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100 years of effort is not in vain.

Of course, Qin Xiao is also very clear, if there is no 10000 things left by Haoyu Emperor, it is to give him 1000 years, and it is not necessary to be able to practice 10000 things one step.

The top grade said everything above everything.

Peerless genius characters who can train top grade roads, in the realm of the gods, will be mad by the great influence of the great sweets, that is, the existence of Mighty God, will also be absorbed as Direct Disciple.

The top grade Tao, even in God World, is almost a legend.

Even more how said that Qin Xiao mastered the top grade way as Fan Ling, which is even more rare. Such a genius, as long as it is well trained, that becomes the probability of Mighty God.

Tianlin walked over respectfully and knelt down directly to Qin Xiao, shouting: “Tianlin meets the new master!”

Being bowed down by a Spiritual God, Qin Xiao was really sincere and fearful: “Tianlin, hurry up and don’t have to give me such a big gift in the future.”

“Oh Tianlin, please tell me about the specific situation. I still know very little about Master Haoyu Emperor.”

Tianlin was nodded, so he told Qin Xiao about some basic situations of Haoyu Emperor.

Haoyu Emperor is also a Legendary figure, but also rises from the humble. But better than Qin Xiao, Haoyu Emperor himself was born in God World, so the starting point of practice is indeed higher than Qin Xiao. Moreover, there are more resources in all aspects than Qin Xiao.

But the emperor Haoyu is also extremely good. The Spiritual God level has mastered 10000 physical paths, extremely famous. Growing along the way, and finally grew to Mighty God level.

God’s realm division, Qin Xiao is now also understood, divided into Spiritual God, Heavenly God, Mighty God. Each realm is divided into 4 levels, divided into 4 to 1 steps.

And Haoyu Emperor, is a 4-step emperor. He exists within the realm and is also the hegemon of the domineering side. He truly stood at the level of Peak level Mighty God and has great prestige. Because he mastered the way of top grade, even in Mighty God, Haoyu Emperor can be considered as an outstanding existence.

His strength is comparable to Sovereign level.

Sovereign, that is the God World ruler standing at the cream of the crop level. Every Sovereign can rule an endless territory. Sovereign is invincible in God World.

The strength of his Master Haoyu Emperor also surprised Qin Xiao. didn’t expect my Master in God World, also has such a great reputation.

Emperor Haoyu likes to be maverick, so he did not turn to Sovereign. Finally, because of something that offended a Sovereign, the Sovereign was trapped and killed, and the Avatar was destroyed at the same time.

Fortunately, Emperor Haoyu had some premonitions, so he threw one of its treasures into the Xinghai in advance, and finally this floatation fell into Heavenly Dragon World unintentionally.

And Tianlin is actually a true Spiritual God, a 4-step Spiritual God.

Tian Lin was originally a servant taken by Haoyu Emperor in his early years, but his strength was too weak, so he has never come in handy. didn’t expect At the last moment of the death of Emperor Haoyu, he was entrusted with such an important mission.

He took the inheritance of Haoyu Emperor in Heavenly Dragon World and began to absorb the discipline, waiting for the destined person to come.

But Heavenly Dragon World is only a source world after all, the resources are too barren, and you want to find a real genius, easyier said than done?

Now 100000000 million 10000 years have passed, but fortunately I have finally waited.

Spiritual God level, the limit of lifespan is 1 billion 8,000 4 million years. And Tianlin has lived for 1 billion years, and his limit is approaching. If the destined person can no longer be found, then the inheritance of Haoyu Emperor will have no way to inherit.

Fortunately, I finally waited for Qin Xiao.

After listening, Qin Xiao also sighed: “Tianlin, didn’t expect you to live 1 billion years. Tsk tsk, this is really a number that I dare not imagine, I live to the present, but only 40 Many years old that’s all. 4-step Spiritual God, then your strength is really strong.”

“Powerful?” Tian Lin smiled and smiled the head: “In front of the Old Master, I can’t even count an ant. The presence of Mighty God is truly powerful. Even if it is across the distant Star River, it can be a Single thought obliterates me. Even if you hide in the source world, only Mighty God can track you, you can still a single thought obliterate, no matter how far away you are.”

“My strength is that in God World, it is an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary.”

Qin Xiao laughed, got God World to compare, that is naturally the case.

Yes, my current vision should be put in God World.

Qin Xiao said: “Oh Tianlin, what exactly is killing the Master?”

Now that he has the inheritance of the Master, Qin Xiao naturally shoulders the mission of revenge. Even so, it is still too far away for him.

Tian Lin shook his head and said, “Master, I won’t tell you this for the time being, lest you have a burden on my heart. When your strength grows beyond the Old Master level, it’s never too late to know. Now know, it doesn’t make any sense . And speaking, the methods of the God World Mighty God generation are extremely ruthless, just need to look at you, all your past will not be a secret.”

“Not only that, but also causal induction. Once the owner understoods this thing, then there will be some causation with that existence. Once this is the case, it is easy to be sensed by that existence. Once so, that existence I will definitely find a way to kill the owner. In the end, I am afraid that the owner will have a hard time in God World.”

Qin Xiao nodded, so that’s how it is, then I really don’t have the need to know.

Qin Xiao also knows a little bit about causal means.

Together, it is indeed terrifying.

Once a bit of cause and effect occurs, then depending on the cause and effect, you can lock the other party. No matter how far away they are, they can be obliterated. This method is too terrifying.

Let’s put aside revenge. Now that I am still poor and pitiful, it is indeed ridiculous to talk about revenge now.

Tian Lin Road: “Master, Old Master sent me away in a hurry, so not at all how many treasures are left. Haoyu Xiaojie is a ruined Taobao, which is also extremely precious. But the master Your current strength is too weak and there is no way to recognize the Master. So this Taobao can only be left here temporarily.”

“Then there are some beasts that I cultivated in this treasure, but the number is not large, and it is not very helpful to the master.”

“The test space of the master just now is the inheritance space left by the Old Master. The master can feel it in it at any time. Then, there are still some cultivation techniques. However, these masters are temporarily unable to practice and are not useful. It’s too big. The owner can make the Supreme Profound Sword map to the extreme, and it’s very difficult.”

“The most precious thing left by the master is a mastery, which is enough to make countless Mighty God generations applaud Absolute Art. However, mastery, at least the master must become a god before he can practice. And, it is 10000 It will do.”

Although Qin Xiao doesn’t know what a bliss is, it also sounds very precious. It seems to be the cultivation technique of the top-level method.

The more severe the cultivation technique, the higher the requirement is naturally, which is easy to understand.

However, Qin Xiao is a little puzzled about 10000 things and 10000 gods.

“Master, you should know that there are 108,000 400 types of Tao, each of which can become a god. But the way of becoming a god actually has a very great influence on the future path.”

“The way is divided into 4 levels, and the low grade Tao becomes a god, which is basically an ordinary Spirit God. Such a Spirit God can hardly be a Heavenly God in his life. If he cannot become a Heavenly God, it will always be a God World. Ordinary role. Only Heavenly God can stand firm and will mix well.”

“Middle grade Daocheng God, most of them can become Heavenly God. High grade Daocheng God, basically can become Heavenly God. And top grade Daocheng God, that achieves Mighty God’s probability is great. Mighty God, only to be free, free Time goes by, the real immortality, eternal life, immortality. Mighty God, only then can hegemony.”

“Of course, it is not impossible to use low grade to become a god. It is not impossible to continue to practice middle grade and high grade later, but the difficulty will be much greater. For example, if something has become a type, I want to If you go to transform, it will definitely be much more difficult.”

“Many people go the wrong way because they don’t understand. Once the road goes wrong and you want to go back, the price to be paid will be extremely heavy. So, the best way is to break through to become a god , Choose a good way. If you can become a god with top grade, then it’s a matter of ten to nine to become a Mighty God.”

“Once the master’s 10000 things become gods, then it becomes very easy to master other ways. The master can easily master many ways. It is just that the meaning of doing so will not be very significant. . The starting point is high, and the trend of the owner will be higher afterwards. You can continue to practice other top grade roads.”

Qin Xiao nodded: “If that’s the case, I really can’t be anxious. It’s just that it’s too difficult and too hard to break through 10000 physical paths. It took me 100 years, but I only practiced one step that’s all. I feel that my swordsmanship has found some breakthroughs. If I try harder, I am afraid that within 100 years, there is hope of breaking through.”

“Yes, the master’s swordsmanship within 100 years is extremely probable to break through to become a god. But if the master takes this step, it will be difficult to practice 10000 physical paths. Unless it is said that the master can master 10000 as before Profound Truth is like that, the 100 rivers of Heiner come to practice. It is just this way, I feel that it will be more difficult than practicing 10000 physical paths directly.”

“Dao and Profound Truth, there is still an essential difference. Between the Dao, there will be mutual restraint. The joint is far more difficult than the integration of Profound Truth.”

“How difficult it is to get together, the owner will be understood in the future. However, in my case, it is just some ideas, and the decision is still in the hands of the owner.”

Qin Xiao thought about it and asked, “What about my Master? What kind of way is he going?”

Tian Lin said: “Everyone has their own way. Old Master had no experience at that time. He became a god with high grade Tao, but he trained the top grade Tao under the opportunity of Spiritual God. However, Old Master has achieved Mighty God, and is also a Mighty God made up of 3 high grades.”

Qin Xiao was silent for a while, and still did not hesitate: “Since I have such a mission on my body, then I must be blue out of blue. Besides, I don’t want to be mediocre in my life. If I don’t know, then I will definitely become a god with Kendo, after all, Kendo breakthrough is the easiest.”

“Since this is the case, then I will definitely become a god with 10000 things. It’s really not possible. It’s not too late to see it again.”

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