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After passing this matter, Qin Xiao is also more affirmed that the group of night walkers wandering in Southern Desolate is organized, planned and targeted.

Every action is carefully planned, not randomly, but only when the opportunity is seized.

Therefore, it is possible to carry out precise strikes every time, no matter how strong the 3000 Immortal Sect’s defensive power is and how careful it is, it is useless.

Therefore, Qin Xiao also had a definite inference.

“Pure brother, it seems that those night walkers are indeed disguised and mixed into 3000 Immortal Sect.”

“So, they were able to launch an offensive so quickly and so intensively. After the attack was successful, they quickly went to the shield, and soon disappeared without a trace, so that we could not trace anything at all.”

“Their intelligence is very precise, and even our every move can’t escape their eyes. It’s not simple.”

Pure brother also thought of this aspect.

“Even if you are sure about this, it’s useless, and you can’t find the nocturnal at all.”

“With their Camouflage Technique, they are mixed into 3000 Immortal Sect. As long as they don’t take the initiative to expose, it is difficult for us to find. Simply is the thing of seabed haystack.”

“Your task is really a headache, and I hate this thing.”

“If it is possible to play a game, it will be fine. Simple and crude, simply.”

Complaining about depression, complaining about depression, but things still have to be done.

No matter how difficult it is, I can’t admit defeat.


“Pure brother, did you find a problem, these night walkers don’t seem to want us to leave Southern Desolate.”

Qin Xiao said another sentence, but it made Jun Jie a little hesitant. What do you mean?

“What do you say?” Chunjie asked.

Qin Xiao said: “Look, we have stayed in Southern Desolate for 10000 years, calm and tranquil, and there has never been an attack. All the night walkers are like disappeared from the face of the earth, no Any signs of heads-ups?”

“However, as soon as we left Southern Desolate, those night walkers immediately started to move, let us leave the front foot, and hurried back to the back foot.”

Pure Brother thought for a while and said, “But, it seems that it is impossible to prove that the night walker does not want us to leave Southern Desolate?”

“Shouldn’t the nightwalkers want us to leave Southern Desolate? As long as we leave Southern Desolate, then they can move very well.”

“Huh-right or wrong -“

Suddenly, Junjie suddenly thought of something, “Yeah, if the nightwalkers didn’t want us to leave, they deliberately used actions to contain us, and let us quickly rush back to Southern Desolate, then they can completely avoid this. Hurry up.”

“We have just left Southern Desolate and the nightwalker is impatient?”

“Think about it, it’s a bit unreasonable. The nightwalker really shy away from us, it should be slowed down, and should not be rushed for such a moment.”

“So, the purpose of their move is indeed very likely to want to contain us in Southern Desolate.”

“But what is the purpose of this?”

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Whatever you do should be purposeful.

Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “I am also thinking about this matter, thinking about the purpose of the night walker, but I still don’t understand it for a while.”

“But I think this purpose is very important. If we can understand this purpose, maybe we should know what the nightwalker wants to do.”

“Once you know this, maybe this time event can be solved very well.”

“We have analyzed before, that the nightwalkers invade our immortal territory wantonly, and produce slaughter in our immortal territory must be purposeful and targeted.”

“It should not simply be to weaken some of the strength of our fairyland, it seems that there should be other other purposes.”

“The crux of the problem should lie here.”

Pure brother is deeply nodded, and he also pondered there.

Qin Xiao also continued to think about this matter, and the idea of ​​each and everyone came to mind, and the assumption of each and everyone came out.

This matter, after careful consideration, feels very strange.

Obviously those night walkers are afraid of their 3 people, but they want to drag them in Southern Desolate.

If the three of you haven’t left in Southern Desolate, wouldn’t those night walkers dare to shoot again in Southern Desolate?

In this case, what can those night walkers do?

Those night walkers had been attacking in Southern Desolate before, committing crimes, slaughtering many geniuses and the existence of the Ancient Saint Realm, the Southern Desolate people were alarmed.

Now, are you going to give up?

What’s wrong with Southern Desolate?

if it is like this–

“Perhaps, Southern Desolate simply is not the real goal of these night walkers, Southern Desolate is just a guise that’s all.”

In the guise?

Pure brother frowns saying: “If Southern Desolate is just a guise, what is the intention of dragging us on Southern Desolate?”

“Take Southern Desolate as bait, the purpose is to deal with us?”

“But it’s not right. If I really deal with us, should I start early?”

“Furthermore, our strength is not weak. Without the power of the world divine realm, it is simply impossible to deal with us.”

“Nightcrawler dare to use such power, just to deal with us failed? Shouldn’t this make sense?”

“If you dare to have the power of the world god realm, then I believe that your fairyland will not sit idly by, and there will definitely be a powerhouse.”

“Besides, haven’t you offended the overnight walker family? Why should they target us?”

Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “I don’t understand, I haven’t figured out this matter. For the time being, I just guessed that’s all.”

“It shouldn’t be to deal with us, if it is to deal with us, it should have been shot long ago. We have been in Southern Desolate for 10000 years, but there is still no movement.”

“Also speaking, dare to move Qin Xiao in the fairy field, that he is cruel enough.”

“Those things that the Blood Batter League dared not do, dare him to do it?”

“That is to say, let’s not talk about brother. Your strength is there. The general world gods shot, and it is simply impossible to kill you.”

“Furthermore, if you are the Direct Disciple of Paragon and move you in the fairyland, then you must first ask Li Sheng if you can’t agree.” Chunjie also said.

This possibility should be basically ruled out.

In Xianyu, it is too difficult to shoot Qin Xiao.

However, Qin Xiao knows that no matter whether it is the Blood Chamon League or the Nightcrawler, there is a reason to kill himself.

It’s just that It shouldn’t be easy shot.

The Blood Temple Alliance hated him a lot, but he didn’t dare to slap Qin Xiao easily, and he didn’t dare to easily send the power of world gods to Qin Xiao.

After all, this kind of thing is very likely to anger Li Sheng.

If a Paragon is angry, it is a terrifying thing.

Excluding this possibility, what else is possible?


If you don’t understand it for a while, you can only think about it slowly, and then wait and see its changes.

Some problems are not solved in a moment and a half.

Therefore, Qin Xiao 3 people continued to check in Southern Desolate.

In a blink of an eye, another 3000 years passed.

Sure enough, the nocturnal family had no more movement, and completely disappeared.

This makes Qin Xiao even more affirmed that these night walkers are just to hold them down and let them stay in Southern Desolate, and this will happen.

Southern Desolate is not the real goal of the Nightcrawler.

It’s weird to just hold them back without touching them.

simply don’t know what those night walkers are going to do.

If you can’t bear your temper, I’m afraid it’s going to be madness long ago.

“Pure brother–“

After thinking for a long time, Qin Xiao finally had a good idea. He thought that this idea is still very possible.

“Since the goal of the Nightcrawler is not Southern Desolate, nor us. It may be that Southern Desolate is just one of their game fields that’s all, or just a little means to confuse the entire fairyland.”

“Because we just broke in, they might threaten something of the nightcrawler family, they would drag us here.”

“Drag here and don’t do anything to us, it is obviously afraid of us.”

“And this fear is supposed to be that we have discovered their real purpose and destroyed their bad things.”

“If we leave Southern Desolate, it will pose a certain threat to our true purpose.”

“If you infer this logic, it is most likely that they don’t want us to go somewhere.”

“I left Southern Desolate at the time to go to the Netherworld, and you left Southern Desolate to go to the land bordering Jade Lake Holy Land.”

“So I think that the crux of the problem should be in the nether world. There, it should be the real goal of the nightwalkers.”



Pure Brother looked at Qin Xiao in a puzzling way, thinking for a while, and said, “Isn’t it a Human Race restricted area? Isn’t it a complete Desolate Land?”

“Don’t talk about people, it means there is no life, and there is a ghost.”

“Why did the Night Crawl go there? Is it possible that it’s impossible to build a base in Xianyu? Wouldn’t there be such courage?”

Although the pure brother saw the prophecy of the Xianbei people, the pure brother did not at all take seriously, not at all believe this prophecy.

Qin Xiao also listened to the Master’s words. The predictions of the Xianbei people must be kept strictly confidential and they cannot be disclosed to anyone.

So, Qin Xiao naturally did not tell Brother Chun that this prediction is true.

According to this prophecy, the Night Crawler wants Cholera Great Thousand Worlds.

This unusual move may have begun to show signs of hands-on.

The blood brake alliance has already extended its tentacles to every corner of Great Thousand Worlds, and its strength has grown to an unimaginable level.

The Night Crawler family has not been in any movement, this time into the Immortal Territory, is a beginning.

If the real purpose of the Nightcrawler is the Netherworld, then it really should be the land boundary.

The realm, but it has always been inconsistent with Heaven Realm and the realm, the Heaven Realm human realm jointly sealed the realm.

The people of the realm are aggressive and always want to dominate the entire fairyland, want to unify the 3 realms, and have great ambitions.

Therefore, Qin Xiao also has a bold hypothesis. Will the real purpose of the Night Crawler go towards the ground?

Do you want to help the territories lift the seal and release the territories?

Is this possible?

But Qin Xiao is also doubting that Heaven Realm and the Realm 2 Realm have joined forces to seal the realm, and even the Paragon of the realm has no way to break the seal. The nightwalker family has such a ability to help the undo seal?

This sounds as if it is a very incredible thing, it seems to be an unlikely thing.

Or maybe it wasn’t for the seal, maybe for other purposes.

Therefore, Qin Xiao will have this suspicion.

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