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In this scene, many people who watched were stunned and speechless.

Many people looked towards Qin Xiao’s chopping knife with strange eyes, and they were all amazed what Divine Weapon is, could even use the life of the undead as a firewood?

is it possible that is not possible?

That’s not true, if it’s a world weapon, then there is Supreme’s world divine might.

The chopping knife was not at all with a touch of breath, so impossible would be the world weapon.

Not to mention the breath of bounded instruments, even the breath of Holy Artifact.

Boundary, the existence of the 4-step Ancient Saint realm Owner is very rare, I am afraid that the entire Avenue Sacred Domain can not find a few?

Moreover, the Ancient Saint Realm has no way to fully exert its formable power.

In any case, it’s all a chopping hatchet. Impossible is a weapon.

But this chopping knife is not ordinary at all, very strange and powerful.

In this battle, Qin Xiao won.

Almost everyone in the arena took the life of the undead to win. Only a few people also tried one’s luck and found it a little fun.

Although the bet was won, the number of bets was relatively small, and it was also where the chest was beaten.

In this competition, the biggest winner is naturally the pure brother.

But he took all of his net worth and took it to the upper limit of the arena.

Pure brother became the biggest winner, Qin Xiao’s name has also been lifted high, everyone re-examined Qin Xiao came.

And this matter was quickly spread through these people in the realm.

Someone soon guessed Qin Xiao’s intention to enter the Xiaoyao world. There is only one possibility, that is, he came to kill Gao Gao.

Such a crazy approach really makes people have to admire it.

In order to avenge blood and hatred, in order to kill Gaosuo’s deity, even so desperately entered into the Xiaoyao within the realm, it is a kind of feeling of fighting life.

Xiaoyao Xiaojie is not a place for anyone who wants to come in and go out.

Those who can enter the small world of killing enemies are crazy.

Especially a discipline of the Academy, it makes people feel that they have to take their own future.

As soon as the news here spread, someone immediately received the news.

At a place in Xiaoyao City, a man’s brow suddenly frowned deeply, and a frost flashed in his eyes.

“En? Qin Xiao ——”

“He dare to chase into Xiaoyao Xiaojie? And, how could he enter Xiaoyao with the realm so quickly?”

“By the way, it seems that when he met him for the first time in 9 days of burning, he was also looking for Silver Moon and also to complete the mission.”

“Then I left Langkawi for another 10-20 million years, and should have completed other tasks.”

“From the very beginning, he made all his plans, and his 9-day burning encounter only accelerated his plan that’s all.”

“From the very beginning, I was part of his plan, a flag he used to approach and master my father’s secrets.”

“Hmph hum, I’m so stupid, I’m really stupid enough. After living for so long, it will be used and deceived by people.”

“And this Qin Xiao, dare to chase Xiaoyao within the realm, it is really abominable.”

“Hmph, Qin Xiao Qin Xiao, you are crazy enough. You really did not expect that you dare to chase into Xiaoyao Xiaojie.”

“Although I have made assumptions in this area before, they have been ruled out by me. I think, no matter how crazy you are, it’s impossible. It’s so crazy that impossible really dare to ignore everything and fight for his life The entry into Xiaoyao is within the realm.”

“After all, trying to kill in the realm with Xiaoyao Xiao is not so easy. And, even if it is successful, if you want to leave the Xiaoyao realm, it will be an absolutely impossible thing in a short time.”

“Dignified the discipline of the Academy, really dare to be crazy enough to give up its good future and enter the small world to revenge?”

This person is no one else, it’s a tremendous noise.

His expression was distorted at the moment, and his eyes flashed a complex expression.

Zong Juzao quickly left, quickly returned to a palace, and soon saw his father.

The sullen face of Zhuo Gaoshuo, brows tightly knit together, twisted into a Dachuan character.

Obviously, Gao Gaosuo has also received the news, knowing that Qin Xiao has chased into Xiaoyao within the realm to kill him, and knows that Qin Xiao is fulfilling the conditions.

This is enough to show how important Qin Xiao’s killing heart is to him. I am afraid that he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

Faced with such a situation, naturally Gao Gaoshuo was a little flustered and naturally worried.

After all, he is very clear about Qin Xiao’s strength. If he really reaches the point of challenge, then he is very dangerous, and there is a real possibility of death.

“Father—” Zhu Ju yelled.

But before waiting for Ju Juzao to speak, Gao Gaoshuo waved his hand and begged him not to speak.

Zhu Juzai naturally saw that his father knew everything and did not need him to report the matter.

At this time, his father should be thinking about the countermeasures.

“I can’t sit back and wait, this Qin Xiao is a complete lunatic, and it’s crazy enough to kill me. I dare to be so desperate.”

“I wondered if he might enter the Xiaoyao world to seek revenge, but I felt that the probability should be very small.”

“But what I didn’t expect is that he entered the Xiaoyao Realm so quickly that he didn’t even have the time and opportunity to respond.”

“It seems that he has prepared everything very early. After killing me Avatar, he immediately entered the Xiaoyao Realm to kill my deity.”

“Good plot against, crazy plot against. When playing at first, you are ready to desperately prepare to fight with me desperately.”

“It’s really didn’t expect, didn’t expect that Liuhe can still have such an inheritor, hmph hmph hmph, is it really that his Liu’s qi is endless? Is it really his Liuhe’s spirit in the heavens, blessing Liu’s ?”

“Hmph hmph hmph, is it really going to kill me?”

“No no no, I don’t accept, I don’t accept this day, I don’t accept this life, I don’t accept, I don’t accept—”

Chong Gaosuo roared frantically, and the sky roared, he was not convinced, and he was even more unwilling.

“Father, what are we going to do?” Zhu Juzao asked.

Zhang Gaosuo’s eyes were deep and cold, and Leng Sensen said: “hmph, want to kill me in Xiaoyao Xiaojie? How easy is it?”

“Lord of a Realm who also served as a 100 universe era for his father, has also mixed up with nearly 100 universe eras in Xiaoyao Xiaojie, and has accumulated a lot of contacts and human relations.”

“At this time, it is also time to move these relationships and follow these connections.”

“It might not be easy to get outside, but it’s still easy to get along with the realm in Xiaoyao. Everyone doesn’t have much worry. When doing things, naturally there is no worries.”

“With his Qin Xiao’s strength, I am afraid that completing the conditions and launching an open challenge to me should not be a problem, it’s just a matter of time that’s all.”

“So, I have to find enough helpers as soon as possible. In this case, even if his Qin Xiao does not fight openly with his father, he will let him die here.”

“If you want to kill your father, you also have to see if he has that life.”

Wei Ju was slightly nodded.

Just thinking about it, Zhu Juzao was somewhat worried: “Father, Qin Xiao this child’s strength is deep and unmeasurable, strong against the sky. I am afraid that in the 4-step Ancient Saint environment, someone who can stabilize his head, Very little, right?”

“I’m afraid that I want the talents on the Holy List to have a full grasp. Other estimates are difficult.”

“So child is a little worried, those old friends of your father may not be willing to take the risk for your father.”

Zeng Gaoshuo waved his hand and said, “This is naturally very clear to the father, and there are already countermeasures for the father.”

“Relax, as long as he Qin Xiao dares to issue an open challenge this time, then his father will definitely make him unable to eat and walk around, so that he has no life to leave this small world.”

“Exactly, this may also be an opportunity to avenge my father.”

Zeng Gaoshuo said so, and Zong Juzao said nothing more.

Think about it, you can rest assured that with the energy of your father, you should be able to get a lot of helpers.

One or two won’t work, what about ten or eight? Even more?

Crowd tactics, is it always possible?

“Hmph, Qin Xiao, this time you dare to come, that will surely let you die. If you don’t kill you, how can you let out the hatred in my heart?” Zhang Juru thought fiercely in his heart.

His hatred of Qin Xiao is probably not weaker than his father.

If it is possible, it is considered to be his life, and he will also kill Qin Xiao.

This complaint is too deep and too deep.


On the other side, Qin Xiao naturally does not know how the Gaosuo father and son are already planning how to deal with him.

Qin Xiao continued to fight in the arena. Sure enough, the arena did not at all give Qin Xiao a breathing opportunity, seamless connection, and continued to let Qin Xiao participate in the ring battle.

Immediately after the end of the battle, the fight continued, which was simply a wheel battle.

For ordinary people, this is obviously not the case, but Qin Xiao came to complete the conditions, so naturally Qin Xiao is a’special’ care.

The atmosphere of the arena was also extremely intense by Qin Xiao alone, reaching an unprecedented grand occasion.

In the first round of the ring, everyone was almost wiped out. They basically took the lives of the undead and basically lost.

Moreover, many people have made a big bet, and they also lost miserably.

So, the first round is how to make everyone cry.

By the second round, the natural pressing became more intense.

People are like this. Once they lose, they will want to win back, and there will be an inexplicable force promoting them.

Therefore, the game will naturally become more intense and lively, everyone bets one after another, and the voice of the discussion is also very intense.

All kinds of analysis and all kinds of discussions are never stopped.

The whole arena is full of human voices and hustle and bustle, so that almost the entire Xiaoyao City can be heard.

Moreover, many people have heard the news and want to witness the Supreme of the Academy disciple.

Also have a look, which demon talent is the one who killed the Gao Gaosuo, it is really amazing.

So ah, the fighting field became very lively for a while, once it became the most lively place in Xiaoyao Xiaojie.

The number of onlookers has also increased a lot.

In addition, in order to increase the difficulty of Qin Xiao’s mission in the arena, the strength of the person who played each time is very strong, and in the second appearance, it is directly the existence of the 2-step Ancient Saint realm.

This is because Qin Xiao is seamlessly connected, so the battle strength of Qin Xiao is also weakened.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao’s strength is indeed very powerful, it is simply a invincible War God, brave and invincible.

Even in the case of wheel wars, he still kept a steady pace and still won one victory after another in a posture against the sky.

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