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Pure Brother and Yuanyuan also rushed over.

Seeing the messenger messenger, the pure brother was somewhat depressed. “Eh, I said the messenger Senior, what are you doing with us, you guys haven’t passed the test and let people enter. Senior, how did you feel a little bit like this? Discrimination against us.”

The messenger of Xiaoyao glared at Chunjie without looking angry, and said, “Old man, I just like this, can’t it? Why, are you upset?”


That is of course uncomfortable, where does it feel good?

If there is no way, the pure brother will be rough.

But now, it can only be forbearance, after all, something requires the messenger.

Chunjie was there to shatter his thoughts and wanted to say something, but it was stopped by Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao said again, “Senior messenger Senior, I wonder if we can give us a chance now?”

The messenger Senior’s hand wiped in the air, 9 golden signs flew out, stood in the void, and appeared in front of Qin Xiao 3 people.

The messenger said: “Choose four out of these nine brands. After completing the four missions on that brand, come and find the old man.”

Obviously, these 9 brands all record different tasks.

9 choose 4?

Need to complete 4 tasks?

“Isn’t it all 3 tasks? Why 4?” Junjie’s brow furrowed again.

The Xiaoyao messenger stared at the pure brother and said, “There are three others, but you need four. Don’t ask why, the old man is willing. If you don’t want to accept it, then go, the old man doesn’t want to give you a chance yet.”

“You’re a bad old fogey–” Pure brother was upset again.

He has been upset for a long time, and has long wanted to use his fists.

However, in the end it was forbearance.

“By the way, three of you, there should be ten or two. It seems that nine are not enough.” Another move from the messenger messenger, and ten or eight golden brands came out.

Twenty-seven golden brands were presented in front of Qin Xiao 27 people, and they should be drawn by their three people.

“Everyone just needs to draw their own. It costs 4 yuan per person. Hurry up. The old man is still busy. There is no free time to stay with you.” The messenger Xiaoyao said again, and urged him.

Qin Xiao took 4 pieces at random, and then said to the messenger: “As far as we are two, she does not participate.”

After the messenger looked at Yuanyuan, he said, “If this little girl participates, you only need to draw 3 yuan.”

Yuanyuan blinked. In fact, she still wanted to participate. She wanted to go to Xiaoyao Xiaojie with Qin Xiao and Chunjie.

However, Yuanyuan glanced at Qin Xiao. The latter shook her head and signalled, Yuanyuan could only grunt her mouth, and “shook the head” to the messenger: “It’s not fun to play when people don’t participate anymore.”

Yuan Yuan did not participate, and the messenger did not say much.

Pure Brother also drew 4 brands.

After 2 people finished, the messenger left directly, not at all.

“Just leave? This messenger is really an old facetious ah, and his head is very high.” Brother Chunjie felt uncomfortable when thinking about it.

Others are 3 yuan, but they want 4 yuan.

For this kind of thing, Qin Xiao can only helplessly shake his head laughed, there is no way to do things.

“Let’s take a look at the tasks first. Eight tasks are probably enough for us to have a headache.” Qin Xiao said.

2 people looked at the task.

Qin Xiao looked at the first task, called 9 days Lan Yue.

Looking at the name of this task, it is quite domineering and arrogant. Would you like to go to the moon for 9 days?

However, the 9-day moon is obviously a false finger, not at all what really exists.

After seeing the contents of the task within the body, Qin Xiao knew what was going on.

The so-called 9-day lunar month is to enter a Secret Realm called 9-day burning to find a rare world called Yinyue.

This task seems to be not so difficult.

No matter how dangerous the Secret Realm is, Qin Xiao also has several points of confidence to break into it, just looking for a rare world that’s all, it is not difficult.

Moreover, the messenger not at all said that he could not use other means to complete this task. The task is simply Silver Moon. So, you only need to get Silver Moon, right? As for how to get it, it should be unimportant.

The other 8 tasks are all about the same difficulty.

In general, Qin Xiao feels that it is not particularly difficult, but it should be bothersome and difficult.

To complete these 8 tasks, it really takes a long time.

Because of some tasks, even if you lose it again, you can easily complete it in a short time. It must take a certain amount of time to accumulate before it can be completed.

Because of this, difficulty is not the biggest problem of these 8 tasks, but time is the biggest problem of these 8 tasks.

After reading these 8 tasks, Pure Brother smashed his mouth in a somewhat uncomfortable way: “The tasks given by Xiaoyao Xiaojie are all so troublesome? Then there are really not many people who can complete them?”

“If you don’t say ten thousand li, choose one, it’s probably almost the same?”

“Or, is that bad old fogey deliberately embarrassing us?”

Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “That messenger messenger gave us an extra task, it is already embarrassing us.”

“I guess it should be based on strength.”

“It’s estimated that our strength, old fogey, knows that, so it gave us more difficult tasks.”

“Regardless of this, there is nothing that can be changed now, we can only work hard to complete these tasks. Otherwise, we can’t even enter the small world.”

Pure brother helplessly shook the head: “It’s not an easy task to complete these 8 tasks.”

“It is estimated that if we can complete it in countless years, it will be against the sky. If the situation is not going well, I estimate that it may be 200000000 million years.”

“Isn’t these tasks as long as the result, we just need to give the result to the messenger, what else should they delve into?”

“Otherwise, let’s find some helpers? Or-let’s go and find the Master of the next Tianshui Palace. He has a lot of information and information, and see if there is anything that can help us.

“And there is His Highness Badger Huai, but his father is the chief of Zilin. If you look for him on this matter, should he help us?”

Qin Xiao shook his head pale and laughed, saying: “Human debt is the hardest to repay. It’s better not to owe or not, unless there is no way.”

“What we can do, try to do it by ourselves, at most it takes more time that’s all.”

“But for ourselves, is it not a kind of honour? This is also a good thing for our cultivation. Now, don’t we just need more practice?”

“In this way, it is possible for us to better improve, break through, and hit a higher and more powerful realm.”

Pure brother shrugged and said, “That’s right. Human debts are really not bad. Although His Highness badger Huai is our own, his father is still his father. He owes this debt.

“Then that’s all that’s all, just three of us, let’s go together.”

“It’s nothing, isn’t it 8 tasks, anyway, it’s hard for us, just take some time that’s all.”

“It’s just cultivation, I just feel that I have encountered a little bottleneck, and I need some training.”

2 people negotiated, and they began to act.

It’s okay for Yuanyuan to follow them for the time being, and the three of them have also started to work together in the Sacred Domain.

8 tasks, let’s pick the easiest one to do first.

After negotiating with Qin Xiao and Brother Chunjie, they chose the task of ‘2 days to hold the moon’.

As soon as this task comes into Secret Realm, 2 is less time-consuming. You only need to find the silver moon in it. You don’t need to spend time accumulating and so on.

It is interesting to burn 9 Celestial in the territory of Langkawi.

Speaking of Langkawi, Qin Xiao naturally has bright eyes.

The chief culprit in the murder of Liuhe’s family is the high-ranking prince of Langkao.

Master Liuhe’s bloody hostility, Qin Xiao has never dared to forget, and has been working hard to avenge this for Liuhe old man.

If it is simply to kill him, it will not be too difficult. With Qin Xiao’s current strength, he can completely kill him.

But Qin Xiao is not in such a hurry. Since he wants revenge, he has to solve it together. He needs to solve the problem of the Gaosuo deity and Avatar together, so that he can be happy enough to be able to deal with the future. .

So, Qin Xiao didn’t want to easily shoot before finding the hiding place of Gao Gaojun.

This time I was going to burn for 9 days to find the silver moon, but I came to the Langkawi world, and aroused some thoughts of Qin Xiao.

“Brother, if we don’t wait for 9 days after we burned, will we kill him directly? Let’s slaughter the guy from Gao Gaosuo first, and then chant.”

“As for looking for his deity, come back later. Kill Avatar first, his deity can only hide. It’s not too late to deal with it slowly.” Brother Chunjie can see the mood of Qin Xiao , Is to mention a sentence.

That’s how he did it.

He directly killed King Qiong, directly killed King Qiong, and destroyed King Qiong.

Did Qin Xiao ever think about this?

He even made a lot of ideas, and I still thought about it, but he was finally rejected by Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “No, it is not appropriate to do so.”

“I’m not afraid of the crazy revenge of the master of the Gaosuo world himself, but there are still some people in my Master Liuhe’s family who are still alive.”

“I can’t protect their safety at all times, so ah, to solve this problem, we must solve it completely, and absolutely can’t leave any trouble. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. “

“There are still many situations that I haven’t figured out. This thing can’t be recklessly done.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore, let’s go to burn for 9 days first. When we come out from burning for 9 days and see, there is no need to go to the main palace of Langkawi.”

Pure brother shrugged, he knows that Qin Xiao considers more issues, so he is hesitant.

However, there are some things that I really have to consider, and the situation in which he killed King Qiong is still different.

He killed King Qiong without any worries. 2 King Qiong’s power is not great.

But to kill the Gaoshuo Realm Master, it’s a little trouble.

As soon as the person with Liu Shi was in his hands, the main character of Gaosuo Realm was a real master, and his power was not small.

I don’t want to think about these first.

A group of 3 people, it was 9 days soon to burn, and the Qin Xiao 3 people appeared in front of a fire sea, hot sea fire.

Looking at it from afar, it looks like a huge piece of red iron that burns red and falls there, red and red.

Whether it is the land, the sky, or the space, it is all red and red.

It looks pretty.

A huge territory is full of fire sea.

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