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The news naturally came back to Bengqing City quickly.

Young Master, but the son of City Lord of Bengzhuang City, this matter is so big, Bengqing City can’t just sit back and ignore it.

On the other hand, after Wu Yan Princess left angrily, naturally, she would also be able to take it easy. She also returned to Gu Gu Dao Palace and found other helpers.

What Qin Xiao does not know at this time is that his own danger has not been lifted, and a new danger has arrived quietly, approaching him slowly.

At this time, Qin Xiao, still struggling hard to hit the yoke cage, repeatedly withstood the surge of terrifying power.

The mind is like a container. As long as you keep polishing it, it will gradually grow bigger, and then you can hold more things and slowly become stronger.

Qin Xiao this time is to use the devouring strength of this life-locking lotus to oppress the power of the mind and promote the power of the mind to continue to improve.

In this kind of polishing, slowly improve yourself.

Especially under the pressure of life threats, it will stimulate unlimited potential, and Qin Xiao has been pushed to the edge of danger again and again, and Qin Xiao has repeatedly resisted it.

Pushing to the limit of polishing is the best polishing, and it is the cultivation way with the most significant improvement effect.

Of course, it is also the most dangerous and desperate cultivation way.

If you are a little careless, it may be the end of Myriad Tribulations.

Therefore, such tempering is actually a very terrifying test.

Without great perseverance, without great talent potential, without superhuman first-rate mental power, it is absolutely dead end.

The road to cultivation, every breakthrough, is like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses crossing a single wood bridge.

Overwhelming majority of people will die on the way or lose.

Grinding time after time, improving time after time, and finally accumulating less, where water flows, a canal is formed, you can make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Time, a year soon passed.

This year, it is a kind of suffering for everyone, all watching whether Qin Xiao will really die.

Xiao Gu, Mo Ba and Yuan Yuan 3 have always been very nervous, and their hearts are always hanging in their throats, staring at Qin Xiao all the time, fearing that Qin Xiao will have something 3 long and 2 short.

The Young Master is suffering. He is always praying in his heart, hoping that Qin Xiao will not die, and 10000000 will not die.

Generally speaking, even if there is a 3-step Ancient Saint environment, it will not survive for a year.

So, Qin Xiao should be able to support that’s all for a year at most.

But in a year, his rescuers may not be able to rush over.

Do you want to die Young Master under Yuan Sheng Li Shengfei knife, can only pray in my heart, I hope Qin Xiao will not die.

What is this?

Originally, it was he who wanted to kill Qin Xiao, and it was to kill Qin Xiao.

But now it’s all right. He wants to pray in reverse, hoping that Qin Xiao won’t die. Isn’t this just beating his own face?

Speaking of which, they feel very ridiculous.

But there is no way, if Qin Xiao is dead, he will not escape.

It’s been a year, and Qin Xiao hasn’t died yet.

Although Young Master prayed to Qin Xiao to have no shame in his heart, but after a year really passed, he couldn’t help but wonder.

“What’s going on? Qin Xiao is really not dead? How is it possible?”

“He is just a two-step Ancient Saint. How could he stop the attack of Cathrin? My father told me solemnly that this Cathrin is very powerful. The treasure below.”

“3 steps in the Ancient Saint’s realm, it’s a sure thing to die, and it certainly won’t survive a year.”

“This Qin Xiao is just a 2-step Ancient Saint realm, and has lived for a year. What is going on?”

“Is his life hit by iron? Can’t you kill him like this?”

It’s a contradiction in Young Master’s mind, that is, he is very puzzled why Qin Xiao hasn’t died yet.

But he didn’t want Qin Xiao to die so soon, so he would also be buried with him.

But in his heart, he hopes that Qin Xiao is dead.

If Qin Xiao can even pass this robbery, it is too terrifying.

And when the Young Master was incomparably entangled with contradictions, Qin Xiao, who had been standing still there, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, and two shots of light emerged from his eyes, shooting directly into the sky and puncturing the 2 days.

That line of sight was swept away, but it made the Young Master inexplicably startled inexplicably, with a feeling of inexplicability.

This feeling made the young Master Shaw angry and angry. He would be scared?

What is the tension in Young Master’s heart that Qin Xiao really woke up?

He really escaped the disaster and broke the attack of Life Cymbidium?

how can that be possible?

Qin Xiao opened his eyes, Soul Willpower returned, and the control of the body naturally returned, and he could move freely.

Seeing Qin Xiao wake up, Yuanyuan immediately dropped the Young Master and ran directly to Qin Xiao. He almost didn’t directly plunge into Qin Xiao’s arms. Fortunately, Qin Xiao stopped it in time to avoid it. Under the large public, such indecent.

“Qin Xiao big brother, I knew you would be fine.” Yuanyuan’s face re-emerged with a smile, and he danced with joy and was in a good mood.

She smiled, and the whole person felt different.

She smiled, it was that little Yuanyuan that made people feel very cute.


“the host!”

Xiao Gu and Mo Bao are finally relaxed and happy.

Qin Xiao lowered his mouth and let out a breath.

This time is considered extremely dangerous, although in the end he was able to come over with surprise and danger, but the hardships and dangers are only clear to him.

It was really a little careless, that is the end of Myriad Tribulations.

Fortunately, he insisted on coming over.

And they are also blessed by misfortune, and they have gained a great deal of strength.

“Master, I’m going to kill that guy.” Baby Mo took the initiative to ask.

Qin Xiao waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll leave it to me to kill. You can control him first.”

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, the Young Master immediately wanted to run, but Mo Bao, Yuan Yuan and Xiao Gu had already flown over and stopped the Young Master.

Yuan Yuan held out Li Shengfei’s knife, and said very politely: “Dare you try one more time to see if this Miss does not pierce your blood holes.”

“Move again, I can’t bite you.” Xiao Gu also raised his eyebrows a little at this time, and he said to the Young Master with confidence.

Baby Mo took a handful of his powder fists and waved fiercely towards the young Master. The threat was full of threats.

Dao Young Master was really scared out of the cold sweat at this time, completely dumbfounded.

Where does he not know the situation at this time?

Not to mention so many people, just one of Yuan Yuan, he is no match, even more how there is a more terrifying Qin Xiao?

So, the young Master’s face was suddenly scared, and he stared at Qin Xiao, staring at the man who was almost killed by him.

At this moment, he really regretted that he should not pray that Qin Xiao should not die, or he died earlier.

Well now, Qin Xiao is not dead, but he is going to die.

God, don’t play with yourself like this?

However, Qin Xiao didn’t pay attention to his promotion of Young Master for the time being. Instead, he moved his thoughts, his heart touched the heavens, attracted Heavenly Dao, lowered Tianwei, and fell auspicious. Heaven, the law of arousal.

This is to-hiss! ! !

Many people saw this situation and couldn’t help sucked in a cold breath, exclaimed with a loud cry.

“He turned out to be breaking through!”

“God, just now he hit Young Master’s life-saving trick. If he didn’t die, did he break through?”

“Cough cough, it is estimated that Young Master has a heart to die at this time? What is this? His life-saving card has helped this fairyland person break through?”

“Breakthrough? Do you want to go against the sky like this? Is it possible that – to break through to the Ancient Saint Realm of 3 steps? Wouldn’t it be so evil?”

“Hahaha, let me just say, don’t draw conclusions in all things too early. Now it’s time for the Young Master to be bad luck.”

“I’m so admired, it’s a peerless genius. It’s bad luck that the Young Master has provoked such a person.”

Yes, Qin Xiao is indeed a breakthrough, a breakthrough of strength.

He broke through the chains of Fang Suxinlian’s yoke, and the law of mental strength improved a lot during the training, and accumulated a lot. Therefore, a breakthrough at this time is also where water flows, a canal is formed.

It must be said that this time Qin Xiao really got a big blessing due to misfortune.

Qin Xiao did not expect that he could take this opportunity to break the law of mental strength to Small Success Realm, which was a big surprise.

The most uncomfortable at this time is the Young Master.

“What did Lao Tzu do at this time? What bad luck things and wonderful things can happen to Lao Tzu?

Young Master Master has the heart to die.

At this time, he could only watch Qin Xiao break through.

I am afraid that the only thing that gives him a little comfort is that Qin Xiao does not break through to the 3-step Ancient Saint level.

If it is really a breakthrough to the Ancient Saint level of 3 steps, it is really over. I am afraid that his father Bengqing City Lord can’t save him.

Fortunately, it’s just a breakthrough in other cultivation channels, not a realm breakthrough of its own.

Soon, Qin Xiao was a breakthrough in mental strength, breaking the law of mental strength to Small Success Realm.

Because it is not a realm breakthrough, the breakthrough of this time also not at all caused much movement, not at all how long it lasted, nor at all brought much improvement to Qin Xiao Saint Physique or within the body world, There are only some minor improvements that’s all.

Of course, even some small improvements have made Qin Xiao’s strength a 2% increase.

When he reached his level, he improved by 2%, which was a big breakthrough, plentiful harvest.

After completing the breakthrough, Qin Xiao was in a good mood, and felt happy for a while.

His gaze looked at the stupid Young Master, and came to this side.

“It’s over -“

Seeing Qin Xiao approaching him, the young Master’s heart thumped, and suddenly he reached the bottom of the valley, feeling he was dying.

Standing in front of the Young Master Master, looking at the Young Master Master, Qin Xiao pouted and chuckled, saying, “I want to thank you for Young Master Master, speaking of which. Your life guarantee card On the contrary, it has helped me and made my mental strength breakthrough.”

“Cough cough ——” Duoba Young Master laughed and waved his hand quickly: “Don’t be so polite, it should be.”

“Qin Xiao Young Master, you see that since you have all broken through, there is nothing wrong. Blessed by misfortune, I can also help you with Qin Xiao Young Master. So-why not let Qin Xiao Young Master let me go? The grievances between them are over.”

It’s not stupid to pull Young Master. At this time, naturally recognize the situation and fight with Qin Xiao, then he will definitely die.

In order to save his life, he naturally dared not fight Qin Xiao anymore, so ah, naturally, he is also very interested in wanting major events to become smaller and smaller, and he will settle his grudge.

His abacus is good.

Unfortunately, this time is destined to be the direction.

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