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After killing Lu Jiansheng, Qin Xiao checked Lu Jiansheng’s Heaven and Earth Bag. Sure enough, there were not many Yuanshi, only more than 60000, plus some treasure and so on, almost barely only 70000 Yuanshi.

For forces like Lu Jian Shanzhuang, it is quite normal.

“Huh, what is this?” Qin Xiao’s eyes were attracted by the strange crystal the size of a baby’s head.

This is the heirloom of the Lu Family, and the efforts of generations of Lu Family have no way to study it. But this crystal, just a glance will make it feel very out of the ordinary.

“It’s really heavy. With a little size, it’s more than 1,000 jin. It’s heavier than any material I’ve seen. It’s very hard. I’m pinching it with all my strength. I can’t shake it. Things are really peculiar, what exactly are they?” Qin Xiao was also very curious.

After studying it for a while, I couldn’t understand it.

But intuition tells Qin Xiao that this thing is very out of the ordinary, and it is definitely a rare treasure.

“Lu Jiansheng just took this treasure to the ghost hall, but the ghost hall did not accept it? So, the ghost hall has been evaluated there, and I think this treasure is not worth much, at least not worth more than 500,000. Yuan Shi. It seems that this treasure is not particularly rare, but why do I have some unpredictable hunch?” Qin Xiao thought about it, but still couldn’t understand it.

After studying for a long time, there was no gain at all, and Qin Xiao was too lazy to waste time.

“I have a chance to show the Master in the future. After all, the Master is the emperor, and he may not necessarily know this thing.”

Having made up his mind, Qin Xiao quickly left.

Killing Lu Jiansheng naturally did not cause any movements. Of course, even if the movements were caused by Lu Jian Shanzhuang, it would not pose any threat to Qin Xiao.

However, after Qin Xiao killed Lu Jiansheng, there was no killer. The others in Lu Jian Mountain Villa were saved from death, which was considered to be Qin Xiao’s kindness.

After returning to Luoqing County King Mansion and saying goodbye to Luoqing County King, Qin Xiao left with neon.

Qin Xiao not at all directly returned to imperial city, but detoured to the ghost valley. It’s no secret that Qin Xiao got the inheritance of the Apocalypse now. The mysterious veil of Yumon Valley has already been removed, and Yumon Valley naturally lacks the mysterious and angry nature of the past. Now it has become ordinary.

The people of the Demon family have also moved away from the Demon Valley deeply, and all of them have reached Qin Family. Qin Family has divided an independent area for the life training of the people of the Demon family.

Some people from the Demon family have joined in secretly. In fact, the strength of Qin Family is already well-deserved first in Liufeng County, and the County King Mansion is also far behind.

Qin Family is now fully equivalent to the strength of a county. In addition, there is another Qin Xiao, which has already made Qin Family’s reputation spread to the entire desert country. Even Qin Family has squeezed into the top 100 Great Family forces in the desert nation.

Qin Xiao entered the Apocalypse Palace and arranged the neon to rest aside. He went to the core of the Apocalypse Palace.

In the Earth Palace, I saw Jianyi again, as the Guardian of the Apocalypse Palace, he stayed here for more than 1000 years.

“Master!” Jianyi is a puppet after all. Although he has very good human wisdom, it does not at all human emotions, so it still feels cold. It’s just that it’s much better than the puppets put forward by the King of the Desert.

Just looking at the surface, I can’t see that Jian Yi is a puppet. In fact, Qin Xiao is also puzzled.

It stands to reason that even if it is a puppet at the level of Profound Magic, it should not make people see that it is a puppet.

shook the head, Qin Xiao started to practice.

When this time comes to the Apocalypse Palace, Qin Xiao wants to pass all the tests left by the Apocalypse King and truly inherit the inheritance of the Apocalypse King. Of course, Qin Xiao mainly wants to raise his sword array wind Profound Truth to the 3rd floor level. Now only Formation Profound Truth is still stuck in Second Stage. If only Formation Profound Truth breakthrough is needed, then the word array wind Profound Truth breakthrough That is where water flows, a canal is formed.

Formation Profound Truth, compared to Profound Truth of the wind, Profound Truth of Metal and the like are easier to get on.

Of course, Formation Profound Truth requires more talent. It is easy for talented people, but it is very difficult for people without talents.

There are 108 Formations left by the Apocalypse King for Qin Xiao to practice and understand, which naturally makes Qin Xiao understand the speed very quickly.

One month, 2 months, 3 months.

Time has been quietly lost, 108 Formations, and it took more than 2 months for Qin Xiao to complete all the preparations, and the Formation Profound Truth also smoothly broke through to the 3rd floor. That is to say, Qin Xiao is now a high grade Array Master with 8 years of experience, called Array Master.

The Array Master of the entire desert country will definitely not exceed the number of one hand.

Further up, it is the top grade Array Master, also known as the King of Formation, which is also the level of the Apocalypse King.

At this level, Qin Xiao is still a little far away.

In 3 months, Qin Xiao fully consolidated Array Dao, and sword array wind Profound Truth also successfully broke through to the 3rd floor.

“This is the strength of the sword array wind Profound Truth 3rd floor, and it is indeed extremely powerful. If my realm is not too weak to play the true power of Profound Truth, then my strength is probably close to the level of the king?” Feeling his strength, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but feel a little more arrogant.

middle grade Profound Truth 3rd floor, that is the formal power of Profound Magic level.

The 4th floor is formidable power comparable to the general king level.

5th floor, can be comparable to the formidable power of the general emperor level.

6th floor, that is the ultimate realm of the emperor, and even those who suffered a little can be comparable to the sage.

The great prince of the Great Perfection realm, that is the supreme existence that stands on the world cream of the crop in 9 continents, which is really like the existence of Spiritual God.

God can be king.

Myriad Tribulations can be emperor.

The Great Perfection Realm is for the Supreme King.

This is the division of strength corresponding to middle grade Profound Truth. If it is low grade Profound Truth, it should be lowered by one layer. Low grade Profound Truth Even if you reach the 6th floor, the maximum formable power is the level of the king.

If it is high grade Profound Truth, then the 6th floor is the formidable power of the absolute monarch, and it is the most devastating monarch level.

High grade Profound Truth is almost a legendary existence.

At least Qinghe County, there has never been a high grade Profound Truth.

Qin Xiao’s sword array wind Profound Truth is the 3rd floor. With the secret technique of the Heavenly Sword, Qin Xiao is confident that he can fight against a Profound Magic realm in the later stage, and even say that it is not impossible to fight against a Profound Magic realm Peak. Fighting.

Of course, this is just Qin Xiao’s conjecture. How powerful is the powerhouse of Peak Found in Peak, Qin Xiao doesn’t know.

“I now have the sword array wind Profound Truth to practice the fastest, it is already the 3rd floor, but it is difficult to break through to the 4th floor. Profound Truth of Sword and Wind Profound Truth may be better, and the formation Profound Truth can be higher. The harder it is. The 4th floor is the level of the Apocalypse King. Profound Truth of Metal, I am still the 2nd floor, Profound Truth of Yin-Yang is the 2nd floor, Profound Truth of Space is the 1st floor, and the Tianjian sword is still stuck in Second Revolution. Fortunately, my realm has improved very quickly, it is already in the late stage of Wu Dong.”

“Although my strength is good today, it is too far away from being able to save my father. Unless, I can practice the sword array wind Profound Truth, Profound Truth of Yin-Yang and Profound Truth of Space to 4th floor, I am afraid that there will be some strength to save my father.”

“I am too far away from this level, so far, so where can I have happy capital?”

“I have to work 100 times 1000 times harder than others.”

Qin Xiao understands that his strength is still far from the speed of progress he wants, but still feels too slow.

Sword array wind Profound Truth, it is too difficult to improve temporarily, Qin Xiao temporarily entered.

The test left by the Tianqi King passed all, and Jianyi came over early.

“Congratulations to the master.” Jian Yi said.

Qin Xiao waved his hand and said: “Jian Yi, I don’t know what King Tianqi left for me?”

The sword one after another waved his hand, and an exquisite Little Pagoda appeared in his hand. Qin Xiao recognized it at a glance. Isn’t this the Apocalypse Palace?

But it is a reduced version of the Apocalypse Palace.

“Master, this object is called the Apocalypse Palace. It is one of the 2 treasures left by the apocalypse master. This object is a king-level treasure, which can resist the attack of the king and is a very defensive king-level treasure “Sword together.”

Qin Xiao took over the Tianqi Palace, and the strong breath from the Tianqi Palace can also feel the power of the Tianqi Palace. It is indeed a king-level treasure.

The classification of treasure from low to high is: low grade, middle grade, high grade, top grade, king grade, emperor grade and holy grade.

The treasure of top grade is rare. At least Qin Xiao has not yet had a top grade treasure.

King level, that is the treasure that only the king level can have, and only the king level can exert the formidable power. A king-level treasure is enough for a king to be jealous of all existence and will snatch it.

Whether it is treasure or Spiritual Artifact Spiritual Pill Formation, it is almost like this method of grading. Cultivation technique, martial skill and the like are also using this kind of grading.

Qin Xiao used his own soul to leave a mark on the Tianqi Palace, which is a process of recognizing Master.

As soon as the recognizing Master succeeded, Qin Xiao immediately received a lot of information from the Apocalypse Palace.

“Good treasure, it really is good treasure. Not only defensive treasure, but also flying treasure, the number of lines per day is million li. That is to say, if I use Tianqi Palace to go to Qinghe City, it only takes half a day Reachable. It’s too fast, too fast. It’s really a treasure for life.”

King-level treasure, even if it is a king, you can continue to use it. This life-saving treasure can actually follow Qin Xiao for a long time.

Putting away the Apocalypse Palace, Qin Xiao asked, “What about another treasure?”

The sword said: “It’s me.”

Qin Xiao was slightly flustered, but it was immediately relieved. Although the King of Enlightenment is the King of Enemy, it is unlikely that he will be able to own 2 pieces of king treasure if he is rich. Level treasure.

Qin Xiao Yi said with a smile: “Jian Yi, how is your strength?”

“Profound Magic Realm Peak, can barely block the time of the king breathing ten breaths.” Jian Yi said.

“Profound Magic Peak, it seems that I still underestimate you. You can block the king ten breaths, it’s amazing.” Qin Xiao nodded, this strength is indeed good.

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