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“Wu Dong is in Middle-Stage, so fast!”

It took only half a day for Qin Xiao to break through directly to Bone Transformation Middle-Stage. Such a breakthrough speed really surprised Qin Xiao.

didn’t expect, the effect of this bloody compass was actually much stronger than the pure Origin Force.

Qin Xiao is closed here, but the King of Luoqing County is not idle at all. On the one hand, he adjusted the momentum and cooperated with the Da Mowei to resolve some of the remnants of Mount Mangjiao Mountain, and rescued a large number of young girls detained inside. At the same time, to clean Mount Mangjiao, we must completely remove Mount Mangjiao from the world.

2 In the past, the King of Luoqing County also released news to the outside that the incident of Liangjiaoshan involved the Liangjia family.

Although there is not much to say about the rest, it is easy for people to think of this incident as a revenge incident from Liang Family.

Qin Xiao’s big enmity with the Liang family is something that everyone knows. It is normal for Liangjia to kill Qin Xiao. Therefore, this incident naturally caused a lot of uproar, and the imperial city spread rapidly. The windfall of public opinion points directly to the Liangjia.

It is said that the Liang family was furious and wanted to make trouble to the Luoqing County King, but in the end it still couldn’t be solved.

On the other side, Soco City Lord learned that Hong Lie was actually accepted as a Direct Disciple by Luo Qingjun, and Hong Lie also climbed the big tree of Qin Xiao and was scared to death. He quickly asked all kinds of relationships to solve the problem, but the Luoqing County King did not give any face to anyone. He sent a team of people to imprison the Soko City Lord family and waited for Hong Lie to take revenge.

Under the guidance of the Luoqing County King, Hong Lie worked hard to improve, but his progress was very rapid.

Qinghe City, the capital city of Qinghe County, one of the 9 capital cities of Xuzhou.

Qinghe City is over 5000 miles long. Such a huge city can be equivalent to the size of Liufeng County.

Qinghe City, said to have over 10,000 years of history, is indeed a long ancient city. Among the 4 buildings in the city, you can see the deep traces left over from the years.

In Qinghe City, there are many forces. In the Qinghe County Ten Great Influences, there are 6 base camps in this Qinghe City, so Qinghe City is also invisiblely divided into 6 areas, representing Six Great Families. The land of rule.

In addition to the rule of Six Great Families, there are countless forces in Qinghe City. There are more than 40 Great Influence in Qinghe County, and more than half of them will have some strongholds in Qinghe City, where the branch forces are located. There are countless other small forces.

There are also some forces that are actually strong enough to rival a small country, but because they have no territory, they cannot become a Great Influence. Such a force may be hidden in Qinghe City.

Qinghe City, a very remote and secluded place, has a small building that looks very unremarkable. Even if an ordinary person passes by here, it won’t take a second look.

A very well-covered black clothed man quickly lowered his head and walked to the door of the small building. He said a strange whisper in his mouth, and the wooden door of the small building opened automatically.

The black clothed man scanned all around, and after confirming that there was no one, he quickly entered the building. As soon as I entered, the door of the small building was automatically closed, as if nothing had happened, and it was returned to the flat chest again.

This black clothed man, if Hong Lie is here at this time, will surely recognize Lu Jiansheng, the owner of Lu Jian Mountain Villa.

As soon as Lu Jiansheng entered the building, the scenery in front of him changed dramatically, and he was shocked to see: “There is another cave in here. Small World from the city side is generally different from the outside. It is completely different from the ghost hall. The means is indeed too unimaginable.”

The first time Lu Jiansheng came to such a place, it was still very cautiously. After a few steps forward, he saw an old man sitting in front of an 8-stone platform that exudes rays of light. This old man’s dress is very peculiar, unlike the average Human Race.

The old man looked up at Lu Jiansheng, but it was just a random look, but it made Lu Jiansheng’s palm involuntarily come out with cold sweat.

Good terrifying eyes!

With just one look, Lu Jiansheng felt a sense of being killed.

In front of me, this seemingly ordinary old man has a powerful terrifying strength.

Lu Jiansheng did not dare to carelessly and immediately said respectfully: “I have seen Senior!”

The old man lowered his head again to fiddle with his 8 stone platforms, a voice not like humans said: “Since you can come here, there must be something to ask for, say your appeal.”

“I want to ask you to kill someone.” Lu Jiansheng’s eyes filled with hate, and he handed over a jade slip respectfully, and the information recorded in the jade slip was naturally Qin Xiao’s message.

The old man just gave a glance, not at all took the jade slip, but he had checked the information inside and said, “1,000,000 yuan stone.”

“What? 1,000,000?” Although Lu Jiansheng had already prepared for it, he heard the figure, but the heart still couldn’t help but pumped hard.

He had budgeted before, it should be 500,000 yuan, but didn’t expect the other party’s opening is 1,000,000.

“Qin Xiao is just a kid in Early-Stage in the Wu Dong realm. Even the Holy Son of the Desert Academy, even if the strength can be compared with the 4-star Holy Son, is it not so expensive to kill him?”

The old man was a little displeased. He glanced at Lu Jiansheng and said, “I don’t have to explain this to you. Our ghost hall has always been doing business without bullying. We will check all the information ourselves, and then report it according to our information. The price is 1,000,000. If you can’t accept it, please leave.”

“This…” Lu Jiansheng actually knew that the rules of the Ghost Hall have always been like this.

There is absolutely no room for bargaining for the prices they quote, saying that 1,000,000 is 1,000,000, even if it is 99,000 9,999, this is an iron rule.

And the ghost hall is indeed child-friendly, no matter who comes, the price will definitely be the same. This price is the price that the ghost hall’s own horrible intelligence network gets a lot of information, and then analyzes it.

The Ghost Hall’s information network is absolutely terrifying. They can find things that others cannot find.

So while Lu Jiansheng was surprised, he couldn’t help thinking secretly, Qin Xiao is it possible that could not have hidden strength? If not, the asking price of the ghost hall is impossible so ruthless.

But since he has already come, Lu Jiansheng can only clenched the teeth. Cautiously took out his Lu Family inheritance treasure, and then handed it over respectfully, saying: “Senior, I can’t take out the 1,000,000 yuan stone. But listen The ghost hall also accepts treasure, as long as it is of equal value. This treasure is my family’s inheritance treasure. It’s amazing, and it even contains a big secret. If it can be unlocked, it will open a big treasure.”

Before Lu Jiansheng finished blowing his imagination, the old man waved his hand, and after taking a few things to look at it, he gave it back to Lu Jiansheng.

Lu Jiansheng looked puzzled, looking at the old man, anxious: “Senior, you are…”

The old man said: “Your thing looks strange, but I can’t understand what secrets are hidden in it. The magic is magical, but it’s hard to say whether it has great value. This thing, what I can give here , Up to 300,000 yuan stone.”

“What? 300,000 yuan stone? This…”

Lu Jiansheng still wanted to say something, but when he saw an old man’s cold eyes, he was suddenly scared and shut up quickly.

There are still unwilling in my heart, but can only get up and leave.

Out of the small building, Lu Jiansheng angrily cursed: “hmph, what a shit ghost hall, so ignorant of goods.”

“300,000 yuan stone? How is it possible? 1,000,000, definitely worth 1,000,000, don’t know the goods, hmph!”

Scolding scolding, but Lu Jiansheng is also worried now, what should I do?

The mission under the ghost hall is impossible, take this thing to look at other stores?

Lu Jiansheng thought, but he didn’t dare, really dare.

This is Qinghe City, not the imperial city of the desert country. For the simple truth of wealth, why didn’t he understand? If it is revealed here, it is likely to cause killing disaster.

With the strength of his Wu Dong Jing Peak, I really dare not care in Qinghe City. His strength is not worth mentioning in Qinghe City, and he is not tolerated by accident.

After thinking about it, in the end Lu Jiansheng still dispelled all the thoughts, so he had to go back and make plans.

Yeliang State is located to the east of the Desert State. The territory of its rule is similar to that of the Desert State.

The Desert Country and Yeliang Country have never been good friends, and even small-scale battles have occurred on the border.

There is a huge palace in the deep underground of Secret Realm Danger Land in Yeliang State, under the ground zhang and zhang.

In a deep room in the palace, above the high throne, sits a giant creature up to ten meters in size, born with an unusually ugly grimace, and has spikes of cold glow shining on it. Those copper bell-like eyes, terrifying, can scare the sky.

He sat there, as if it were this empty Sovereign, and everything had to surrender at his feet.

Below him, kneeling an abyss demon about 6 meters high, the green scales are obviously strangely scary.

“Lantuo Anaconda, you are the person I’m most relieved of working with. I have always been in good company with Liang Mingyou, and it’s up to you to kill the human kid. Remember, be sure to put the bloody compass Get it back.” Under the throne, a thunderous voice came down.

Ranto said: “The subordinates will not disappoint Lord Lingzi.”


At the same time, imperial city, deep desert Academy.

When I heard the news, I frowned deeply, and it took a long time before I said: “Well, you Qin Xiao, your growth rate really surprised me. Didn’t expect, the layout of my Liang family’s this time, actually It’s all broken by you.”

“5 Poison Man and the two Profound Magic Realms of Mangjiao Mountain join forces, and there are life-saving cards in hand. They didn’t kill you, but they were killed by you. Mangjiao Mountain, they were all destroyed by you. On your hands.”

“Qin Xiao, you are a real evildoer, and I really have to admire your evildoer genius. The more so, the more you are going to die, to die. My rays of light must not be surpassed by you. If you do not die, in the future If it grows up, it will definitely become a threat to my good family.”

“Hmph, but how will my good family be so simple? You don’t want to survive, it’s not that easy. The King of Deserts, won’t suppress my good family because of you alone. You must die if you die. “

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