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“Haha, Yuanyuan, it seems that we have to visit the Military Leader as well. Congratulations.” Chunjie suddenly laughed and teased.

Yuanyuan this time is playing with the skin, following the pure brother, and pretending to meet Qin Xiao cup one fist in the other hand.

Qin Xiao glared at Chun Jie angrily and said, “If you are envious, I will let you be the lord.”

Pure brother immediately grinned and waved his hand: “che, is my pure brother the kind of person? But brother, you are really right, I can envy, and envy you to die. However, you can’t Look down on brother me.”

“I want to be the Lord of the Bounds, and I still need you to let me go? Then I can’t just grab one and come over. How big is it?”

“This kind of drudgery is still in your own hands, I will not share it for you.”

“Hahaha, I still prefer to be more relaxed.”

Yuanyuan also followed nodded: “Well, I am not interested, hehe. Qin Xiao big brother, you should be your real master.”

Qin Xiao bitterly laughed, can only be helpless.

In fact, he really doesn’t want to be this realm. Even with the many benefits of being a master, Qin Xiao is very clear that he does not at all time and energy to go to Langkawi.

But his mind is only on practice, and he has no intention to deal with a world.

But this time, there is no way to do things.

After all, Gao Gaoshuo is Lord of a Realm. If you want to kill him, you can’t directly shoot him.

If you make a hasty shot, if you do so at City Lord Mansion, then I am afraid that it will be brought down by the 5th to the highest forces.

If the offense is violated, the heaven punishment group may be dispatched.

If the heaven punishment is dispatched, then whether Qin Xiao is the discipline of the Academy or Li Sheng’s personal discipline, it will be punished according to the sky.

So, Qin Xiao also has no way. The best way is to launch an open challenge to Zeng Gaosuo to kill him.

No, incidentally, he also picked up the position of a real master and returned.

But in fact Qin Xiao at first refused.

Qin Xiao still has some headaches when thinking about this drudgery, but for the time being it can only be the case first. Let’s see how to arrange it later.

For Qin Xiao to stay in the world of Langkawi as the host, that is obviously an impossible thing.

At this time, a very neat pace of voice came from the main house of the world.

Legion, composed of 10000 people, came out, with bright and bright armor, uniforms, and a neat array, walking out together, and the voice sounded the sky.

Imposing manner is even more magnificent, with a sharp sharp edge, like a peerless sword, it contains extremely terrifying power.

A man headed, exudes a breath of 2 steps of Ancient Saint realm, and even is a 2 steps of existence of Ancient Saint realm.

“The First Army group led the First Army group to report to the Military Leader!” The presence of that 2 step Ancient Saint realm came to Qin Xiao with respect, and Hong Liang said.

After speaking, he waved his hand, and all the one-knee kneels of all the soldiers of the entire First Army regiment shua shua went down, holding the soldier in his left hand, and the right hand clenched his fist across his chest and performed a big gift.

The head of the First Army also knelt down and said that he bowed to Qin Xiao and loyal to Qin Xiao, the New Territories leader.

Soon, another 10000 troops came out of the main palace.

In the main house of the world, all four places began to turbulence, and a sound was heard from all four places.

Each and everyone Legion walked out of the Realm of the Lord of the Realm, silenced the audience again, and made everyone shut their mouths and looked at this side.

“The Second Army group led the Second Army group to report to the Military Leader!”

“The 3rd Corps Head led the Second Army regiment to report to the Military Leader!”

“The 4rd Corps Head led the Second Army regiment to report to the Military Leader!”


“99th Corps Head led the Second Army regiment to report to the Military Leader!”

There are a total of 99 Legion in the whole main palace, each Legion is based on 10000 people, which is almost the elite soldier equivalent to 1000000.

These are just the power of Legion, what can be called Legion, that is the elite teacher and the absolute main force.

Some other soldiers and soldiers are not included in it.

And, to be able to enter Legion, the minimum requirement is the strength of the 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.

In other words, the 1000000 Legion elite soldiers in the realm of the realm of the realm are equal to the cultivator of the 1000000-step Heavenly Venerable environment with 4 for the realm of the realm of the realm.

At first glance, this number is indeed a very large number.

Not only is this 1000000 4-step Heavenly Venerable elite soldier, but each Legion can have at least one Ancient Saint realm, some Legion, and even two Ancient Saint realms.

Although it is basically a one-step Ancient Saint level, it is also an Ancient Saint level, and the number is quite large.

Moreover, this is not all the Ancient Saint realm power possessed by the main government, and it is also distributed to various places, and the number is also quite large.

Generally speaking, the main government controlled a huge Legion force, which is absolutely very powerful.

These forces are only loyal to the Lord, not to the individual. No matter who is the realm master, it is the same.

Their allegiance, or to be more precise, should be said to be allegiance to the real master order.

Therefore, those who become soldiers of the realm of the realm must be ordered by the realm of baptism to be loyal to the realm of the realm of the realm.

If this is not the case, it is a violation of the rules stipulated by the 5 great to high forces.

Once the rules are violated more, it may cause heaven punishment.

Therefore, there is no one who would dare to violate the rules by himself.

All 99 Legion played, all kneeled in front of Qin Xiao, and all shouted to the Military Leader, demonstrating their determination to swear allegiance.

This shocking force is very powerful terrifying.

There are still many situations that Qin Xiao did not understand, and he is now slowly understanding.

“Everyone, get up. In the future, the management of Langkawi will have to rely more on you.” Qin Xiao hugged cup one fist in the other hand to those Legion and said.

Legion’s lines are neatly arranged, and the momentum is loud.

Qin Xiao did not expect that he would control such a powerful force so quickly.

Although this control can only be in the territory of Langkawi, it is also a very beautiful thing.

Let’s digest these things later.

Qin Xiao withdrew his emotions, and his eyes fell on those Ancient Saints who had previously followed Zhuo Gaoshuo.

In fact, they were a little flustered at this time. When Qin Xiao’s eyes looked towards them, they all looked over.

They also don’t know how Qin Xiao will deal with them, but they have no resistance, they can only wait for Qin Xiao to decide their destiny.

At this time, they felt like fish on the cutting board, and their fate was completely controlled by others.

Qin Xiao looked at those people and said, “The Lords, if you talk about the cultivation years, it is estimated that you are all my seniors of Qin Xiao.”

“For whatever reason you used to loyal to Gaosuo and do things for him, I will not pursue anything.”

“The enmity I have with Gao Gaosuo is only between the two of us and has nothing to do with other people. Therefore, it will not be drawn to you. I will not have any kind of prejudice.

“But now Avatar was killed by me, and the position of the realm master was taken by me. Now I am in charge of Qin Xiao, the world of Sovereign, Qin Xiao.”

“Everyone should be a person with lofty ideals, and most of them have been living and multiplying in the Langkawi world.

“So, for you, I give you a suggestion, or a choice.”

“If you are willing to stay and work for Langkawi, I will welcome Qin Xiao very much and ignore the previous suspicions. Everything you have before will continue to be owned and even more.”

“Of course, if Yi Chi changes his flag, then he must have 2 hearts. If he still thinks of Gao Gaoshuo in his heart, he will still be caught by those who are caught by Gao Gaoshuo. Will block half a point.”

“It’s up to you to stay, it’s all up to you. I will also ask you to consider this matter carefully before replying.”

Qin Xiao has a heart of benevolence and righteousness, which touched the hearts of the Ancient Saints.

At least for them, the Qin Xiao boss should be a Mingjun, and he should be much stronger than the Gao Gaosuo.

Being able to follow such a Mingjun is actually a happier thing.

Those Ancient Saints also began to discuss in private.

The onlookers watched silently there, waiting.

After a while, an old man came out and gave a respectful gift to Qin Xiao, saying: “The military leader of Qin Xiao, the old eclipse, and there are 300 cosmic eras alive. The road to cultivation is prematurely broken, no It may go further.”

“So, I have long lost that ambition. I just want to stay in the world of Langkawi, and reproduce my children and grandchildren.”

“Among my eclipse, there are also many younger generations who are appointed and appointed in various places in Langkawi, even in Langkawi Legion.”

“My roots have been deep and deep in the Langkawi world. I can walk alone, but there is no way to take the roots together.”

“Fortunately, Qin Xiao’s military leader ignored the suspicions and accepted me to wait. This is my 10000 luck.”

“So, my old eclipse will follow the military leader of the Qin Xiao world in the future. Actually, the old eclipse has also followed several military leaders of the world. I only hope that the military leader of the Qin Xiao world will not be dismissed.”

“Haha!” Qin Xiao immediately smiled happily, and immediately stepped up to support the old eclipse, saying: “Welcome to you, how can you say that you dislike it?”

“In the future, everyone will be their own. Qin Xiao would like to thank the senior Eclipse Senior for their support.”

I was thanked by the Qin Xiao world leader for Senior, and I also thanked the old eclipse for fear and sincerity.

This military leader really doesn’t have a bit of a shelf, and it is worth admiring him for doing things.

It’s so good to treat his subordinates. His old eclipse has also followed a few lords, but he has never encountered such a kind heart as Qin Xiao.

There is a precedent for the old eclipse here, and all the worries in the minds of the people are immediately dispelled.

Immediately, another two-step Ancient Saint realm came out: “The Qin Xiao world Military leader, I will be willing to follow you in the future. I have offended many of them before, and I hope the Qin Xiao world Military leader will forgive me.”

Everyone was actually excited, and now someone has taken the lead and saw the mind of Corporal Qin Xiao Lixian. The generous heart of the house is naturally admired and admired.

Furthermore, this is a matter of moving the whole body.

As the saying goes, if peace and security can be stabilized, who wants to be displaced?

Therefore, most of them are still willing to stay, but it depends on whether they can stay.

It seems that it is possible to stay.

Therefore, those Ancient Saints also expressed their willingness to stay, willing to follow Qin Xiao, and willing to continue to serve the Langkawi world.

Seeing that everyone is willing to stay, Qin Xiao was also pleased and relieved.

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