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The main palace of the summer palace opened the channel of Xiaohuojie, and 3 people rushed to the channel at the fastest speed.

But at this moment, an invisible giant hand suddenly stretched out of the void, and under Qin Xiao’s lack of response, he was directly caught.

Being caught by this invisible giant hand, Qin Xiao didn’t even have any resistance, let this invisible giant hand dragged into the void, and soon disappeared into the Summer Palace Master and 9 Li Holy Before Lord’s sight.

And that abyss demon Kaba is also disappeared, the entire world has calmed down, but this calmness makes the summer palace master and 9 Li Holy Lord bitter.

2 The mood of the person suddenly sank to the bottom.


Human Race This time is really over.

Even the last glimmer of hope is shattered!

A shrine, sitting on a high throne, sits with a silhouette.

He sat there, the only Sovereign between this Heaven and Earth, and everything had to surrender in front of him. Even light and darkness must be submitted. He said there is light, then there is light.

He said darkness, then darkness.

Sovereign of everything, this is Spiritual God.

Spiritual God, being above everything else, surpassing the law, squeezed into the avenue, but Sovereign everything in the world.

Qin Xiao’s gaze fell on the tall silhouette in front of him. The breath of Spiritual God alone made him somewhat involuntarily urge to kneel down.

However, Qin Xiao’s support did not make him really kneel down.

“Spiritual God…” Qin Xiao stared at the Longshu God, even if he had the strength to suppress an era, but in the face of a real Spiritual God, he still felt that he was too weak.

In front of the true Spiritual God, Qin Xiao simply has no ability to resist.

However, according to Tian Lin, God within the realm still has the common customs of the sky, and can kill ordinary Spiritual God.

Of course, most of those people have some extremely powerful means through some historical treasures. Such people are too rare.

With Qin Xiao’s current strength, naturally there is still no way to compete with a Spiritual God. However, if he can train 10000 physical paths to 3 steps into the Tao, not to mention 3 steps, maybe 2 steps, he should be able to fight against an ordinary Spiritual God. If it is 3 steps, there is even a chance to kill a Spirit God.

However, this is too difficult for Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao is still worried about his entry into the Tao.

Longshu God looked at Qin Xiao with interest, and after a while he said: “Little Brat, talent is good, even in the God within the realm, you are also peerless genius rarely seen. If it is good luck, join a great Influence is not difficult. It’s a pity that you were born in the source world, you are destined to have no way to bloom the rays of light. It’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

The tone of the Dragon Tree God is bland, even making people have several points of intimacy.

And listening to this tone, it seems to care about Qin Xiao.

“God World?” Qin Xiao was slightly surprised. The other party even knew that God World exists?

Think about it, the abyss demon family is the life of Foreign Domain after all, not the native of the original world. What you know is definitely not comparable to that of Human Race. Knowing the existence of God World is normal.

Longshu God lightly laughed: “Yes, God World, there is the real world, the real ocean. The big universe we live in is extremely vast. The original world like your Heavenly Dragon continent is more like the stars in the sky. , Countless. In the vast universe, the origin of the world is very small, but it is a drop of the sea that’s all. Of course, you will not understand these.”

“The original world, too small and too small, is really not where Spiritual God should stay.”

Qin Xiao already knows a lot from Tianlin about the situation of the universe, so he doesn’t need the Longshu God to explain.

Qin Xiao said: “Since Spirit God also feels that it is not interesting to stay in the original world, why not leave to God World? Why should I aggressively invade my Human Race and occupy my Human Race 9 continent?”

Longshu God was not at all angry, but instead laughed: “Strength of Faith, even Spiritual God, also needs faith. As long as there is strength of Faith, then I will become more powerful.”

“Relax, I will not kill Human Race to the last one. As long as you all Human Race believe in me, treat me as Spiritual God, and be sincere to me, I will naturally bless you Human Race.”

“Strength of Faith?” This Qin Xiao has never heard of it, but he also understands the intention of Longshu God.

To spread faith in Human Race, let Human Race believe in an abyss demon?

Human Race has its own Spiritual God, so why do you need to believe in the Spiritual God of other races?

This is simply ridiculous.

“Little Brat, your talents are good, and you have the opportunity to enter the Haoyu small within the realm. If I guess correctly, you should get a secret trick, right?” Longshu God suddenly said.

In front of a Spiritual God, Qin Xiao knew that he could not hide anything, so he didn’t lie and said, “Yes, I was fortunate enough to have a secret secret technique.”

“Your secret technique can integrate strength of Space-Time, Power of Yin-Yang, sword power and mental power together, and the four forces are combined. Formidable power is great. But your realm is too weak and too weak. This mystery is in your hands, and you can’t play real formidable power at all. Only in Spiritual God’s hands can you play out your formidable power.” Longshu Divine Dao.

Qin Xiao immediately understood the other party’s intentions, and could not help but be vigilant: “What do you mean by the words of His Excellency Spirit God?”

“Hehe, Little Brat, you should be a smart person. You should be very clear about the deity. Of course, I will not let you lose. I have many god-level secrets and treasures, all of which can be exchanged with you. You need Any conditions can be put forward. What the deity can do will be satisfied with you. For example, resurrecting your loved ones. As far as the deity knows, you have a lot of relatives and friends who died, and you too They must really want to revive them.”

“Little Brat, the deity really appreciates you, so you will be so polite to you. If you change the average person, the deity directly shoots to death. You are a talent that can be made. If you follow the deity, you will definitely benefit you. It is not impossible to achieve Spiritual God.” Longshu God said with a smile.

Although the other party is indeed very kind, Qin Xiao does not feel that the other party will be kind to himself.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Qin Xiao still understands the most basic truth.

What good is his talent? For a Spiritual God, simply is useless.

Besides, doesn’t the abyss demons also have a powerhouse that can suppress an era? It’s good, and it’s not your turn.

Furthermore, even if there are great benefits, Qin Xiao is impossible and will compromise with a demon.

As a Human Race, how could he bow his head to his enemy? If you don’t even have this kind of guts, how can Qin Xiao be called the savior of Human Race?

With a move in his heart, Qin Xiao immediately understood the intention of Longshu God and said: “Spiritual God, I think you are the mystery coveting me? Then you still die of this heart, my mystery, yes Impossible will be passed on to you. I am now in your hands, I want to kill and swear, and listen to respect. If you want to seduce me, then don’t worry, this trick is not useful to me.

“People who walk different paths cannot make plans together, you instructed the aliens to invade my Human Race, causing me to lose Human Race loss of life, 9 continents are lost, and my home is destroyed. Such a great hatred, absolutely irreconcilable, how can I send you this The head demon bowed his head?”

Longshu God smiled softly: “The life and death of Fan Ling is just a cloud of smoke that’s all, why should it be so important?”

“Just wait for you to become a god, and all the dead people, you can do as one pleases the resurrection. What is the difference between life and death?”

“As long as the time is still there, you can be resurrected indefinitely. Little Brat, your vision is too short to escape the shackles of the original world. You have potential, if you die now, don’t you feel sorry? With your potential, even if there is no mention of this deity, I am afraid that within 1000 years, you will also have the opportunity to achieve Spiritual God.”

“The original world is but a land of projectiles. As a martial artist, the real stage should be in the vast universe, the stars and the sea, and God World is it. Don’t you want to be Spiritual God and enter God World? The magic of the universe, you have never seen it before. Your eyes are too short now. Within 1000 years, the deity will enter God World. In fact, the debating of the origin of the world, the deity does not care. The deity cares only So a little strength of Faith.”

“If you are willing to follow the deity, then the deity can promise you to resurrect all of the dead Human Races within 20 years. Little Brat, don’t treat me as an enemy. The life and death of Fanling, in my eyes, is just ants. That’s all, I don’t care. Even 9 World, I can give you back the Human Race, only you need to believe in me.”

“This condition is rich enough?”

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but hesitate slightly. This condition is indeed very generous at first glance.

Resurrect all the dead Human Race, return 9 continent world to Human Race, restore the situation 20 years ago, it sounds really good.

Today’s Human Race is already fragmented and too tragic. 9 The continent world fell, the last trace of Human Race retreated to the 4 big and small circles, 100000000 10000 Human Race history has not been so tragic.

It only needs Qin Xiao to agree to nodded, that is to change everything now, sounds like a good deal.

And Qin Xiao also heard that the other party should not be fooling themselves. As Spiritual God, there is no reason to lie to yourself?

But Qin Xiao still can’t accept it, let Human Race believe in Spirit God, an abyssal demon, don’t say he can’t do it, I’m afraid most Human Race can’t.

Therefore, Qin Xiao still said firmly: “I’m sorry, I can’t decide this for Human Race. I’m just a person, I can’t represent Human Race. Now we Human Race has reached a historically bad situation, and don’t care What’s wrong. Lord Spirit God, I think your purpose is not so simple?”

“If you have any attempt, don’t hide it. As Spiritual God, follow me with a mortal spirit to play tricks, don’t you lose your identity?”

Of course, Qin Xiao dared to categorically refuse this, but also made the worst plan.

At worst, this Avatar sacrificed.

One Avatar is dead, you can still cultivate another one, which will hurt a little that’s all.

Besides, Qin Xiao’s deity is now at the final moment of the test, and it is hopeful that it will pass the test. Once the deity has passed the test, then everything will be different.

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