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The turmoil of Dao Jun Dao has not been completely calmed down. After the capture of Dao Jun Dao, Qin Xiao also initiated the legal procedures and reported to the temple of Manghuang.

At the same time, Qin Xiao sent enough 5 squads to temporarily take over the Dragon Mansion and thoroughly investigate the tax embezzlement.

Without the mad war Daojun leading the overall situation in the mad dragon leader, plus Qin Xiao’s previous swift and decisive means, it was enough to deter everyone, so where else dare to say half a word?

A thorough investigation will naturally make it easier. Even though Dao Jun Dao had been prepared before, and most of the evidence had been eliminated, how could such an easy thing be done if such a thing wanted to be completely clean?

The main reason is that the time is too cramped. When Qin Xiao took office, he only gave the warlord Daojun 3 days that’s all.

In just 3 days, even if the action is fast, it is difficult to wipe clean. Therefore, naturally a lot of evidence was found and handed over to Qin Xiao. Then Qin Xiao will turn it in. As long as the crimes of Dao Jun Dao are determined above, it will be possible to hand over the person to the person sent above, and then directly send it to the Mangling Purgatory to accept the endless Torture and pain.

The crimes committed by Daojun madly must be fixed on the board, and they can never run away.

This matter is also going on like fire, and the entire Qianlong collar seems to be quite awkward, and the other Mighty God is silently watching the development of this matter.

Even a lot of Mighty God has already started to clean up the marks on his hands, trying to clean the tail a little.

Silent smoke has already swept the entire Qianlong collar.

Qin Xiao this time really made him famous.

On the one hand, Qin Xiao is also recruiting troops to deal with the mad war of Daojun, and he wants to establish his own forces.

Reckless Legion is now also under the Qin Xiao command, but it is also limited to his period as the ambassador of the Frontier. Once he becomes the ambassador of the frontier, the Legion will be taken back.

Therefore, Qin Xiao naturally wants to cultivate his own forces.

In the early stage, it is natural to recruit troops and buy horses, and then slowly train them.

Qin Xiao collected a lot of information on a set of processes for cultivating talents, and then slowly formed his own system.

Things don’t seem to be much, but if they are to be done, they are very complicated. All aspects should be considered clearly, and there must be no slight mistakes.

Fortunately, the pure brother Changfeng can also share a bit for Qin Xiao, and Yao Xuelian can also help to make suggestions.

The news of recruiting and buying horses has spread, and now it depends on how many people come to Qin Xiao.

This will also be a slow and long process, certainly not overnight.

While busy, Lord Zhuang visited the door, and Qin Xiao quickly put down all the things in his hands and entertained Yao Zhuang.

Speaking of which, Yao Zhuang can be regarded as the first nobleman after Qin Xiao came to God World.

“Haha Qin Xiao, but you’re quite something. I still wonder if you will burn your new official fire, didn’t expect you even took the mad battle Daojun directly. You don’t know Now, those Senior Brothers in the Shrewd Shrine are all talking about you. You are now in God World, but you have a reputation. But you’re quite something, I honestly heard this news, I couldn’t help but pinch for you Khan.”

“But well, today I brought you good news that is not good news.” Master Yao Zhuang said with admiration.

Qin Xiao pouted and said, “Senior Brother Yao, what good news do you mean by bad news?”

Yao Zhuang said: “It depends on how you understand it. If you think it is good news, then it is good news. I believe you must be a little strange. Why is there no movement from the mad dragon emperor? All the means to deal with the mad dragon emperor have been prepared, but they have not waited for the mad dragon emperor to come, right?”

Qin Xiao nodded, said: “Yeah Senior Brother Yao, I am indeed ready for everything, even the worst plan. The good news that Senior Brother Yao said is related to the mad dragon emperor? “

Lord Yao Zhuang nodded and said: “Yes, it is indeed related to the mad dragon emperor. I got the exact news. The mad dragon emperor was seriously injured in a Secret Realm 100, 10,000 years ago. He is in retreat. He dare not go out now, and it will take another 10000 years to fully recover from the injury.”

“So, the mad dragon monarch will not come to you to settle the account after 10000 years. But according to my understanding of the mad dragon monarch, he will definitely not give up on this matter. I know that you have a countermeasure, but you still have to Be careful. The mad dragon emperor is crazy, and no one can be sure what he will do.”

“In short, he is a lunatic. It is not a good thing to provoke him. By the way, there is one more thing. The mad dragon emperor is extremely short-sighted. The mad war Dao jun is his only younger brother. I think he will not Easily let the mad warlord Dao be sent to the Mangmao Purgatory. You should know that once sent to Mangmao Purgatory, it basically means death.”

“You caught the deity of the mad warlord Dao, and the mad dragon emperor will definitely find a way to save it, so you need to be careful.”

“Even if the mad dragon emperor doesn’t dare to kill you, it’s okay to hurt you, and it’s okay to grab someone from you. What I’m worried about now is that he will go out of his way for his younger brother.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he also thought of these situations: “Thank you Senior Brother Yao for reminding me, I will be more careful. I am in my house, if I don’t allow it, he will not dare to run privately. Come in.”

“That’s what I said, but I can’t think of the mad dragon emperor with common sense, as long as I don’t madly commit death, I believe that the mad dragon emperor can do everything.” Yaozhuang said.

Qin Xiao’s face sank slightly, solemnly nodded, it seems that he also needs to be prepared in this respect.

But once the mad dragon emperor dared to directly enter his mansion, then Qin Xiao had reason to ask for help.

As long as he can stop the mad dragon emperor for a while, he can’t succeed.

Just want to stop the mad dragon emperor for a while, it is not so easy, so Qin Xiao still dare not carelessly.

The stronger the rule, the weaker the bondage.

Now Qin Xiao can only hope that the efficiency of the above work can be faster, let people come over to take away the mad war Daojun, then everything is fine.

But this matter, Qin Xiao also knew that he was in a hurry and was useless.

“Huh…” Qin Xiao’s face suddenly showed a hint of surprise, smiled and said: “Senior Brother Yao, you just arrived at the front foot, didn’t expect Tao Qi Senior Brother is also here.”

“Hehe, Dao Qi Senior Brother is also here. Let’s go out and meet us.” Yao Zhuangzhu was obviously surprised.

Daoqi Mighty God This kind of person who almost won’t leave the shrewd shrine, how come to Qin Xiao’s house.

2 people came out to meet, they saw Daqi Mighty God.

“Eh, Yao Junior Brother, why are you here?” Dao Qi Mighty God was slightly surprised when he saw Master Yao, and he immediately laughed again.

Yao Zhuangzhu Lang Yi said with a smile: “Yeah Dao Kai Senior Brother, I’m free when I’m idle, so I came here to play. Plus my baby daughter refused to go back here, I am not here to pick it up. “

“Don’t you just hope for this?” Daoqi Mighty God quipped, and said to Qin Xiao again: “Qin Xiao Junior Brother, I came out a little bit, just passing here not far, I thought about it Come and see you by the way. Didn’t expect, I also met Yao Junior Brother.”

Qin Xiao smiled and said: “Please Senior Brother Yao, sit inside.”

After sitting down, Qin Xiao was also entertained with good wine, but he really couldn’t come up with any good things, he could only serve.

Drinking wine and talking to the sky, then Qin Xiao also asked two Senior Brothers how to build their own power, how to build their own training system, and how to manage the land of one domain.

The knowledge involved here is very deep. Although Master Zhuang has some experience, Master Zhuang’s experience is still somewhat limited. After all, Master Zhuang only manages his little Yao Family Zhuang that’s all, Management is another round.

Daoqi Mighty God has experience in this area, so Qin Xiao wants to learn from Daoqi Mighty God and get some experience from him.

A chat with 3 people means 3 days and 3 nights. Daoqi Mighty God also gave away all his experience and shared all his experiences with Qin Xiao.

However, everyone has their own idea of ​​governance, and the experience of others can only be borrowed from that’s all, and cannot really be used.

It is much better to learn from the path of previous people.

“By Qin Xiao Junior Brother, I heard that you captured Dao Jun Dao Jun?” Dao Qi Mighty God suddenly asked.

Qin Xiao nodded said: “Yeah Dao Kai Senior Brother.”

“Then Dao Jun is still in your hands now?” Daqi Qi Mighty God asked again.

Qin Xiao said: “It’s still in my hands, why did Dao Qi Senior Brother ask so?”

Dao Qi Mighty God’s face was filled with deep anger, Shen Sheng said: “This is the case, I received a contact from my hometown some time ago, saying that my hometown was hit by a 4 step Heavenly God wreaked havoc and killed countless people. Even my old home was severely damaged.”

“So when I came out this time, I also went to my hometown to investigate this matter, and finally found that the person who destroyed my hometown was the Direct Disciple of Daojun Daojun. I traced it and found no others. I want to ask the mad war Daojun about this matter, let him hand over his discipline. This child is not dead, it is hard to vent my hatred.”

Qin Xiao was relieved, it turned out to be the case.

If it is the discipline of the Dao Jun Dao, it is really possible.

What kind of Master should be there is the same discipline, the style of the supercilious mad war Daojun, I am afraid that it will also continue to his discipline.

Even when Daoqi Mighty God spoke, Qin Xiao naturally did not hesitate. He threw the 6-squared prison out of his palm and gave it to Daoqi Mighty God.

Daoqi Mighty God captured 6 Fang prison, and glanced into it. After confirming that the prisoner was indeed the warlord Dao, he took the 6 Fang prison and put it away.

Seeing Daoqi Mighty God’s move, the faces of Qin Xiao and Master Yao Zhuang suddenly changed, and they knew that the situation had changed.

Daoqi Mighty God’s expression also suddenly became cold, and he waved his hand directly. The layers of the space broke apart, forming each and everyone. The sky was separated by Qin Xiao and Yao Zhuangzhu. .

“Qin Xiao Junior Brother, how offended today, I will explain to you, sorry!” After that, Daqi Qi Mighty God just left.

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