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Emperor Ba Snake and Nile Emperor have the same strength as Changfeng Emperor, but they only have Divine Item in their hands to make them powerful.

The 2 people teamed up against Qin Xiao, this deterrent can be comparable to the existence of a 3-step saint.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao’s mental strength and time sand directly bound the two people down, so that the two’s offensive could not be directly killed in front of Qin Xiao’s, before the two people’s lethality was relieved.

Both the Bashe Emperor and the Nile Emperor were unhappy, and with their strength, they would be suppressed by Qin Xiao.

They are also the first time they have tasted terrifying.

If you don’t have the mental strength, just relying on time sand will not have much effect at all.

The mental power is the real power of terrifying.

The mental power is a higher level of power than the divine force.

The mental power, strange and unpredictable, is an invisible power that can be manipulated with the mind.

The strength of the mind is also well verified when the five leaders were killed just now.

Qin Xiao has long known the strength of his mind, but he has never really tried to see how strong his mind is. Now, Qin Xiao has more control and confidence, and can easily use his energy.

Qin Xiao moved his hand, and the Divine Item sword given to him by Tianlin was held in his hand. This Divine Item sword was refined by Qin Xiao, who recognized Qin Xiao as the main player. Therefore, Qin Xiao has complete control over Divine Item and can maximize the formidable power of Divine Item. In this regard, it has a huge advantage over Emperor Snake and Emperor Nile.

There is no way for these two people to let Divine Item recognizing Master, let alone them, even if the existence of Holy Lord, can not let Divine Item recognizing Master.

Without recognizing Master, there is naturally no way to fully control Divine Item. Then the formidable power that can be exerted is only some original formidable power. This part of the formidable power will not exceed more than 10% at most.

Divine Item, that is a touch of fascination, it can be said that God World’s thing, it has arrogance in itself.

In this case, Qin Xiao encountered it while recognizing Master Divine Item.

“Xingchen, I know you have been silent for too long, and you must be eager for a battle, then let you re-emerge the rays of light today!” Qin Xiao looked at the sword in his hand and spoke to the sword as if he were talking to people .

Divine Item has Artifact Spirit, Star is the name of this Divine Item sword.

“What? Divine Item?”

“He even brought a Divine Item in!”

“Hmph, the Fire Palace is really good, and I really dare people to bring Divine Item in!”

Changfeng Great Emperor was also quite surprised. They also thought about this issue, but they rejected it.

The Fire Palace has lost a Divine Item, and the probability of people who bring Divine Item into the adventure should be extremely low. But didn’t expect, Qin Xiao actually brought another Divine Item in.

You know, there are only 2 Divine Item that’s all left in the Palace of Fire and Fire, which is the divine object that guards the Palace of Fire and Fire.

Each of the other Three Great Transcendent Influences has only one Divine Item, and naturally impossible will bring people into Ancient Battlefield.

But Qin Xiao brought in a Divine Item.

However, Changfeng Great Emperor was more puzzled because he knew that the social device in Qin Xiao’s hands was not the Divine Item in Fire Palace. Definitely not the 9 continent dojo their Divine Item, where did Qin Xiao’s Divine Item come from?

Feeling the terrifying power exuded from Divine Item in Qin Xiao’s hands, both the Bashe and Nile emperors looked somber, and they smelled a hint of danger.

Even, they feel that the Divine Item in their hands seems to be struggling to resist, some of them do not listen to their orders.

They didn’t recognize Divine Item as their primary, and it was difficult to control Divine Item forcibly with their strength.

If Divine Item resisted with all his strength, the situation would be even worse.

The situation is very bad for them.

“Kill!” Qin Xiao corner of the mouth raise, Divine Item slashed out.

The divine item’s prestige was completely inspired by Qin Xiao, and the sudden destruction of the Exterminating Heaven and Earth was suddenly smashed out, and 10000 people were silent.

As soon as the sword fell, the void directly tore open a huge mouth, and extended directly to the Ba snake emperor and the Nile emperor, dragging the two into the void crack.

Destruction, everything must be destroyed.

This is the real divine might.

As soon as the sword came out, the audience suddenly fell silent, and everyone did not consciously hold his breath.

The atmosphere, the unmistakable suppression, the air seemed to be solidified.

“Not good, quickly retreat!” Changfeng Great Emperor drank anxiously, protecting everyone back.

On the other side, dozens of aliens who were not in a sudden retreat were shocked immediately. They were directly annihilated by this energy, turned into ashes, and no longer exist.

After the destruction, it took a while for the space to recover gradually, as if it had gone through a major disruption.

Qin Xiao holds Divine Sword and stands in the void, just like is a 10000 ancient Spiritual God, blooming wireless rays of light, which makes this piece of heaven and earth surrender to his feet.

The bodies of the two snake emperors and Nile emperors fell on the ground, and the Divine Item in their hands had already been collected by Qin Xiao.


Seeing this scene, everyone in Human Race was unable to bear fiercely swallowing saliva.


“Emperor Ba Snake and Emperor Nile, just died like this?”

“Can you not die? Qin Xiao has Divine Item in his hand, and… how does it feel that Qin Xiao can fully excite all the power of Divine Item. Just now, it is too terrifying too terrifying, I feel I My heart almost jumped out.”

“Yeah, divine might really be too terrifying. How could Qin Xiao inspire such a big divine might?”

This doubt is indeed common to many Human Races.

Although not many people have seen Divine Item, they still know some basic information about Divine Item.

At least I know that even if Changfeng Great Emperor takes a Divine Item, at most it can inspire 10% of formable power that’s all.

And they have also seen the Battle of Divine Item before, and have also experienced the formidable power of the Nero Emperor, the snake snake emperor. Compared with Qin Xiao’s previous sword, that simple difference is too far, too far, and it is not on the order of magnitude.

Such a huge gap proves that Qin Xiao can fully inspire divine item’s prestige.

Even if it is the existence of Holy Lord, the most is the most, that is, it can inspire divine might around 5-Layer. Moreover, it depends on the wishes of Divine Item itself.

Changfeng Great Emperor micro-frowns, his eyes gleamed with a strange luster. He was thinking in his heart, is it possible that Qin Xiao has recognized this Divine Item as the main thing?

Qin Xiao got a Divine Item in an opportunity, and succeeded in recognizing Master?

But for the Recognizing Master of Divine Item, Changfeng Great Emperor knew about it. Not Spiritual God, how could Divine Item recognizing Master?

There are also 3 Divine Item in Fire Palace, but there is no way for Holy Lord in the past to make a Divine Item recognizing Master.

Divine Item, in the bones is extremely proud, and naturally will not easily recognize people as the mainstay.

In the eyes of Spiritual God, even the presence of the Holy Lord is nothing but a stronger mortal person that’s all.

Spiritual God has already transcended the commonplace, and has jumped to a new level.

This is really confusing.

The other races are all petrified.

Emperor Ba She and Imperial Capital of Nile are dead…

Ten Great Commander was killed by Qin Xiao all by himself, how could this be?


I don’t know how long it was dead, and finally an alien came back and shouted.

The other aliens suddenly become birds and beasts. Where else dare to stay here?

Faced with War God Qin Xiao holding Divine Item, who dares to come to die?

So, what they can do now is how far they have escaped, and find a place to hide before they can escape. Otherwise, you will die here.

“Do you want to escape?” Qin Xiao pouted and quickly killed him.

The Changfeng Great Emperor also immediately reacted, with a bit of high-spirited and vigorous again, and there was a long scream: “The heroes of Human Race, ten years of anger has been enough. Today, it is our Danger Land to fight back It’s time. Brothers, come up with me and kill them aliens without leaving a piece of armor.”

“Haha, it’s time to talk about our counterattack.”

“Kill, kill all these aliens, and avenge our dead brothers.”

“Yes, you can’t let them run away, kill!”

The morale of Human Race is so high. Under the leadership of Qin Xiao, it is even more unscrupulous, like a hot knife through butter. Although there were few people, the aliens did not dare to fight at this time.

If morale is weak, then it will naturally collapse in an all-round way.

Under such circumstances, the Human Race army naturally held the flag high and killed the enemy.

The situation in Ancient Battlefield is finally one-sided.

“Hahaha, it’s a pleasure, it’s really a pleasure.” 9 Li Holy Lord laughed aloud and praised Qin Xiao even more: “It’s good, it’s really good. It’s so young. Against the sky. It’s amazing, it’s really amazing.”

“Tsk tsk, actually cultivated the mental strength, legendary mental strength. We have never touched the mysterious power, he actually cultivated it. Moreover, I also got a Divine Item, the most important thing is to let Divine Item recognizing Master, fully master a Divine Item. Such strength, I am afraid that we want to kill him, is it not easy?”

Darkness Lord said: “Why 9 Li, do you still want to kill our young hero?”

9 Li Holy Lord immediately shook his head and said: “Dark look at what you said, I am making an analogy. Haha, Brother Xia, you really picked up the treasure at the Fire Palace. By the strength of oneself, really pulling strongly against a crazy tide. We still couldn’t believe it before, but now we have to admit that we are looking away.”

“Such an act is against the sky.”

Bingxue Holy Mother smiled nodded: “Yeah, doing things against the sky, doing things against the sky. Qin Xiao, today is since ancient times, it is hard for anyone to be comparable to him. We Human Race can have him, It is the blessing of our Human Race. This shows that our Human Race is lucky. The hope of our Human Race should be on him.”

“Brother Xia, we are going to win the battle of luck. Qin Xiao is very high and deserves our thanks.”

The Summer Palace frowned slightly, but said: “Don’t be too happy, I don’t know why, I always have a bad feeling. I just deduced it a little bit, but it’s also blurry, but there are Ominous. Ancient Battlefield, I’m afraid it didn’t end so soon.”

“So what’s going on? What else can aliens do?”

9 Li Holy Lord 3 people were all startled, and looked at the Summer Palace Master with a puzzled look, but the Summer Palace Master took the head and said that he did not know.

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