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In terms of the character of ordinary people, in the face of such arrogant people who are so boundless, they really want to turn him over.

This Yuan Hong Shengzun is really incomparably brutal and overbearing, and it seems very rampant.

The temperament is wild and stronger.

It was like a fire, burning vigorously all the time.

People who encounter this kind of temperament are really uncomfortable. People with poor emotional control, it is estimated that one or two times will be irritated.

Qin Xiao discovered the arrogant and provocative actions of Yuan Hong Shengzun under Badger Huai Temple, but he still treated it calmly and calmly, not at all the real rage.

In addition to the rules and regulations of Tianxuan City, it is estimated that His Highness Badger Huai also knew what kind of person Yuan Hong was.

To deal with the kind of people, use the same mentality. People who are easily irritated show that the state of mind is still not strong enough.

“Well, since you Yuan Hongxian has nothing to do to find some trouble, then I can only play with you.” His Highness Badi Huai thought for a long while, then nodded agreed.

In this case, he had to face the challenge.

If he retired, I am afraid he agreed, and everyone will not agree.

After all, who can stand here, which is not an arrogant person?

Which one is not human?

Which one can not dominate the existence of one side?

Which is not an existence admired or even worshipped by countless people?

Now that the provocation has arrived at home, there is no reason why it should not fight. Is an individual, there is always 30% bloody is not.

“But–” His Highness Badihuai added another sentence: “If it is just for this battle in the palace, wouldn’t it be too small to play?”

“If you want to play, why not just add a bit of picking and enjoy yourself?”

“We came to the first battle of Tianxuan City, shouldn’t we just end up with a blister? That’s unreasonable.”

“Hahaha!” Yuan Hong Shengzun laughed, and the horse mouth agreed: “I want to play bigger, and the feeling is very good, I’m afraid that you badger Huai can’t afford it.”

“Since it’s fun, let’s play. Really, without picking, it’s too boring.”

“Hehe, or Badger Huai, let’s discuss something. If I win, you give me that beautiful girl, and then you will pick someone out here, how about we change one?”

“It’s not good, don’t dream, you think about it. Your Highness Badger Huai agrees, the old lady doesn’t agree yet.” Not waiting for His Highness Badger Huai to answer, Lianqin girl was coldly snorted and resolutely said.

Hearing the girl Lianqin’s words, Yuan Hong looked sad and looked at the girl Lengqin with disgust, and said, “Are you going to play with Lao Tzu? Is distance creating beauty?”

“Tsk tsk, interesting, interesting, or your women will think.”

“…” Lianqin had the urge to seal Yuan Hong’s mouth.

How thick can this face be to say so to have no shame?

Even long ugliness, but it’s your fault to come out scary, right?

It’s okay to come out scary, but which one do you play to have no shame?

Lianqin girl really has a feeling of being disgusted by Yuan Hongsheng. It is really a wonderful thing.

However, when the forest is big, there are indeed all kinds of birds and all kinds of wonderful flowers can be seen.

It’s just that there’s no strange thing that dare to treat her that’s all.

His Highness Badger Huai said: “Well, Yuan Hong, don’t crack a joke. It’s a waste of time to say useless nonsense.”

“To be practical, it doesn’t make much sense to bet on the source of chaos. It doesn’t hurt us.”

“Since you want to play, the colorful head must be able to have some pain.”

“Otherwise, Yuan Hong, Duan Tianya’s side should be more lively. Wait, if anyone loses, then who will say aloud in public, 3 sentences, “I’m so and so, I admit defeat to and so on, how?”

“Anyway, you have a thick skin, this color head has a natural advantage for you.”

“You’re thick-skinned, your whole family is thick-skinned.” Yuan Hong stared at His Highness Badger Huai angrily, although he didn’t like this color. However, after thinking about it, nodded agreed to it: “Well, then it’s up to you. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore, you must lose.”

“Hehe, Your Highness Badger Huai, just wait for the public to admit defeat to Lao Tzu, then we will see you in front of Tianya Cliff.”

After all, Yuan Hong took the lead and left with a wave of his hand.

His Highness Badger Huai was not in a hurry to leave, but sent away Yuan Hong Shengzun first.

“Your Highness Badger Huai, his Yuan Hongsheng is also too rampant and you are not your eyes? Is it possible that such a person, Your Highness is polite to him? Is it possible that we are afraid that they will not succeed? Worst, just fight with them.” 9 His Highness San San was filled with righteous indignation, and said very uncomfortably.

“Yes, His Royal Highness, the strength of his Yuan Hong Shengzun is not as good as yours. Why should you be so polite to him? Since he provoked the door, just hit back.”

“I also think it’s unbearable. It’s just that it’s just too deceiving. I haven’t seen anyone who has reached this point with arrogant and despotic.”

“Relax, Your Highness, we will definitely win the victory of this battle.”

The two lame priests and Fu Dongliu priests also said angrily, they were closer to His Majesty Badger Huai before.

His Highness Badger Huai didn’t care, and said: “Everyone doesn’t care too much, that is, that’s all in the city of Tianxuan. Outside, Yuan Hong was afraid to be so provocative in front of me.”

“Tianxuancheng has the rules of Tianxuancheng, as long as you can make good use of the rules inside, it is also a sword.”

“A lot of people get their heads warm when they get excited. If their heads are hot, then I’m afraid they will leave the rules behind their heads and they will start working directly.”

“If you do it, you will violate the rules. At the lightest level, you will be sent out of the city of Tianxuan. In the worst case, you will even be punished by the origin. The consequences are very serious.”

“So, I have to solemnly say to you again, the rules here must be strictly observed. No matter when, keep the rules here in mind.”

“No matter how others provoke you or provoke you, don’t do it blindly. Even if you do, it must be allowed by the rules.”

“You must remember this.”

“Don’t look at Yuan Hong 5 big 3 rough look, in fact, this man is like a ghost, don’t be fooled by his outside, but don’t be fooled by him.”

“This man has thick skin, owes his mouth, and his tongue is clever. The best way to deal with him is to be calm and not give him much opportunity to work hard.”

“Of course, you can’t be blindly tolerant, and you must give a certain counterattack in a timely manner.”

“What we have to do is, if you don’t fight back, if you want to fight back, then you have to remember the ruthlessly, and hit him with a blow.”

After listening to His Highness Badger Huai, everyone was just nodded, a little relieved.

It turns out that the situation inside is not as simple as imagined.

Yuan Hong Shengzun’s provocative shameless pretends, it turned out to have a purpose, and it was really sinister and treacherous enough.

However, the feeling that Yuan Hong Shengzun gives to people is indeed that kind of simple-minded type.

But he never thought that he was a very deep man. Such people still have to deal with it carefully.

“Let’s go, let’s go too.” His Highness Badihuai said.

So the entire group went to the side of Duantianya. His Highness Badihuai also introduced Duantianya to everyone along the way.

There are many wonderful places in Tianxuan City. This kind of place is used to train people and hone themselves. Duantianya is one of them.

This day the city was chosen, but it took a lot of effort to build the sky palace, which is naturally very out of the ordinary.

There are many wonderful things in Tianxuan City, many of which can be used for cultivation.

It is even said that the deep palace will often send some disciplines into the city of heaven to hone it.

So speaking of which, this election city itself is an excellent cultivation Holy Land. If you can grasp it well, you can have the gain of incomparable gigantic in the city of heaven, and you can even break through your realm.

Such a situation is also a common occurrence in the previous 100 world elections, and the probability is still very high.

It can be said that every time there will be someone who breaks through the realm in the city of Tianxuan, this is not uncommon.

On the contrary, there is such a blessed by heaven cultivation condition, experience opportunity, if no one can break through the realm, then it is strange.

The benefit in this respect is another benefit of joining the team of His Highness Badger Huai.

Because of this, many people have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze into this team.

However, the method of selecting people by His Highness Badger Huai was relatively simple. 9 people of His Highness 3 were directly selected by him.

Qin Xiao 7 people, directly to Heaven’s Mystery Building, let Heaven’s Mystery Building act in secret.

In this way, the selection of people is completely undisclosed, and those who want to squeeze in are also nowhere.

Surely Tianya Cliff is a bit lively, there are dozens of people here, but there is no other 3-step Ancient Saint.

Yuan Hong arrived early, and stood there waiting for them, His Highness Badger Huai.

After Qin Xiao’s gaze swept away from others, his gaze fell on the Heavenly Cliff.

Broken Sky Cliff looks like a cliff of ten thousand zhang, and if it is long, it looks like ten thousand zhang.

So it looks like a square boulder, cut very neatly, and smooth like a mirror.

This broken sky cliff, if it looks like, really can’t see anything special or any harm

If you look at it, I think it’s an ordinary cliff that’s all. I don’t see any tricks coming out.

At this time, there were a lot of people in front of Duantianya, many people were looking at it, researching, and wanting to see what peculiarities there are in this.

At this time, there were 3 people climbing up the Heavenly Cliff.

After Qin Xiao looked at it, he didn’t see it.

“Qin Xiao big brother, what is the wonder of this broken Tianya? Why can’t I understand it?” Yuanyuan also asked with a puzzled expression.

Qin Xiao shook the head said: “I haven’t figured it out yet, let’s talk about it first.”

Qin Xiao’s eyes continued to fall on the 3 people who climbed on the cliff of Tiantian, seeing them very painful and very difficult.

Every step forward is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

And they don’t climb straight up, but they have to take different routes, walking right and left, and going up and down, as if looking for some regularity.

But this is looking for some regularity. Qin Xiao didn’t understand it. It felt very chaotic. He couldn’t see anything for a while.

And when you look at the cliff wall of Duantian Cliff in this way, not at all you can see what’s there. The top is so smooth that you can’t see anything at all.

So, this is where Qin Xiao is puzzled. What laws are those people looking for?

This should be the trick to climb this broken cliff?

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