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9 His Royal Highness entered the hut for the first time, but he did not stay for 100 years, and came out after 70 years. Knowing the smile on his face, he learned a lot.

During this time, Qin Xiao has been practicing at the same time. Nirvana Realm 9th Revolution is definitely sure to improve again, so if Qin Xiao wants to improve his strength, he must practice the road and raise the level. Also, it is necessary to improve its own realm.

Qin Xiao is only a step of Spiritual God, realm is really too weak.

Next is Young Master Master Yu and His Highness An Dongqi. They both stayed there for 2 years. When they came out, they both expressed their apologies to His Highness 100 who took the head.

As you can see, 2 people not at all can get the jade slip that 9 His Highness wanted.

2 100 70 years of training has made Qin Xiao’s realm improve a lot. At this time, he has vaguely touched the signs of breakthrough.

Spiritual God is very difficult to take every step, it is a leap of life.

Qin Xiao has clearly felt that it is much easier to practice and improve his own body after practicing the unique Nirvana Realm 9th Revolution. This should be the benefit of the unique learning.

Nirvana Realm 9th Revolution, it is also essentially to upgrade the body to let life level jump. Therefore, the practice of Nirvana Realm 9th Revolution has already made Qin Xiao’s Life Level leap. If you practice again, it will naturally be 100 times less effective. Only by practicing can you feel very relaxed and easy.

Qin Xiao entered the hut, and as soon as he entered it was a change of things, and the space was suddenly bright. It was completely different from the hut seen outside.

Here is a small space where a man in golden clothes stands, his face full of vicissitudes and loneliness. A hint of breath from the golden clothes man made Qin Xiao almost kneel.

This is definitely the most feared existence he has seen so far, with a hint of endless coercion in his breath.

What kind of existence is this?

is it possible that the existence of Heavenly God in 4 steps?

The only certainty is that the man in golden clothes in front of him is not a Mighty God. If Mighty God, one look is enough to make Qin Xiao turbulent and die directly.

If it is a 4-step Heavenly God, it is also strong enough. You know, the entire Blue Ocean City Star Domain does not have a 4-step Spiritual God.

“Senior!” Qin Xiao shouted in a respectful salute.

Golden clothes The man’s eyes swept sharply, and Qin Xiao suddenly felt the sting of being stabbed by the fiercely sword, very uncomfortable.

The golden clothes man said indifferently: “Little Brat, don’t need to be close to me. It’s only a step of Spiritual God, and dare to come in. Your courage is really fat, and you’re still a native. See how you look, Soon after soaring? Really newborn calves do not fear tigers.”

Faced with the indifference of men in golden clothes, Qin Xiao did not care, saying: “Senior has good eyesight, Junior is indeed just soaring from the original world. In fact, Junior does not want to break into this place, it’s just that others’ way. Now that it’s here, why don’t you have to fight it out?”

“Hmph, then you can do it.” Golden clothes man coldly snorted.

“Shooting?” Qin Xiao frowned said, “Senior, Junior asked boldly, what is the test?”

Golden clothes man said: “It’s very simple, within 100 years, just knock me back. My realm will be suppressed to the 4-step Spiritual God level, and I will stand in this small circle of square, as long as you can knock me out This circle will count as your win. You can challenge at any time for 100 years.”

After speaking of golden clothes, the man gave up his hand and closed his eyes slightly, waiting for Qin Xiao’s challenge.

However, Qin Xiao didn’t shoot it directly. Although he didn’t know the strength of the men in golden clothes, he could vaguely guess that it should be a 4-step Heavenly God.

However, it took 9 years for His Highness 70 to pass before. It is not too difficult to come. Cha Yu Young Master and His Highness Andong Qi failed.

Qin Xiao is not in a hurry, it still has 100 years. If you go out in such a hurry, that will surely let your Highness 9 know that they have passed the test. In this case, Qin Xiao did not want His Highness 9 to know.

“No hurry, I’ll practice first and improve my strength. My realm, within 100 years, should be able to be upgraded to the 2-step Spiritual God level.” Qin Xiao has made up his mind.

So Qin Xiao stepped aside and began to practice. Qin Xiao looked carefully at all around, and there was a hint of surprise on his face: “Hey, the Power of Stars here is really rich, it is really a place. A good place to practice. Not only Power of Stars, but… this space contains the Five Elements Road, a space constructed with the Five Elements Road.”

“In this way, the owner here should have been a powerhouse proficient in the Five Elements Road. Here, there are still many signs of the Five Elements Road.”

This discovery made Qin Xiao happy.

Qin Xiao quickly immersed in the practice, and it really took only 20 years, Qin Xiao broke through to the 2-step Spiritual God level.

The transition of Life Level has naturally improved the strength of Qin Xiao.

The insights of the Five Elements Dao are also quite rewarding. This space is full of the insights left by many ancestors, and this space was originally constructed by the Five Elements Dao, so there are many places for enlightenment.

“Five Elements Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, they are interrelated and mutually exclusive, Five Elements derives 10000 things, 10000 materializes Five Elements. Under 10000 things, it is Five Elements…”

“The avenue is above the laws of the heavens. The avenue is the power of Supreme.”

“Tao is a kind of idea that can be understood, but not described.”

“The power of the mind is the most powerful. The mind can control everything. The comprehension of the Tao can also be under the mind. If the mind is infinite, the power is infinite.”

“Heart force…”

A spiritual light flashed deep in Qin Xiao’s mind, allowing Qin Xiao to grasp the spiritual path, and his thoughts moved, and his mental strength suddenly transformed.

“Unreal shines into reality, mental strength 2nd floor!”

A hint of smile appeared on Qin Xiao’s face, didn’t expect this time Five Elements Tao had unexpected gains, allowing him to break through.

Mind power is the most mysterious and indifferent force in the universe. There are very few who can cultivate the mind, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Even though there are some Mighty Gods, they haven’t developed their mental strength.

The cultivator has always been the most mysterious lineage in the universe.

It is said that the cultivator of Mighty God’s generation is made with the mental strength, and that status is no less than the existence of a Sovereign.

The mental power is the power above all power, which is more powerful than Power of Stars and divine force.

If the mental strength can be trained to the extreme level of the 6th floor, then it is omnipotent and becomes the true creator.

“En?” The expression of the golden clothes man who kept his eyes closed suddenly moved, his eyes opened, and a glimmer of light fell on Qin Xiao’s body: “Heart force 2nd floor? A native earth soaring from the world, would actually Such a wickedness? I haven’t heard of Spiritual God who can train his mind to the 2nd floor. With this talent, I’m afraid I can make a Sovereign heart beat and become a discipline.”

“This Little Brat, the talent is not better than that. Your Highness 9 doesn’t know where it is going. It seems that my painful career should also be over today. My commitment to that person is also about to be completed. How many years Alright? How many years have I been trapped here? I really miss the world outside.”

Golden clothes are longing in the eyes of men.

The mental breakthrough, not at all, let Qin Xiao stop training, but continue to feel, because he feels that his Five Elements road has touched the breakthrough bottleneck.

The breakthrough of mental strength makes Qin Xiao’s comprehension stronger, and there seems to be a subtle connection between the two.

Sure enough, there is no trace of hindrance in understanding, like a fish back in water.

Within three days, Qin Xiao’s face again appeared with a smile on his face: “Five Elements Road 3nd floor finally broke through.”

After Kendo, the second pass broke through, but this time is a high grade pass.

The formidable power of high grade Dao is far from that of Kendo.

This 100-year period is really much more for Qin Xiao than he had for more than 1000 years ago.

Realm broke through to the 2-step Spiritual God level, the breakthrough of Five Elements Road, the breakthrough of mental strength, and the breakthrough in 3 aspects, making Qin Xiao’s strength much stronger than before.

Qin Xiao had several points of assessment before, and now he is confident.

In the eyes of the golden clothes, the rays of light reappeared in the man’s eyes, and there was also a trace of surprise in his expression: “The evil spirits are really enchanting. Five Elements said that they even broke through to the 2nd floor. This is a high grade.”

Qin Xiao still respectfully greeted the golden clothes man: “Senior, Junior is about to shoot.”

“Well, come on, let me see how strong your strength is.” The tone of the men’s golden clothes is obviously not as indifferent as before, but a bit calm.

This change in attitude made Qin Xiao smile.

Strength is the best way to speak.

Qin Xiao didn’t hesitate at all. Turning his sword to kill the golden clothes man, the improvement of realm and Five Elements, coupled with the improvement of physical strength, allowed Qin Xiao to exhibit the formidable Supreme Profound Sword diagram again. Power is greatly improved. With a sword cut, the whole world seemed to be split open, and the shining brilliance instantly killed the man in golden clothes.

There was a trace of grave expression on the man’s face, and the golden sword in his hand greeted him.

Although the golden clothes man suppressed the realm to the 4-step Spiritual God level, but with his Sword Art, his control of Tao is not comparable to that of Qin Xiao.

A sword confrontation, a confrontation of strength, the whole space exploded.

The golden clothes forced the man to retreat a little bit, the surprised look on his face was a little thicker.

Qin Xiao’s brows were slightly wrinkled: “Only forced back half a step?”

This result made Qin Xiao unsatisfied. Qin Xiao continued to attack, and the sword fell, but the men in golden clothes were able to stop it.

Qin Xiao was defeated a little, and his mental strength was suddenly displayed, suddenly letting the golden clothes man Divine Consciousness shake.

It only takes that moment to suffice.

Qin Xiao gave a big blow, but knocked the golden man back a few steps and exited the circle directly.

Qin Xiao then closed his sword and rushed to the golden clothes man, apologizing slightly: “Senior, offended!”

It was golden clothes. The man looked at Qin Xiao in amazement. The unspeakable taste in his heart was bitter. He was speechless and stared at Qin Xiao for a while, which made Qin Xiao look puzzled.

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