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The disciples at the level of Feng Wang were originally 47 people, plus Qin Xiao 2 people were 49 people.

The crowd soon came to a mountain peak, above which was a 100-step stairway leading to a huge platform on top.

This platform is called the Firebase, and this is where the Fire Palace will evaluate the disciplinary level of the king every time. Only every time the assessment is made, the payroll platform is open. In normal times, there is no way to break through.

There are a total of 100 levels in the Firebase, and each level is wide and has zhang, ten thousand zhang long, so look at the past magnificent.

Qin Xiao didn’t know much about the fire platform, only the most basic situation.

“Hehe, pure Junior Brother, you can only play in First Rank. It’s good to be able to persist for 3 days without falling down, come on.” Wu Hu grinned.

Pure Ge was suddenly unhappy: “Wu senior brother Hu, don’t take such a despised person? My goal is level 3.”

As long as you persist for 3 days at each level, you will be considered to have passed the first level and can be promoted to a higher level.

But at every level, the gap is huge. Some people struggled to stay in First Rank for 3 days, but as soon as they stepped into Second Rank, they were directly repelled.

Generally speaking, the newcomer’s discipline can only stay in First Rank. Those who can get to Second Rank are so poor. If you can reach the third level, you won’t get one in 3.

“Che, blow you hard, and still at level 3. You can stay in First Rank for 3 days, it’s all your trouble. You, senior brother Hu, I can only stay in Second Rank. But this time , You 5 senior brother Hu are confident that you can reach the third level.”

“Hehe, as long as you reach the third level, you can get rid of the fate of the last five.”

Saying Wu Hu looked towards Qin Xiao again, said: “As for Qin Xiao Junior Brother you, you should be able to go to Second Rank, don’t think about it at level 3. Try hard, and the next assessment will reach level 3.”

“The first time you can participate in the assessment can reach Second Rank, that is 100 years rarely seen. Qin Xiao Junior Brother, come on!”

Looking at these 100-step steps, Qin Xiao’s heart was ignited, and the fighting intent was thick.

The test is also a battle.

“Second Rank?” Qin Xiao pouted and smiled lightly: “I’ll work hard.”

But the goal in his mind is not Second Rank.

Evaluation, start!

With the command of Elder Jian, 49 disciplines all quickly jumped onto the fire platform. If you pass it before, you don’t need to stay, you can skip it directly.

Qin Xiao and Chunjie took the first rank, Wu Hu and 4 disciplinary disciples stood at Second Rank, and their five were obviously the last five. There are 5 in the third order and 5 in the fourth order.

The other disciples are all scattered.

The most striking is that they are in Hao Yi.

Hao Yi is at level 69, Gu Fengyin follows closely from behind at level 68, and Duo Virtual Master is at level 67.

These three people are only one order apart, but they are far ahead of others.

The 4th place, only at the 40th and 6th level, is still 2 Rank 11 away from the broken virtual master.

Qin Xiao found that there are more people in the first five orders, accounting for more than 5 people, and the others are scattered.

Looking at this distribution map, you can basically see how the strength in Feng Wang’s discipline is.

As soon as he stood on the steps, Qin Xiao immediately felt that Grandiose’s World Strength came over to him and wrapped him in the whole person.

The powerful force, with no opportunity, oppresses Qin Xiao’s body, soul, mind, and even Divine Consciousness.

This force tests all aspects, and only needs a weak link, and it must be defeated.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao is relatively strong in all aspects. The temperament is firm, the idea is strong, and the mood is extremely high. Physically, it is also strong, so in the face of this grandiose’s power, it can be supported.

“En?” But soon, Qin Xiao discovered that his consciousness had entered another space, and the idea had become a self.

A silver armor warrior rushed out, and all of them were silver armor warriors at the king level.

While being oppressed by this powerful force, there are also many silver armor fighters besieging, this test is indeed some terrifying.

The general one-step seal of the king must be defeated in an instant.

“Fight it!” Qin Xiao within both eyes burst out with a glimmer of light, fighting intent was extremely high.

These silver armor warriors are only equivalent to the puppet level of the king, but the number of silver armor warriors is increasing. As time goes by, they will join continuously.

With Qin Xiao’s current strength, it is completely comparable to the four-step kingship level, but Qin Xiao was immediately surprised to find that his own divine force could not be called.

So even with Profound Truth, formidable power is greatly discounted, and there is not much power left.

“What’s going on? Divine force can’t be called, and the power of Profound Truth can’t be shown at all. How to fight this battle?” Qin Xiao frowned involuntarily, even though these silver armor fighters were not very powerful, but their own Strength is greatly suppressed.

Under the siege of dozens of silver armor fighters, the situation was precarious.

And the more procrastination, the more silver armor warriors will be, the worse the situation will be.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help thinking about the situation in front of him.

No wonder senior brother Hu said that it would be great if he could get to Second Rank.

In the First Rank test, Qin Xiao was a little bit stumped.

Qin Xiao thought carefully for a moment 2 before it became obvious.

Divine force cannot be used, but the strength of his body is still there. And you have realm of Profound Truth.

This is like a Hercules. Even if his Sword Art is not very ruthless, but his power is great, the rotten Sword Art can actually exert the terrifying lethality.

But if his power is cut off, then he can only use pure Sword Art to fight the enemy.

This test is the same.

If you cut off the power, you can only use pure Profound Truth to fight the enemy. This method can better hone a person’s Profound Truth.

Having figured this out, Qin Xiao also understood what was going on in the test of the fire platform.

“My Profound Truth of Sword has already been trained to the 6th floor Great Perfection, but my Profound Truth of Sword is nothing but a tip of the iceberg that’s all that spied on Sword Avenue.”

“Going further, I have to enter the Dao and step into the vast road of swords. This step is very, very difficult, and countless powerhouses have no way to enter in their entire lives.”

“Before entering the Dao, then ask, and above the Dao, there is the palm, and above the palm is the true testimony. The Dadao can only be detached and become a god.”

“The 4 levels of becoming a god can truly reach this step of proving the way. We have been in the Palace of Fire for 100000000 10000 years, which is just the trifling of 4 people that’s all. Don’t say that we have reached the step of proving the way, even if we are one step There are very few, and peerlessness is rare.”

If Qin Xiao’s Profound Truth of Sword goes further, then it is into swordsmanship.

But to get into Kendo, it’s too difficult, too difficult. If the king level can enter the sword way, it is very rare in the historical records of the Fire Palace.

“I want to be enlightened, I am still far from enough, and precipitation is not enough. My sword needs more training. This test can give me a good training opportunity.”

“Profound Truth of Space-Time wants to practice to the 6th floor Great Perfection, and it will definitely happen overnight. Only Profound Truth of Yin-Yang is the most promising one to go further now. My current energy is still focused on grinding Practice Profound Truth of Yin-Yang and Profound Truth of Sword.”

Qin Xiao quickly settled his mind.

Executive Elder Jian stood there, looking at the disciples of the level of the king of the test, with a serious expression and a sense of generosity.

“I don’t know which Little Brat will be punished at this time.” Executive Elder Jian’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes fell on Qin Xiao’s body, and a slight surprise flashed between his eyebrows: ” This is the Little Brat at the top of the 9 continents list? Well, it is indeed good. He is hopeful and will not be punished the first time.”

“The recipe that can be punished every time, I haven’t seen it for nearly 100 years. Look at this Little Brat, can you do it.”

Seeing too many geniuses, and even the dazzling geniuses in his eyes, are nothing.

Three days soon arrived, Wu Hu finally stepped on the third level, and his face was full of smiles.

However, with him stepping up to the third level a week, there is another discipline, Ye Fei who ranked fourth last time.

“Ye Fei is really advanced by leaps and bounds. It seems that I can’t carelessly.” Wu Hu felt a bit uncomfortable, but when he looked back, he found that Qin Xiao and Chunjie were both at the same time. After stepping on Second Rank, the expression suddenly became a little weird.

“Pure Junior Brother, I really got to Second Rank. I really underestimated him. How do you feel that he was beaten?” Wu Hu smashed his mouth and bit his teeth. That ruthless.

You can’t lose, you can’t lose, otherwise you will lose your face.

The other three second-ranked disciplines of the Second Rank were eliminated, and the three of them walked to Elder Jian with frustration.

“Hmph, I really don’t want to make progress. It’s a waste of giving you good resources to practice. Is this the first time? Still punished? What are you doing here, don’t hurry up and take the discipline? Don’t you need me to double you?” Elder Jian hate iron for not becoming steel looks coldly snorted.

The three princes disciples did not dare to say much, and quickly left to skim past the commandment peak.

Another day later, Pure Brother finally fell down.

“Hu…” After leaving the fire platform, Pure Brother pouted: “This test is not really difficult. I tried my best, and only stayed at Tier 2 for one day. tsk tsk, this There are 100 steps, how did those people get so high?”

The pure brother glanced at Elder Jian, and immediately became honest.

Elder Jian took a cold look at the pure brother and said, “If you pass by, go and take the penalty yourself.”

“Well, disciples understand.” Pure brother laughed and left.

Now, 4 people have been eliminated.

At this time, Qin Xiao, who was in Second Rank, was more and more courageous. The 2nd floor test still had no difficulty in living him.

After insisting on the 3rd floor for almost a day and a half, Wu Hu retreated, and he glanced at Ye Fei who was still insisting. Some envy: “This guy is really a cow.”

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