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Evil Abyss, a land full of sin.

Yousen ice cold breath is enough to make people who enter into the nerves nervously, arouse a high degree of vigilance.

Although Qin Xiao has always been boldness of execution stems from superb skill, but when he first entered Evil Abyss, he did not dare to be too careless, but he was still cautiously moving forward.

The terrain of Evil Abyss is very complex, and it is full of aura, so the visibility here is very low.

You can only see the situation in the ten thousand li, that’s all, the distance of ten thousand li is very short for the level of 2 3 steps Ancient Saint, it is really short, you can kill it in an instant Follow.

What’s more complicated is that the breath inside covers everything.

Those evil lives have been living in this Evil Abyss, so they have long been covered with the breath of Evil Abyss, blending with the breath of Evil Abyss.

It’s not hard to find them not close to the front.

As a result, this task adds a lot of uncertainty and danger.

In a secluded black hole, a pair of black shiny eyes were hidden in it, fuse together with the darkness around.

Not close to the front, simply could not find there is a pair of deep terrifying eyes.

The eyes burst into a strange and icy rays of light, and in the distance of his eyes, one silhouette appeared.

“Human Race ——”

After seeing the silhouette, the eyes became deeper and deeper.

“Finally, there is a Human Race. The most hated thing about this king is Human Race. This king and Human Race are absolutely irreconcilable.”

“How long has it been for the abominable Human Race to imprison the king here? The king can’t remember how many cosmic epochs, this is all done by the abominable Human Race.”

“When Human Race comes in, the king must kill him, eat his meat, and drink his blood.”

The deep, deep eyes locked the Human Race silhouette in the distance, and he approached there in the dark.

When the distance was reduced to a certain time, a silhouette suddenly rushed out in the darkness.

This is a life like a crab and a lobster. The whole body is dark in color and black in color.

The body is covered with a smooth shell, with 6 pliers arms and long arms.

The mouth is also 2 long pliers, which seems very fierce terrifying.

This life feels very tragic.

His speed was extremely fast, and he turned into an afterimage that could not be captured.

“En?” Qin Xiao, who was walking over there, suddenly felt a warning and smelled a dangerous breath.

After feeling this aura, Qin Xiao did not hesitate at all, and immediately shot.

He only saw a stream of light hit him, and the speed was so fast that Qin Xiao felt a shock in his heart.

“Fast speed, good cold offensive.”

After Qin Xiao inwardly startled in one’s heart, without hesitation, he directly used Space Law Power to protect himself with invisible space.

An invisible wall was built up, and the barrier of one after another was blocked there, becoming an umbrella for one after another.

Sure enough, Qin Xiao saw that an alien life had killed him.

If there is no space wall to block, then all those attacks will fall on him.

“What kind of life is this? Destructive power is so strong.” Qin Xiao frowned slightly, and he saw that life was destroying the space wall in a very overbearing way.

Destroyed the wall of the space, and rushed in at a rapid rate.

This is to crack this space wall in the most simple and rough way.

This is enough to show that the destructive power of this alien life is amazingly powerful.

The destructive power is amazingly large, but it feels a bit dumb, and the brain does not know how to turn.

This kind of life may not be good at plot against, only to understand the straight burst.

Although this alien life is very powerful, Qin Xiao doesn’t care, it’s just a 2-step life in Ancient Saint that’s all.

A 2-step Ancient Saint is that’s all, far from reaching the point where Qin Xiao is afraid.

Qin Xiao first trapped this alien life by means of space. Qin Xiao soon discovered that this alien life seemed to be more and more irritable. He only knew that he would constantly destroy Qin Xiao’s space means.

However, there has been no way to actually kill Qin Xiao’s followers.

In this way, it will be easier to handle.

After fighting for a while, Qin Xiao also got a rough idea of ​​the strength and means of this alien life.

With a general understanding, Qin Xiao immediately formulated a response plan.

What is to be done now is to kill this alien life.

Such a fight is still better do it quickly.

After all, after a fight, the noise is not small. If you don’t do it quickly, it may provoke other alien life.

If it provokes more, then it is dangerous.

Such a dangerous thing, Qin Xiao naturally does not want it to happen, but still wants to solve this alien life quickly.

Therefore, Qin Xiao did not hesitate.

After temporarily restraining the alien life by means of space, it was a resolute shot.

A sword came and fell, and the power of within the body world rushed out, screaming for 9 days.

might of a single sword, enough to shatter the earth.

This sword was slashed down, with the power of extremely overbearing, extremely sharp sword power, two-pronged instead.

clang clang clang! !! !!

Qin Xiao’s Opening Heaven Sword was heavily slashed on the alien life, and a series of sparks came out.

What surprised Qin Xiao secretly was that this sword just left a shallow mark on that life, that’s all, and there was no way to break the shell on that life.

The defensive ability of this shell is really too strong.

Qin Xiao is a might of a single sword, but it is extremely strong, and there is no way to hurt this life.

This really surprised Qin Xiao.

In this way, it seems that it is not an easy task to kill this alien life.

“Damn Human Race, would you only use such a mean method? Has the ability to open up to confront the king.” The alien life was bound by Qin Xiao and was very uncomfortable, and Qin Xiao was firmly cut off A sword, let him fly into a rage out of humiliation, scolded.

But Qin Xiao ignored not at all, but sneered and said, “Do I need to tell you that many morals to people like you?”

“As long as you can kill you, that’s enough. For criminals like you, all means are used to say the past, and it is not against morality.”

“So, if you want to excite me with such an inferior radical method, that would be successful, or save effort.”

Those who can be imprisoned in Evil Abyss are all criminals.

For such a life, Qin Xiao will naturally not have a slight soft hand, killing it is on enforce justice on behalf of the Heaven.

“Bah!” Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, the alien life yelled disapprovingly and sneered: “What a sinner of shit, but you Human Race shameless imposed on the king that’s all .”

“The king only knows that non-my family can kill food. Your Human Race is for the king, but it’s prey that’s all. The king kills you Human Race and eats your Human Race. Isn’t that just right? ?What is the problem?”

“Your Human Race is just a group of hypocritical villains that’s all, pretending to be so stern, but in fact it’s just shameless.”

“Under the banner of justice, bullying us aliens, but relying on you clansman many people, relying on you Human Race is the Sovereign life of Great Thousand Worlds that’s all.”

“So, you Human Race are right. All rules are set by you Human Race. You Human Race say we are guilty, we are guilty.”

“In short, everything is up to you Human Race, what kind of shit is this?”

“Frankly speaking, it’s just that fist that’s all. If the fist is big, then it’s moral, it’s truth, it’s right, it’s Wei’an.”

Listening to these words, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but shudder, as if a voice was torturing his soul.

Although Qin Xiao doesn’t agree with this alien life.

However, there are some words in it, it seems really not unreasonable.

Yes, there are many natural enemies among different races.

Even if it is not a matter of nature, there are different morals.

For example, the Human Race and Monster Race demons are basically a naturally hostile relationship.

Human Race and Orcs, hunting Orcs, people think this is the right thing, there is nothing right or wrong to say.

Here, what is right and wrong? What is positive and what is evil?

It seems that there is no limit, a judgment.

In this case, Qin Xiao couldn’t say it, and didn’t understand it.

This question really needs to be considered, it is too deep and complicated.

So, Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “I don’t need to control these, since you have killed a lot of Human Race, then at least for you to Human Race, it is a criminal.”

“Since you are a sinner, then I will kill you, no need to show affection to your men.”

“Even if you don’t tell you any great morals, I will kill you based on what you have done

“Hmph, the humble and shameless Human Race. If you want to kill this king, then you have to see if you have this ability.” The alien life said coldly.

He became even more violent and brutal, and he rushed to Qin Xiao insanely.

The use of Qin Xiao’s spatial means is indeed much better than before.

The space cages exhibited in the exhibition can well resist the restrained living alien life.

At the same time, Qin Xiao is also a strong shot again, a powerful sword slashed to the alien life.

Clang! ! !

This sword, no surprise, just left a not-so-deep sword mark on the alien life.

Such sword marks did not even bleed the alien life, so it was just some skin trauma that’s all.

It’s just this kind of skin trauma. I am afraid that if you cut a few thousand to 1000 swords, you can’t kill this alien life.

But if such a long time is spent here, it may cause trouble.

So, Qin Xiao didn’t dare to delay it for so long, he still had to find a way to solve the battle quickly.

The longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it is for him.

After all, it is possible to attract other alien life.

If a few more heads are attracted, then the situation is definitely not good.

If it were not Qin Xiao’s spatial means, it would be even more difficult, then the direct confrontation would be more difficult.

These methods did not work, and Qin Xiao tried again.

Qin Xiao’s mental strength is now a relatively tricky trick, but the defensive ability of Soul Willpower seems to be very strong.

Qin Xiao’s mental strength means that he didn’t at all.

“Hmph, mental means? The king was locked in this all black, no daylight ghost place. I don’t know how many cosmic eras there are. The growth environment of the king is much more difficult than this. How powerful is this king’s Willpower Do you want to deal with this king based on your mental strength and means?” That alien life very disdainful to Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao is almost useless, which surprises Qin Xiao.

His dexterity is rarely deflated.

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