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The deadlock in the atmosphere is broken.

Well, Saintess, there is no solution. After all, it is a cold personality. There is no way to change it.

Moreover, the cold of Saintess Luozi is a special kind of cold, which is also different from the general high cold.

She interpreted Gao Leng as an extreme point, right?

His Royal Highness Zhu Zhuo put down the shelf, and they quickly became one with Qin Xiao.

Yuanyuan tried to talk to Luozi Saintess again, but this time did not at all make much progress, so he quickly returned in frustration.

It’s really hard to get close to Luoess Saintess.

Even the innocent and cute little girl of Yuanyuan can’t get close, then the others are more conceivable.

Qin Xiao 5 people didn’t wait at all for how long, 100 years later, Elder Plow took a handsome, handsome man with a handsome and energetic presence.

This is a man who looks only about 30, handsome and extraordinary.

Those eyes, especially bright, have a special deterrent effect.

But these eyes don’t make people feel afraid of terror, and won’t dare to look at each other.

Just looking at each other for a long time will make people feel like they will be seen through by the other party.

The breath from the body is not strong, not at all makes people feel very sharp.

This shows that the breath convergence is very good, but if you feel it carefully, you will know that it is extremely powerful.

Qin Xiao also looked at the people, the other party should be a 4-step Ancient Saint realm, but the strength should be extremely strong.

Perhaps it should not be under Elder Plow.

This person is sent by the Academy of Heaven, is it a student of Academy of Heaven?

“Qin Xiao, let me introduce to you, this is the student of the Academy of Heaven, who is 100 miles away. I entered the Academy of Heaven a few times higher than you, and I also went out from our 100 world election.”

Qin Xiao, who smiled at 100 Li Tu Tu, smiled and said, “5 Junior Brother Junior Sister, I also went out from this large area, that’s all a few years higher than you.”

“Hehe, I’m still more casual. So you don’t have to be nervous and cautious in front of me, just be casual.”

“Everyone will call me Senior Brother in the future. You can ask me for anything in the future.”

“I’ve seen Senior Brother Tu within 100 miles!”

After Qin Xiao looked at each other, they also saluted in unison and shouted in unison.

Qin Xiao was thinking in his heart, it seems that this 100-mile Senior Brother Tu is quite good at talking.

And it’s not at all what kind of shelf, it feels very good.

This can be considered a good thing. If we meet with Senior Brother who is very difficult to get along with, it will be very uncomfortable.

In this way, everyone can relax.

In 100, Tu Shengzun smiled a little bit happy, and said, “Haha, speaking of which, this is my first time to pick up a newcomer. It feels very good.”

“Thinking back then, I also came out of this day’s election city, and walked step by step to today.”

“After a few cosmic eras, once again set foot in the heavenly city, set foot in this familiar place, the place where I once had good memories, I feel very good.”

“Seeing the few of you, I can’t help but remember what I was like, what you are like now.”

“This feeling is so good. It’s a pity that I can never return to my past.”

“Time flies, it won’t be there anymore, and it’s useless to sigh, it can only be found in memory.”

In the 100th Li Tu Tu, he started to sigh with emotion.

Qin Xiao still prefers to deal with people in temperament, most of these people are people with value emotion, value friendship.

People with value emotion, value friendship are actually not bad.

After feeling a bit of emotion, Tu Shengzun from 100 miles waved his hand and said, “Okay, well, don’t lament these old things in front of you.”

“Hehe, let’s be honest.”

“This time, I’m here to pick you up from the Academy of Heaven, and we should start now. What is the matter, you come and ask me again on the road.”

“However, the road is not far away, and I don’t think it will be long.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

After hearing the words of Tu Shengzun in 100 miles, they were all a little excited.

I am about to enter the Academy of Heaven. It is really exciting to think about it.

With a wave of his hand, 100 Li Tu took away Qin Xiao 5 people.

He also transformed into a stream of light, rushed towards the sky, and soon disappeared in front of Elder Plow.

This way is very fast, Qin Xiao entire group has reached the boundary of the Academy.

The Academy of Heaven is also very hidden, like the Saint Academy of Immortal Territory, which does not exist in the true world, but in the realm.

If there is no way to lead the Academy students, there is definitely no way to find it here.

This is the same as St. Academy, but if St. Academy is compared with Sky Academy, it will be much worse.

If nothing else, if you just say something, then it is far from what Saint Academy can match 10000.

At this time, before Qin Xiao, they were full of nebula, magnificent and magnificent.

And in that magnificent nebula, a huge building group stands, surrounded by the nebula, it looks very sacred, magnificent, and majestic.

A glance at the past can give people an unprecedented sense of shock, the kind of extreme shock that intimidates the soul.

What I saw made Qin Xiao 5’s eyes widen slightly, and gave out some light.

The excitement also surged again.

Right now, legendary Academy.

The Sacred Domain, or even the first institution and the highest institution in the Great Thousand Worlds.

All of the extremely talented throughout the Great Thousand Worlds have squeezed their heads, yearn for something even in dreams want to enter the cultivation of the Academy.

Saint Academy is the first Academy in the fairyland, but it is much worse than the Academy in the sky. It is not in the same grade.

Perhaps after the endless years of development of St. Academy, it will slowly catch up and narrow the gap.

But if you want to catch up completely, it is probably impossible.

Looking at the Academy near the sky in the distance will make people involuntarily overwhelmed by emotions, and their blood will boil.

Especially for Qin Xiao, they are about to enter the cultivation in the Academy of Heaven, and they are about to enter this sacred place.

This mood is expressed in words.

“5 Junior Brother Junior Sister, this has entered into the realm of the Academy of Heaven. The Academy is in front. Hahaha, the first time I saw the Academy of Heaven, I am about to enter the Academy of Heaven, and I would like to interview you What is your mood at this time?” Tu Shengzun in 100 Li smiled and said a word to Qin Xiao 5.

What mood?

Qin Xiao laughed, saying: “Happy, excited, look forward to it.”

Basically, is everyone in this mood?

100 mile Tu Shengzun laughed, nodded said: “Yeah, basically this is the mood.”

“So, seeing your current mood, I thought of the same feeling when I came back. But ah, I’m more excited than you. I screamed directly.”

“Your performance is quite good. You haven’t screamed. It’s still relatively calm. Your mood is good.”

“Let’s go, let me take you into the real Academy, and show you some different feelings.”

“In addition to five of you, there are some other new students joining. There are Sacred Domains on our road, and there are other Sacred Domains.”

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words of Tu Tu.

At this time, there are still many students entering the Academy together?

It’s not just the five of them?

In the past, Qin Xiao really thought that only five of them, didn’t expect this to be the case.

This time, it looks different.

There are many others, but it’s hilarious. If many people enter the Academy in the same batch, this is also a good thing.

I don’t know, there are some who join it.

“What a surprise, it’s normal. This time is quite special, and a lot of things have just caught up. So, this time, there are more new Junior Brother Junior Sisters who join us in the Academy of Heaven. .”

“In a situation like this, our Academy has not been in a long time.”

“You this time good luck, it is lucky to be able to meet this time.”

“There are many people entering the same batch, there will be a lot of excitement, and of course, there will be a lot of competition. If you want to perform better in this batch, then the pressure will be much greater. It’s not so easy to compete with you.”

“Haha, but I still prefer you. After all, you came out of the city of Tianxuan. The people who walked out of our city are always the same.”

In 100, Tu Shengzun once again said a sentence, taking Qin Xiao 5 people to move on.

Soon, five people entered the magnificent building complex.

The building complex here is very large and extremely magnificent, separated from one another.

The area of ​​each and everyone is divided by the nebula. Some areas are not only separated by the nebula, but also enveloped by the breath of sacred rays of light, enveloped by powerful forces, and isolated from everything.

Those areas, at a glance, are very unusual and definitely not a place of leisure.

In 100 miles, Tu Shengzun took the 5 people of Qin Xiao to an area and landed on an open space.

The open space on the ground is not actually land or jade stone, but nebula.

Stepping on it feels a little strange.

This open space is very large. Around this open space, there are several areas connected to many buildings.

There are some differences between the grand and the magnificent.

And each building feels very unique, different, but each has 1000 autumn.

Qin Xiao 5 Everyone looked at all around curiously, all the way looking at the Academy.

The Academy of Heaven is not very large. In terms of construction area, it is estimated that it’s all twice as large as St. Academy.

For the realm, it is bigger.

But along the way, it seems that I didn’t see who.

Rao fell into the Academy at this time, and he still didn’t see other silhouettes, which seemed strange.

When a new student enters the Academy, does anyone come out with a little curiosity?

No one can see it.

“100 Li Tu, you are fast enough, and you came back from the Tianxuan city.” A voice suddenly came from behind.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but looked at it, and saw a man who was peerless grace and elegance like 100 Li Tu walked here with 5 men and 1 woman.

The speaker is obviously also the discipline of the Academy.

The six people behind him are obviously the genius candidates who entered the Academy cultivation this time.

When Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on a man, the excited Qin Xiao shivered involuntarily, and a thick surprise appeared on his face.

This is even more true when the other party sees Qin Xiao.

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