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Qin Xiao’s group of ten people entered Qianlong Valley. It didn’t stay long in Qianlong Valley, only 10000 years that’s all.

After 10000 years, he left Qianlong Valley.

A tacit understanding of this thing must take a long time to fight side by side to be able to truly own it.

Not only the two talents who need to fight side by side for a long time, but also have to know each other well.

Therefore, the practice of Qianlong Valley is actually more about letting Qin Xiao and the ten of them know each other’s strengths, specialties and the like, and can do some basic cooperation.

If you want real tacit understanding, time is limited, and it’s definitely impossible.

The Qianlong Valley is not too dangerous. Qin Xiao They have ten people acting together, naturally they will not encounter much danger, and they all came smoothly.

“Everyone, I believe that through Qianlonggu and his party, you should have a basic understanding of each other. Later, you still need your active cooperation before we can get good results.”

“Someone may know what we are going to do, but there may be some people who are not quite clear. I think that Qin Xiao Young Master and Yuanyuan girl should be not quite clear, then I will explain to you in detail.”

His Highness Badger Huai looked at Qin Xiao and said with a straight face, ten people explained it.

Qin Xiao is indeed not quite clear, but just knows what kind of competition His Highness Badger Huai is going to participate in.

After listening to the explanation of His Highness Badger Huai, Qin Xiao fully understood what was going on.

His Highness Badger Huai is going to participate in the 100 World Elections, and the scale of participation has reached about 100.

Of course, in theory, there is only one quota.

Unless it is said that some realms have an extremely powerful ancient influence in addition to the realm of the realm, it is only possible to have one more place.

However, the requirements for the 100-celestial election are extremely demanding. In addition to the fact that the realm of each realm can have a quota, the other is too difficult.

In this 100-world election campaign, a cosmic epoch is only held once, and the time interval is still relatively long.

Qin Xiao and Yuanyuan were lucky, but they were just caught up by them.

What is most worthy of Qin Xiao’s attention is that the force behind the founding and hosting of the 100 World Elections is Dao Palace.

Just saying that Dao Palace may be Qin Xiao and not quite clear, but if you say the power behind Dao Palace, then Qin Xiao is understood.

Dao Palace is a special organization for training talents under the sky palace, and it is the institution that supplies blood to the sky palace. It belongs to the sky palace.

Therefore, Dao Palace is a small branch of the firmament.

The Temple of Heaven, but one of the five great powers of the Sacred Domain of the Avenue, together with Yuan Shi, Beast Mountain, 5 Heavenly Dao Palace, and Profound Principle Sect, and the five great powers of the Sacred Domain of the Avenue.

Not only is it in the Sacred Domain, even if it is looking at the entire Great Thousand Worlds, this Five Great Influences is also Supreme.

5 The greatest power is Sovereign’s ultimate power in the Sacred Domain.

In Celestial Realm, only Celestial Court is comparable. As for the Great Holy Land in the human world, it is too far.

If you combine Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors with 100 families, then you can compare them.

So in contrast, Dao Palace can be simply understood as the Saint Academy in the fairyland.

Of course, in the horizontal comparison, the Dao Palace is far from the Saint Academy.

Dao Palace has existed for endless years, and the background is extremely deep. Moreover, Dao Palace’s requirements on the discipline are extremely high.

To know that His Highness Badger Huai exists in the 3-step Ancient Saint Realm, he has to compete with other geniuses from all walks of life to enter Dao Palace.

So, if you want to enter the Dao Palace, it is at least an extremely ancient Ancient Saint.

The threshold of Dao Palace is too high and too high, and the competition is fierce.

However, the rules of this 100-world contest are very peculiar. It is not to say that it simply tests people like His Majesty Badger Huai from all walks of life.

On the contrary, the most important purpose is to select some people from all walks of life and send them to Dao Palace.

Therefore, speaking of which seems to be a benefit directly to the landlords of all walks of life.

Therefore, such a test becomes very peculiar. Instead of directly testing His Highness Badger Huai alone, there will be a lot of gameplay, and finally judging by the comprehensive score.

Everyone who participates in the 100 world selection circles can find up to ten helpers, 3 steps of helpers in the context of Ancient Saint.

Of course, you don’t need to find a helper. But those who do not look for it will definitely suffer a big loss, and basically won’t get a good ranking.

There are still a lot of gameplays. For the time being, His Highness Badger Huai does not know it himself, but he told Qin Xiao about the general situation.

For Qin Xiao, the benefits are the many benefits promised by His Majesty Badger Huai. 2 It is a fierce collision game with genius powerhouses from all over the world. If it is well grasped, there will be gains from incomparable gigantic, and even a breakthrough to improve realm.

Whether you can get benefits depends on the individual’s fortune.

But the disadvantages, fierce collision competition, there will naturally be a lot of risk, there will be mortal danger.

Even if there will be rule constraints, unexpected situations can always happen.

Of course, Dao Palace will try its best to protect the lives of all people.

“Okay everyone, you will be in Tianxuan City immediately before. When you enter Tianxuan City, you must follow me closely, otherwise there will be danger to your life.”

“After entering Tianxuan City, you have to obey the rules in everything. I would like to solemnly remind you here, remembering the many rules of Tianxuan City that I told you before, must be obeyed, otherwise, if you are If Guard takes it, no one can save you.”

“As long as it is allowed by the rules, then anything can be done.”

His Highness Badger Huai suddenly said a word to everyone and reminded him.

Tianxuan City is the place where the 100-day heaven elections are held, and each session is held here.

It is said that the Heavenly Election City was specially created for the 100th World Election Campaign. Normally, the Heavenly Election City is closed.

“Qin Xiao big brother, look at it, there is a big tornado in front, so terrifying.” Yuanyuan suddenly pointed to the front.

Qin Xiao also saw the eye-catching scene in front. I saw an incomparable gigantic black tornado over there. Looking at the space over there, it was completely distorted. What I saw was fuzzy, and I could feel it from afar The terrifying of that huge black tornado.

The diameter of the huge black dragon circle wind is 10,000,000 li, it is extremely dark, and the speed of rotation and twisting is extremely fast. From a distance, it looks like a black hole that can swallow everything.

Such terrifying is really uncomfortable hair stands on end.

If this is the case, I am afraid that it will be swallowed up by the terrifying tornado? Is there life to live?

Seeing is so terrifying, from a distance you can feel the power that devours everything, and there is no way to resist it.

Qin Xiao also felt that even he might not be able to stop it.

Could it be that the election city was hidden in the huge black tornado?

If this is the case, it is indeed too hidden. I am afraid that even if there is a 4-step Ancient Saint realm, it may not be able to break into it?

His Highness Badger Huai took out a token, squeezed it, and suddenly a golden ray of light spewed out from the token, and they encapsulated Qin Xiao into them, forming a golden protective cover.

The golden protective cover was formed, and His Highness Badger Huai took the Qin Xiao entire group into a stream of light and rushed into the huge black tornado.

As soon as he entered tornado, he suddenly entered the passage of the black hole. It was dark to the extreme, devouring all the rays of light.

After walking in the darkness for a while, he rushed out of the darkness and suddenly became cheerful.

Looking down from the heights, there are mountains and mountains below, and there are endless abyss. Among the rock walls of the abyss, there are palaces that extend to the deepest bottom.

Suspended in the sky islands, boulders, peaks.

Rivers meandering in the earth’s veins, splendid colorful boulders can be seen everywhere.

They all put a Small World in it, rendering the glory, beautiful and beautiful, like a secret realm in the Peach Garden.

Inside, you can see countless buildings, you can see strange scenery.

In the center of Small World, there is a huge deep pit with a diameter of 10,000,000 li, in which 7 colors are shining.

Along the deep pit, the all around rock walls are all kinds of buildings, and countless suspended bridges connect the entire deep pit with 4 channels and 8 roads. Not spectacular.

There are also wonders in other places.

Let this entire Small World give people a very powerful amount of visual impact.

“Wow, what a beautiful world.” As soon as Yuanyuan came, he was deeply shocked, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide.

Although Langyatian is also very dreamy, after all, Yuanyuan was born in Langyatian. After watching too much, he naturally didn’t feel anything.

So, when you come to the election city on this day, you will naturally feel shocked.

Qin Xiao quickly slammed it here, which is about 100000000 million miles away, but the entire Tianxuan City is full of powerful restraining forces. So it won’t make people destroy it.

The space here is also unbreakable.

Qin Xiao looked back at the top of his eyes, and the huge black vortex was circling, as if a huge magic eye was there, and it seemed strangely scary.

Similar scenes have been seen by Qin Xiao, but here is obviously extremely terrifying.

If he wants to leave in a hurry, I’m afraid he can’t get out from here.

“This is Tianxuan City, there are not many people here, so it is obviously quieter.”

“Let’s go, let’s go to the urban area first, there should be a crowd of people in the urban area, it will be more lively.”

After all the joy of His Highness Badger Huai, said to everyone, he took the lead and flew into the endless pit.

Straight down all the way, watching all around There are countless buildings on the cliff wall, there are many more peculiar, but it is indeed impossible to see who shadow.

Occasionally I can see a group of neatly dressed white armor, only showing a pair of eyes, very majestic, imposing manner and full City Guard.

These City Guards are responsible for maintaining the order of Tianxuan city, and they are all Ancient Saint level.

Anyone who violates the rules of the city of Tianxuan, then they will be dispatched quickly. If you resist, it is dead end.

Therefore, these City Guards naturally possess incomparable majesty.

Even when His Highness Badger Huai saw it, he would politely make way for them.

Qin Xiao They have been told by His Highness Badihuai. They naturally know that anyone can offend in Tianxuan City, but 10000000 million don’t offend these City Guards.

Although their positions are very low, their power is not small, and they have the power to directly grasp people.

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