortunately, Tangcheng is not very big. Such a city is estimated to be the most powerful existence, which is at most the 2-step Ancient Saint realm.

It is unlikely that there is a 3-step Ancient Saint realm, after all, it is just a small town that’s all.

Although it is said that there are many Ancient Saint realms, what I saw along the way is also one step of Ancient Saint realm that’s all.

And many of them are Old Antiques who have lived for a long time. The younger ones should be people who have just come out and run short.

Like Qin Xiao, they are still in the minority.

Want to inquire about the news, Qin Xiao’s first thought of convenience is the restaurant, this is the Converging Ground of the news, the place of proliferation.

If you want to know about Tangcheng and other situations outside Tangcheng, then going to restaurant is obviously a good choice.

In any city, the most shops should be restaurant Inn and the like.

So, such a place is very easy to find, as long as you stop on the street, you can definitely see it with a glance.

“Yo, how many people should be in the fairy land? Hahaha, it would be better to meet each other, our fairy house restaurant was opened by the people in the fairy land. Look, I am also a person in the fairy land, practicing It is also immortal dao.”

“Several guests are the people of Immortal Territory. Of course, should I go to the restaurant opened by the people of Immortal Territory to drink 2 glasses?”

“Our restaurant Boss is very hospitable and very nostalgic. So, people from Xianyu come to the restaurant, it will be 20% off, and there are many free gifts to be delivered, very warm hospitality. “

“Several guests, please come inside. Little 2 will show you the way.”

While they were looking for restaurant in Qin Xiao, a skinny man with a small shop look like 2 jumped out with great enthusiasm and looked at Qin Xiao with a sneering expression.

When Xiao 2 is obviously very eye-catching, he can see at a glance that this line of 4 people is headed by Qin Xiao.

So, you only need to get Qin Xiao to get things done.

For Qin Xiao, it’s almost the same everywhere. Since there is a restaurant opened by a person from Xianyu, let’s go check it out.

Following the shop’s small 2, 4 people quickly entered the fairy house restaurant and entered a elegant room.

The second brother was very enthusiastic about giving Qin Xiao a variety of recommended dishes, but Qin Xiao obviously didn’t care about it. He didn’t come to drink.

So, after Qin Xiao ordered some dishes, he said to the little second brother: “Little second brother, we first came to Tangcheng and we are very unfamiliar here. I don’t know if the little second brother can introduce us to us. What about one 2?”

The little second brother laughed suddenly, and said to Qin Xiao: “That’s naturally no problem, but the small one is known as Tanglin’s PHS, and it’s unaware of the size of Tangcheng. Anything, The little ones should be able to say the last one.”

“Hehe, but–guest, can you order the wine first, and then listen to the little ones?”

Hearing this, the grumpy Xiaogu old facetious snorted: “We haven’t ordered all the dishes, we have ordered a lot.”

The little second brother laughed at Xiao Gu and said, “This guest laughed. This thing is not enough for one person to eat. It is estimated that it can stop the teeth. How can it be called a lot?” Very few.”

“Maybe this guest doesn’t go to the restaurant very much? People who go to the restaurant, especially the great character existing in the Ancient Saint environment like you, last time, let’s talk about drinking slowly for 100 years, and most of them for 10000 years. It is everywhere.”

“I’m afraid you can’t even eat and drink for half a day.”

Qin Xiao can understand the meaning of this sentence, it seems that this little second brother is also based on this commission.

Since this is the case, then that’s all, let’s be extravagant.

Qin Xiao added another ten times, and then gave the little second brother some chaotic source stones.

In this way, the little second brother would not be so embarrassed to tell Qin Xiao that they were speaking of which situation in Tangcheng, and also talked about some basic conditions of the Zilin world.

The lord of the Zilin world turned out to be a Sacred Domain sword repairer, not a Sacred Domain avenue.

Qin Xiao They only knew that the original Dadao Sacred Domain 3000 realm, there are many realm owners who belong to other 7 domains, not Dadao Sacred Domain.

Moreover, the number of realm owners in other 7 domains is not small.

According to the second brother, there may be 2 300.

In other words, almost 3000% of the 10 lords are not the people of the Sacred Domain.

Seen in this light, many of the people in the fairy domain have become masters in the Sacred Domain?

That’s interesting.

It is said that those who belong to the 7th realm are the realm of the realm.

Just like the Zilin world, the people of the sword repair Sacred Domain are the masters, so the Zilin world is also the Converging Ground of the 7 domain people. There are many cities in the Zilin world similar to Tangcheng where people from the 7 domains gather.

In particular, there are many people who cultivate the Sacred Domain, and they are also the most powerful and savage.

The Boundary Lord is behind the sword repairing Sacred Domain people, which naturally boosts the flames of the sword repairing Sacred Domain people.

To the extent that in the forest community, even the people of the Sacred Domain on the Avenue, dare not easily provoke the people of the sword repair Sacred Domain.

Qin Xiao was somewhat relieved. No wonder in the Tang city, not at all found the Ancient Saint realm with sword cultivation path, and other cultivation paths were found, but only the Ancient Saint realm with sword cultivation path was not seen.

It seems that in the Zilin world, the Ancient Saint status of Jianxiu Dao is still very high, so they will not walk out at will.

Speaking of this, the little second brother also specifically asked Qin Xiao 4 people to let them 10000000 don’t offend the ancient Saint realm of Sacred Domain in the Zilin world.

Otherwise, if it is not done well, I am afraid it will cause great trouble.

In addition, the second brother is particularly proud to say that their fairy home restaurant also has a stake in the sword repair Sacred Domain Ancient Saint realm.

What about Tangcheng, how to say, not at all City Lord and the like, there is no obvious Sovereign power to rule.

The strongest one should be an adventure group of the giant sword group.

The reason why they are the strongest is that their strength is really strong. Since they came from Sacred Domain, they naturally don’t dare provoke them.

In this way, it seems that they are the most powerful existence.

Giant sword group stomp, then the whole Tang city has a shock.

The second brother is also very proud to say that their restaurant Boss and giant sword group are the brothers of life and death, so their restaurant in Tangcheng no one dares to provoke, no one dares to wild in their restaurant.

Listening to the little second brother being so proud, Qin Xiao always feels that the taste is weird, and always feels that there are some not-so-good conditions in it.

Qin Xiao also asked the little second brother. Do you know some things about the Langkawi world? The little second brother shook his head directly, saying that he had not left even Tangcheng, and he didn’t know anything about the Zilin world.

I can’t ask, it can only be like this for the time being.

Dismissed the little second brother, Xiaogu curl one’s lip, while drinking, he said uncomfortably: “What kind of stuff, pits us so much money, and only said these things that are painless and itchy, this money is spent It’s too wrong to be worth it.”

“In this case, I can ask if I grab a person on the road.”

“This shop is small 2. I take myself too seriously, and I take their restaurant too seriously. What’s more, I got angry with the old man and dismantled the restaurant.”

Qin Xiao shook his head laughed, and knew that Xiao Gu was just venting his emotions, and would not be chaotic.

“Forget Xiaogu, let’s go and ask Xiao 2 to come and check out.” Qin Xiao said.

This restaurant is really pitted and expensive. But Qin Xiao is too lazy to care about anything.

But Qin Xiao’s group of 4 people just left the restaurant not far away, but there was an Ancient Saint realm with dozens of 4-step Heavenly Venerable realm quickly came to encircle Qin Xiao 4 people.

The middle-aged man in Ancient Saint realm looked down at Qin Xiao with a solemn expression on his face, and said with a voice: “Stop, you can’t go.”


Qin Xiao frowned deeply, and glanced down at those people, who were obviously people in the restaurant of the fairy house.

The ancient Saint Qin Xiao, who led it, recognized it as the shopkeeper of the restaurant of the fairy house, and had a glance before entering the restaurant.

restaurant shopkeeper stopped his entire group with a group of men, what does this mean?

“Fuck off!” Little Gu suddenly angered and yelled, glaring at the restaurant shopkeeper angrily, and said: “paralyzed, really when we are bullying, right?”

“Did you drink such an expensive wine in your restaurant and eat such an expensive dish, we didn’t say anything. We paid for it at the price. You still want to stop our way. Tigers don’t send cats. Do you think we are ill?”

“Don’t want to die, even if it’s there, I won’t go away and eat you.”

“Rolled the ball, if it was in the fairy field, Lao Tzu had already eaten you, who gave you such a bold courage so rampant?”

restaurant shopkeeper glanced at Xiao Gu coldly, disdainfully coldly snorted, said quietly: “Several, I don’t care what you are from, or whether you are in Tangcheng for the first time, and drink in our restaurant for the first time. “

“But the rules still have to be kept. You pay for the meal. This is a natural thing. Can’t you let you eat the king’s meal?”

“Several people drank so much wine in my restaurant, ate those dishes, and didn’t give money, they patted their ass and walked away. I really thought that this is a small town in Xianyu. Can you let some eat the king’s meal? “

“Since you have come to Tangcheng and entered our restaurant, you have to obey the rules here.”

“You don’t have to lose a lot of money for food and wine. You can leave when you’re done.”


Qin Xiao frowned deeper. Is this a black shop?

Just now, I have already settled the bill with Dian Xiao2. Where can I get the king food?

Bring people around, just to make sure that robbery is not possible? This is too blatant, right? Is it too rampant?

Even if it’s a black shop, don’t you bring it like this? Playing like this is simply crazy and ridiculous, so there are people who dare to enter their restaurant?

No, it’s pretty hot to see this restaurant business.

Although it is said that things are relatively expensive and a bit dark, it is not too snort disdainfully. If it is not strong, it is still acceptable.

But what does this mean now?

Under broad daylight, directly grab?

Once such a reputation has spread, who else will enter this store?

It’s not right, it doesn’t make sense. Such a big restaurant shouldn’t make such a low-level mistake.

what’s the situation?

No, the situation here is certainly not as simple as that. This is not a simple slaughter event.

Qin Xiao knew immediately that there must be something wrong.

Xiaogu was getting angry again, but Qin Xiao pulled him back and let him back.

Xiao Gu gritted his teeth and had a hard time bearing it, but since Qin Xiao spoke, he naturally obeyed.

“Shopkeeper, did you make a mistake? We have already paid for the small shop 2 just now. How about eating the king’s meal?” Qin Xiao said.

restaurant shopkeeper brows slightly wrinkle, looking at Qin Xiao, said: “This is the case? But Xiao 2 and the old man don’t say that.”

“Since the Fellow Daoist said it was paid, in order to clarify this matter, I wonder if a few of you can come back to the restaurant with me. I called Xiao 2 and confronted him?”

“If you misunderstand a few, the old man will apologize to the others.”

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