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On the side of His Majesty Yuan Hong, Qin Xiao is irrelevant. He can only blame him for bad luck.

3 tasks, now 2 tasks have been completed, Qin Xiao can finally relax in his mind.

Now, only the last task is left, it is successfully accomplished.

Completed 2 tasks, at least as far as the situation is concerned, it will not be bad.

Of course, the last task is also very crucial.

In this third round, can we stay in the top 5 of the sky, and even say the top ten position, I am afraid this last task is very critical.

After all, for this task, the difference between positive and negative is as much as 40 points.

40 points, that can affect several rankings.

So, for this third task, Qin Xiao naturally had a strong energy in his heart, and must took it.

If you can’t take this task, it will be a failure, and the previous efforts will be in vain.

But the question is, how should this task be accomplished?

This is a problem, and Qin Xiao was a bit stumped for a while.

“Lianqin elder sister, or shall we use sexual entrapment to trick a person into being fooled and take him to the place where the turtle died, then it will be successfully accomplished.”

“Hehe, in the form of Lian Qin Damn It, with sexual entrapment, there should be a lot of people willing to be fooled?” Yuan Yuan suddenly said.


Lianqin girl suddenly looked embarrassed in capital, blushed with shame.

sexual entrapment She has never used this thing before, and it feels a little disgusting to think about it.

This is a betrayal. How could she do it?

Qin Xiao shook his head and said: “Yuan Yuan don’t crack a joke, this is absolutely not possible, let’s do something else.”

“Then otherwise, let’s go to the blind cat and kill the mouse. Maybe someone really will be fooled?” Yuanyuan said again.

Qin Xiao still shook his head: “This probability should be very low, very low, we don’t have that many time to spend.”

“Not to mention anything else, just want to find other people, it is already an easy thing, even more how to say to cheat them.”

“And even if there is a dead mouse, we don’t necessarily have that many time to touch it. Even more how said, this kind of probability itself is extremely low.”

“So thinking of this approach is probably a losing game.”

What should I do?

“Or-let’s tie a person and force him to die in a tortoise?” Yuanyuan thought again.

Lianqin girl shook the head and said: “What are you thinking of Yuanyuan? The rules are to make us cheat, not to tie. If you tie, then it doesn’t meet the rules, it will violate the rules.”

“Once the rules are violated, we will lose this task.”

“So, we still have to use proper means.”

Yuanyuan blinked, shook his head, and after thinking about it, said: “But this is not okay, it is not okay at all, there is no generalist who can do it.”

“It feels like no one is so stupid? It can’t be tied, is it possible that only the sexual entrapment is left?”


Qin Xiao flicked gently on Yuanyuan’s head again, said with a smile: “You, you, good, not bad, what is meant by only sexual entrapment.”

“This shameless method is absolutely unusable.”

Yuanyuan looked at Qin Xiao with an aggrieved look, and grunted his mouth, whispering in his mouth: “But there is really no other way.”

Qin Xiao also has a headache. It has been a headache for so long, but still no one came out of it.

Thinking about it, it seems that there is really no other good way.

Perhaps perhaps, sexual entrapment is a viable method.

But it shouldn’t be–

Qin Xiao shook the head, looking thoughtful, and always feel that this thing is not right.

“No, absolutely not.”

“If you can only use sexual entrapment, then you don’t necessarily know the group drawn by our group. If you encounter a group without women, then this method will definitely not be a chance.”

“So, impossible, there must be a way, maybe we overlooked something.”

“But what did you ignore?”

Yuanyuan and Lianqin girls are also looking thoughtful there, but neither can think of it.

This problem has really troubled 3 people for many years.

Before that, you can take a break, now the other two tasks are completed, only this one is left. So, now it is necessary to face this problem and deal with it with all our strength.


Qin Xiao’s heart suddenly moved, and a single thought poured out.

As soon as this thought came out, Qin Xiao expression suddenly froze, and the expression was a bit stiff there.

Seeing such a big reaction from Qin Xiao, Yuanyuan and Lianqin looked at it with some confusion, not knowing what happened to Qin Xiao.

“What happened to Qin Xiao big brother, is there any problem?” Yuanyuan asked curiously.

Qin Xiao looked at Yuanyuan and Lianqin with a cold expression and squeezed his mouth hard before saying: “Maybe the true meaning of this task has always been misunderstood by us.”


What do you mean?

Yuanyuan and Lianqin are even more confused, and they don’t understand what Qin Xiao is talking about.

Why is it misunderstood?

The literal meaning is not difficult to understand, there is no misunderstanding?

Qin Xiao continued: “You look carefully, the task is to seduce a person to the place where the turtle died, and then let him be eliminated from the place where the turtle died, right?”

Yuanyuan and Lianqin were nodded, and they thought about it seriously. This sentence, not at all, is not a problem.

“The meaning of this sentence really should be what almost everyone thinks is to seduce a person, which is definitely right.”

“But-the point of the problem is that the task does not say that the tempted person is an outsider or his own?”


The expressions of Yuanyuan and Lianqin also suddenly froze. Having said that, why didn’t the 2 people understand the meaning of Qin Xiao’s words?

“Qin Xiao, do you mean that we can sacrifice a person to accomplish this task?” Lianqin girl solemnly said.

Qin Xiao nodded, said: “From the current situation, if you really want to complete this task, I am afraid this is the best way.”

“It can’t be said to be the only one, but I’m afraid it is a better way to operate.”

“Otherwise, it is really going to the blind cat to kill the mouse. The success rate of this route, I personally feel very low.”

“After all, you can come here, not a fool. You can’t use coercion. Based on our three mouths, what reason would you use to persuade each other to lead him to the place where the turtle died?

“Everyone knows the land of the turtle’s death. It is a very terrifying land. Those who go in are nine deaths and still alive. It is extremely difficult to come out again.”

“Who will not be stupid, no matter how big the temptation is, if you take it out, it will definitely not be changed.”

“So, I think this matter is very difficult to do.”

Both Yuanyuan and Lianqin were silent and had to say that what Qin Xiao said was indeed very reasonable.

If you really want to speak of which, it seems to be the same.

Thinking about it, it seems that there really is no other feasible way.

This road is almost the only road.

But in this case, isn’t it also a bit to kill a thousand enemies, need to sacrifice eight hundred of your own?

Eliminate one person out of the game, that would also be deducted very much.

Only 20 points were awarded for completing that task.

One deduction, in that case, not only can you get 1 points for this task?

However, conversely, if you do not complete this task, you will be deducted 20 points.

If this is reversed, it will be equivalent to 30 points.

The score really feels lower, I feel that this task should be the hardest of the three tasks, and it should be the highest score.

However, there is no way for them to control the matter of Tianxuan City.

But this method, speaking of which makes Qin Xiao embarrassed.

Someone has to stand up for sacrifices, great fearless sacrifices.

Think about it, it is a very vomiting thing.

If possible, Qin Xiao would rather give up this task.

If it is only 1 points, then Qin Xiao will choose to give up.

But the question mentions that the difference is 30 points, so you can’t easily say to give up.

30 points, the impact is too great, enough to fall short.

“Qin Xiao, let me complete this task.”

“If someone has to make sacrifices to eliminate, then this person must be me.”

“You two are the mainstay of our team, the core of strength, and the key to winning good results.”

“So, you must not have any failures. You can’t have anyone eliminated, and the loss will be our entire team.”

“I don’t care much, even if we are eliminated, it will not have much impact on our team.”

“In terms of these 3 rounds, I have only played, not at all contributed.”

“This time, let me come. Fortunately, let me make a real contribution to the team. In this way, I will feel that I have a little value.”

Lianqin girl suddenly said seriously.

It takes great courage to make sacrifices.

After all, there are many things involved here.

Yuanyuan looked at Lianqin with a reluctant look, but Yuanyuan didn’t know what to say.

Qin Xiao looked light, looking at Lian Qin girl, thinking about it in her heart.

This matter, it seems that there is really no way.

The best way is for people to stand up and sacrifice.

To achieve the overall situation with a small sacrifice.

I am afraid that the Tianxuan City will be tested, right?

The 100-world contest is originally a team-based competition, and the emphasis is placed on groups rather than individuals.

Lianqin girl stood up to sacrifice, in fact, it is indeed the best way.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao was sighed and hooked the head and said, “Leng Lianqin, let’s try it first to see if there is any other solution.”

“Now that we think of this method, then we don’t have to worry, this is the last weight.”

“If it doesn’t work, you can use this method. We can drag it to the last 1000 years to do this.”

“Now, we still have time to try other methods. Maybe there are other ways?”

“If there are really 2 best-of-breed solutions, then it is naturally the best. If it is not possible, then make this worst plan.”

“Maybe, it’s just that we didn’t think of that’s all for the time being, and it might not really be impossible.”

Lianqin girl is nodded, she is ready to sacrifice anyway.

This matter could only be done by her.

Being able to contribute to the team is also a very happy thing for her.

Otherwise, she really feels that she is rubbing in vain.

After deciding on this plan, 3 people started to act.

Even if the opportunity is small, it is necessary to give it a try.

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