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Breakthrough is a very difficult challenge.

It is a very painful journey, a bitter mind of 10000 points.

It is a battle between life and death, success and failure.

Success is a piece of light shining across this vast land, leaving the world of rays of light.

Failure is that endless darkness covers the sky and writes a dark chapter.

Every breakthrough is hard-won, and it is the survivor of ten thousand li.

At this time, Qin Xiao is like standing in front of the giant wind, and may be scrapped away at any time.

Breakthrough, you say it is difficult, it is really difficult, the difficulty is like a bottomless Dark Abyss, you can not see how deep, how dangerous, how terrifying it is. Once you fall into it, it may be the dead end of despair.

You say it’s easy, but it’s really easy. It’s easy to be like a point, you just need to grasp this point, then grasp the whole light.

One point allows you to get everything.

Cultivation, the most interesting and esoteric, is probably a breakthrough.

Qin Xiao made all the preparations, and also tried his best to overcome the barriers of realm, breaking the barrier of realm with all his strength.

Among the dark Bottomless Abyss, Qin Xiao finally found this point.

As soon as we grasped this point, the situation was completely different. The 180-degree change suddenly took place, and the world was full of light.

Breaking through!

Sure enough, after the light, a surge of power came out of the brain.

The power of grandiose instantly covered Qin Xiao in it, drowning in the ocean of the avenue.

Heavenly Dao’s prestige suddenly came, and Holy light dropping from the sky will cover Qin Xiao.

Under this Tianwei Holy Force, Qin Xiao’s Saint Physique, soul, and consciousness have all begun to transform and are rapidly improving.

This process is extremely beautiful.

The moment of breakthrough is Qin Xiao’s favorite moment and the most enjoyable moment.

However, Qin Xiao didn’t take it easy to enjoy. When realm breakthrough, it was a great opportunity for him to cultivate within the body world.

Although, even if he doesn’t deliberately guide cultivation, within the body world will automatically attract energy to promote transformation.

However, if he takes the initiative to guide, the effect will be better in the first place, and the most important thing is that Qin Xiao wants to take advantage of this opportunity to study within the body world.

But he always felt that his within the body world might be able to come out with his own way.

Although he has made many attempts and assumptions before, they have failed.

Even if it all fails, even if Qin Xiao does not yet have a good idea, it does not affect Qin Xiao to study this.

Qin Xiao still believes that the power of within the body world must be a way out of his own words.

Therefore, he still insisted. This way, regardless of whether it can finally come out, Qin Xiao will stick to it.

Qin Xiao is such a person. Once he has identified a thing, once he has decided to do it, and once he has insisted on it, he will stick to it in the end, and will never give up easily.

A lot of embarrassment is not impossible to succeed, but the people who persevere are not hard enough to persevere that’s all.

Qin Xiao has always believed that if people only work hard enough to stick to the end, then they will definitely achieve something.

The road has never been given by God, but by people.

When I walked out, that was the way. If you can’t get out, it’s not a way.

But what kind of path can be taken? I believe this is not specific, it should be able to go out any way, just to see if you can go out that’s all.

So, Qin Xiao feels that the focus is not on the road, but on the people.

To create a cultivation path, the focus is not on the road, but on the person that’s all.

After all, this cultivation path needs people to create it.

As long as there is no one going out, there should be hope to come out.

In other words, as long as you can get out, any path can be created as a cultivation path.

The only question is, can you create it that’s all.

As soon as Qin Xiao guided the breakthrough of within the body world, the entire Daoxu land had some huge upheavals.

All the power has been sucked in the past, and rushed to Qin Xiao’s side, so ah, it inspired the whole land of Daoxu.

Yuan Yuan, who was immersed in cultivation, was awakened by this great movement and retreated from the cultivation.

When seeing that Qin Xiao was breaking through, Yuan Yuan also smiled and burst into flowers, happy like a child who got sugar.

“Hehe, I knew that Qin Xiao big brother could do it. He really did it. It was really great.”

If anyone else is here and sees Yuan Yuan’s admiring look, I’m afraid he would call it a’flower idiot’, right?

Tianxuan City, one place.

A silhouette stood there, gazing at the entire city of Tianxuan, looking like everything in his eyes.

If anyone is here, it will definitely recognize who this silhouette is, and no one else is Elder Plow, the highest weighted Elder in the city.

Elder Elder is one of the Sovereigns in Tianxuan City. He has the absolute right to speak in Tianxuan City.

Although it is not the existence of the world god realm, its own strength is deep and unmeasurable.

Anyone who plows the smoke in front of Elder, dare not make the slightest mistake, including His Highness Lan Hua, who has a lot of identity.

“En?” Li Yan, Elder Meiyu picked it slightly, his eyes looked towards the land of Daoxu, and all the pictures there were presented in front of him, as if they were exactly the same as they saw before.

When the plow smoked Elder saw the situation in the land of Daoxu, his brow furrowed slightly again, and a trace of surprise appeared.

“This Qin Xiao kid is indeed a rare and rare seedling. It’s not bad, the old man didn’t look away.”

“This kid, in the land of Daoxu, is going to break through the 3-step Ancient Saint realm. With such a young 3-step Ancient Saint realm, our entire avenue, Sacred Domain, can’t find a few.”

“The strangest thing is that this kid just broke through the 3-step Ancient Saint realm, how could there be such a big movement? Just looking at this movement, the old man almost thought it was a 4-step Ancient Saint realm to break through. Become a world god.”

“It’s really weird, unreasonable thing. Breaking through the 3-step Ancient Saint realm, why is there such a big movement? Why is it so crazy to devour the Power of Primal Chaos?”

“The speed of such terrifying can be compared with that of breaking into the world’s realm.”

“What the hell is this kid doing? Why is it so strange?”

Without any hesitation, Elder immediately moved to the land of Daoxu and came to Qin Xiao.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately enveloped the land and isolated it.

In this way, it is not noticed by others, does not affect other places, and suppresses all movements.

Such a big movement, if spread, it may not be a good thing.

So Elder did not hesitate to plow the cigarette, immediately blocked it here.

Not only that, but Elder also mobilized a lot of Power of Primal Chaos for Qin Xiao to use.

But Qin Xiao is like a bottomless black hole. The speed of the devouring strength is too powerful too terrifying. It really surprised Elder Plow.

It also allows Elder to increase the speed of mobilizing the Power of Primal Chaos time and time again. In order to maintain this speed of engulfment, even he feels a little difficult.

This makes Elder Lider secretly wonder more than once. What a freak, this Qin Xiao kid?

That’s not true, but he had been Qin Xiao’s.

Qin Xiao is nothing more than a humble life that’s all coming out of the universe. It’s not a special body, nor other aliens, it’s just a normal Human Race.

That is, there is no such thing as Bloodline inheritance or a special body?

At least from the information he possesses, if it is really the case, then I will say something else.

But at least in his opinion, it is indeed impossible to see what is unique about Qin Xiao and what is different from others.

The situation in front of me is really strange.

Of course, this is not a bad thing, on the contrary it will be a very, very good thing.

This also made him more fortunate that he had just decided at the beginning, and strongly invited him to enter Qin Xiao Academy cultivation.

It would be a pity if this ancient peerless evildoer was let go. It would also be a great loss to the Academy.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao let him agree.

Plow Tobacco Elder is very hard to mobilize the Power of Primal Chaos to Qin Xiao to meet the breakthrough needs of Qin Xiao.

Originally, realm’s breakthrough did not take too long to complete, but this situation is obviously different in Qin Xiao.

It took Qin Xiao 2 times more time than normal to complete the breakthrough.

Seeing that Qin Xiao was finally breaking through, Elder was so relaxed.

If he didn’t finish it, he would be overwhelmed.

He was also the first to do such physical work.

He dignified the Elder of the city of choice, and the elder of the high weight, he would even put a hand on a 2-step Ancient Saint.

But no matter how hard it is, Elder Plow is also happy.

After completing the breakthrough, I feel the breakthrough and improvement of my body, and feel that my body is filled with powerful power. This feeling is very beautiful.

This wonderful feeling also made Qin Xiao indulge in it for a while, making it difficult for him to extricate himself.

“The 3-step Ancient Saint realm is much earlier than I expected.”

“Opportunities, there are often unexpected gains. This trip to the city of choice is the right thing to do.”

“Originally, I just reported that it was close to the giant, but didn’t expect to have such a big gain without thinking.”

“Not bad, the power of the 3-step Ancient Saint Realm is indeed very powerful. Simply speaking from the realm, my strength has increased several times than before?”

“Within the body world, the power has also been increased several times? The size of within the body world has increased by a factor of two.”

“I’m afraid that my overall strength is ten times higher than before?”

“This is still when I still have a lot of rules that have not broken through to Great Success Realm. If I can break all other Seven Sects rules to Great Success Realm, then my strength will become more powerful. Now.”

“But Rao is so. My strength is now much stronger than before. Now, I am completely confident, confident and able to fight against the four-step Ancient Saint realm.”

“Now that if I were to encounter the Luo Lansheng mage again, should I be able to kill him? At least it should have a high probability?”

Qin Xiao curl one’s lip, powerful feeling, really good.

A good feeling of your own strength can be regarded as a reward for yourself.

The next thing to do is to work hard to break other Seven Sects laws into Great Success Realm, which is also a difficult cultivation task.

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