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After returning to calm, Qin Xiao obviously felt the difference, and there was a sense of flesh and blood connected to the Manghuang Temple.

This is a kind of identity recognition, which has been recognized by the Manghuang Temple, and then you can enter and leave the Manghuang Temple by yourself.

All places of the Manghuang Temple can be visited, and will no longer be obliterated by the will of the Manghuang Temple itself.

Only those who are on the seal can enjoy such treatment.

The Fengshan Memorial Ceremony is complete.

“Okay, Aoba Sovereign will take you to complete other things.” After the white-haired Sovereign said, it was the first to leave with Emperor Sovereign.

“Haha Qin Xiao Junior Brother Dan Chen Junior Brother Jun, welcome you to be an official member of our shrewd temple.”

“Qin Xiao, welcome you to join our shrewd temple.”

“Qin Xiao, Dan Chenjun, we will be a family in the future, so we can move around.”

Ye Junhe also gave a slight smile to Qin Xiao 2 and said, “Congratulations!”

Lord Yao Zhuang stepped forward and laughed aloud: “Qin Xiao, congratulations. Didn’t expect, so quickly we became a family. Before you talk about seniority, you have to call me uncle, now talk about Seniority, you just call me Senior Brother, haha!”

In the past, Qin Xiao shouted after Yao Xuelian, so he naturally called Uncle.

Now Qin Xiao has become the disciple of the Temple of Recklessness. In theory, it is called Senior Brother.

Whether it is Heavenly God or Mighty God, they are all commensurate with senior and junior brothers, unless they reach the Sovereign level, they will be one generation higher.

Qin Xiao and Dan Chenjun’s response after one after another, Qin Xiao said with one hand: “Senior Brother, Junior Brother has just arrived at the first time. I’m sorry for the slackness. I hope that Senior Brother will forgive me. I will sort out the things first and prepare them later. Drinks, waiting for you, Senior Brother.”

“Okay, Qin Xiao Junior Brother is busy first, and then we will definitely go to your house to drink.”

“Yes, go back to your house and know you are busy now, haha!”

Qin Xiao also said a few words with Master Yao Zhuang, but left with Aoba Sovereign.

After the closing of the seal, Qin Xiao and Dan Chenjun’s mansion has already been built. Now waiting for the selection of servants, they can officially stay in their respective mansion, even if they really own the Own piece of land.

It didn’t take much time to select the servants. It was quickly selected. 3 Mighty Gods, 9 4 step Heavenly Gods, there are men and women, you choose.

Qin Xiao picked only one female servant, but Dan Chenjun knew how to enjoy it. He even picked 6 female servants and even a female Mighty God.

Instead, he was teased by Qin Xiao: “Dan Chenjun, are you going to pick a rhythm of Dao Companion?”

“Haha, I think so, but where is Dao Companion so well-selected?” Dan Chenjun smiled and said.

The servants were picked, and Aoba Sovereign said: “Just gave you a space ring just now, which contains some rewards for you to become a discipline, and some detailed introductions about our shrewd temple. You are the seal. disciple, qualified to learn these things.”

“Then, there is one more important thing that you all should know. After becoming the Official Disciple of our shrewd temple, you can become a ambassador of the border and control one party for 1 billion years. Of course, if the 1 billion year period When you arrive, if you want to continue to serve, you can also apply to the above, and everything can be decided when you see it. 1 billion years is not too short.”

In this situation, Qin Xiao had been understood in Ye Junhe long ago. For example, Ye Junhe is now a leading ambassador to Fengjiang. Avatar sits there most of the time.

Qin Xiao had longed for this matter.

Qin Xiao said: “Aoba Sovereign, Qianlong Ling currently has no ambassador for Fengjiang, so just let me go to Qianlong Ling.”

Aoba Sovereign nodded said: “I also knew that you would choose Qianlong collar. Qianlong collar was originally your hometown. When we seal the territory, we will always take the hometown as the first priority, but it depends on your personal wishes. Yes, you can choose. Since you chose Qianlong collar, then I will go to the queue. However, there are many things that need to be sorted, and the cooperation of Qianlong collar is needed, so it will take a while to hand over. If there is no accident, 1000 years should be arranged according to the schedule.”

“However, you can recruit troops now, and you will manage the endless territory of the leader when you are there. You can’t do it without your own power. Our Temple of Recklessness will send a reckless Legion composed of 100 teams of small Legion to take care of you. Sending. But relying on the power of Legion is obviously still not enough.”

“Legacy Legion can only be used as a symbol of your status, as a symbol of your ambassador to the border, and it can guard the ambassador’s office for you. For other forces, you can only absorb it by yourself. Strength and fame can indeed establish a completely own force. This will certainly be of great use to you in the future.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he naturally understood these situations, and he has long thought of this aspect.

If you just want to recruit troops and buy horses, it is indeed not an easy task.

After all, Qin Xiao’s Avatar is now trapped, and the deity still has to stay in the shrewd temple for a while. There are definitely many things that need to be dealt with.

With Qianlong collar over there, Qin Xiao really has no one to rely on to do this for him.

Lord Yao Zhuang was completely convinced, but Master Yao Zhuang was not in the territory of Qianlong after all, so it was also difficult to save the near fire from a distance.

This thing is indeed a headache.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao can only give up temporarily. I will talk about this matter in the future, and wait for myself to sort it out, and then consider this matter.

Anyway, recruiting horses and buying horses is not something that can be accomplished in a short time and half. This is also a long-term thing.

I still have 1 billion years of governance time. During this period, I can always recruit troops and buy horses. I can even form a discipline training system and choose geniuses to train myself.

Of course, this premise requires a large amount of Divine Crystal as the basis.

However, the advantage of being an ambassador of Fengjiang is that taxes can be levied on the spot and local contributions can be used to keep the leader running.

The territory of a leader is also endless. There are 3600 mansions in one mansion, and the land of one mansion is vast.

Therefore, if you rely on local tribute and tax, it is indeed a very rich income.

The only thing that makes Qin Xiao feel very sad is that the mainland of Heavenly Dragon is now besieged by the black vortex celestial body, and I don’t know when it will be broken.

Otherwise, when you are stable, you can vigorously cultivate the people of 9 Continent World, and you can quickly expand the power of the Heavenly Dragon mainland. This is also the dream of Qin Xiao until now.

But this dream is difficult to realize now.

“There is no other way, now I can only rely on my own efforts to solve the crisis of the Heavenly Dragon continent earlier. But… if I really want to solve it by achieving Sovereign, I am afraid that I will have to wait for 100000000 10000 years. Long. This time, too long, too long.”

Qin Xiao thought, this time is really too long for the Heavenly Dragon mainland.

Not to mention the year 200000000, the year 10000 is also the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

“By Aoba Sovereign, I have one more thing to ask. Is the crisis in my hometown the best way to wait for me to become Sovereign?” Qin Xiao asked.

Aoba Sovereign said: “It’s not difficult to say that the crisis in your hometown is difficult. If you become Sovereign, you can naturally ask the Palace Lord to take one shot. As long as the Palace Lord takes it personally, it will naturally be solved. However, It’s not absolute. For example, if you can get the favor of the Palace Lord in advance, you might not be able to ask the Palace Lord to do it.”

“For example, if you can reach the height of Huayangjun at the Heavenly God level, then the Palace Lord will certainly take you by surprise.”

“For example, if you can touch the heart of the Palace Lord and let the Palace Lord be a Direct Disciple, then naturally it is possible.”

“If this path does not work, then you can try to make a magical power for our shrewd temple. If your credit is large enough, you can also use the credit in exchange for the Palace Lord. But the credit, It’s not easy to get, it’s not easy to go this way.”

“Otherwise, you can find the cracking method. I don’t know the black vortex celestial body for a while, so I don’t know if there is any good cracking method. I will continue to investigate this matter. A check, maybe I can find the cracking method. As long as there is a cracking method, it will be much easier to deal with.”

“It’s artificial, and there are still many ways to do it, it depends on which one you pass. I have promised you too. I can’t do it. I will personally ask the Palace Lord to take action. You don’t have to worry about this. You are me We will not see your hometown destroyed in the disciples of the Temple of Recklessness.”

“But as for your beloved woman, this matter may be a little tricky. For the time being, I can’t say it.”

Qin Xiao nodded, the thing about Gulingyue was understood before him, it was the thing of this black vortex celestial body.

Since Aoba Sovereign has said so clearly, Qin Xiao is also nodded: “Well, thank you Aoba Sovereign.”

This matter can only be like this for the time being.

Dan Chenjun also chose his hometown as a land of closure. Dan Chenjun’s hometown is the Canglan collar, which is separated from the Qianlong collar by dozens of collars, far away from each other.

After sorting out these things in order, Aoba Sovereign told the two people something more, and then left.

“Haha, Brother Qin Xiao, you are a busy person now. There will definitely be a lot of Senior Brothers coming to congratulate you. You should go back to the house and press the line. I will go to your place if I am deserted. Join in the fun.” Dan Chenjun Lang smiled and said.

Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “Don’t make fun of me anymore, inherit Senior Brother Meng’s love that’s all.”

But this is indeed a fact. Qin Xiao’s peerless demon talent does make those Mighty God Senior Brothers want to make a good deal in advance 2.

Not to mention their reality, in fact everyone is similar.

Since the beginning of the era, this universe has also been strength is respected.

The stronger you are, the more you can be respected by others.

This is the truth since ancient times, and Dan Chenjun is envious and cannot envy.

Qin Xiao’s peerless demon is indeed worthy of respect and friendship.

After saying goodbye to Dan Chenjun, Qin Xiao also returned straight to his mansion, which was the first time Qin Xiao entered his mansion.

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