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After checking the information from Celestial Court Island, Qin Xiao’s brow furrowed.

“The muddy river?”

Qin Xiao did not expect that the owner of Hunhu Mountain had even gone to that kind of dangerous place. The Hunxijianyuan was not in the realm, but had entered the sea of ​​endless darkness. However, it is considered to be near the edge of God World, not too deep.

This is the case with Rao, and he has also left God World.

The endless sea of ​​darkness is full of endless danger.

And this muddy river is a dangerous place with a relatively big name. Moreover, the atmosphere inside was so full of turmoil that it was very uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is not some evil people who are not willing to step into it.

In addition, the Hunxijianyuan itself is extremely dangerous. Without any strength, it really dares not break in at will, otherwise it will be in danger of life.

Like some Mighty Gods, in fact, if you settle down and stay in your own territory, then there will be no danger. Most of Mighty God died in such a turbulent adventure, especially when some ambitions entered some cosmic dangers, Secret Realm, it was easy to lose his life in it.

The so-called danger lurks within the riches and honour is exactly the same reason. If you fight well, you will have a huge gain. If you don’t spell it well, you’ll have your life in it.

Some Mighty God have lived too long. If you don’t try it, you will find life uninteresting.

In addition, Avatar can be trained to fight, and even if it is heartache, it is not fatal. Avatar, you can practice again. Therefore, the longer Mighty God lived, the more crazy it was.

The 4-step Heavenly God of Hunhu Mountain Lord dare to fight so.

However, the Hunhu Mountain Master is indeed approaching the limit, I am afraid he also wants to fight for a chance to become Mighty God. The so-called not madness does not survive, that is the case.

“Hunhu Mountain Lord, you really dare to run. However, from the intelligence point of view, you are just outside the Hunhujianyuan. With your strength, you dare not go too much.” Qin Xiao’s eyes gloomed, and his heart could not help No worries.

If it is within the scope of God World, then Qin Xiao will naturally not have any hesitation. Even in the most dangerous places, he dares to go.

The owner of Hunhu Mountain dares to break in. Doesn’t Qin Xiao dare to break in?

It’s just that God World is out of control, so Qin Xiao has to be careful. After all, his current identity is too sensitive. He is now the peerless genius of the Temple of Recklessness, so he will definitely be watched by some secret forces.

Aoba Sovereign had specifically asked him not to leave God World’s territory easily. At least it has to be Mighty God in order to go out and make a break, otherwise it is very dangerous.

The genius of Qin Xiao is rare and rare. The temple of Manghuang is precious. Naturally, Qin Xiao will not let Qin Xiao take this risk easily.

Within the boundaries of God World, as long as Qin Xiao is in danger, it is only necessary to ask Aoba Sovereign for help, and Aoba Sovereign can be reached in an instant.

But it will not work outside the territory of God World.

Most important, Qin Xiao is now a deity. If something happens to the deity, then Qin Xiao will vomit blood.

Qin Xiao’s deity’s method is not as good as Avatar. The deity’s Nirvana Realm 9th Revolution is still 7th Revolution. The deity does not have a chaotic ancient beast, and its life-saving ability is much worse than Avatar.

In the dangerous land of the universe, life-saving means are the most important.

So, this matter also had to make Qin Xiao hesitate. If something really happened, there was no chance of regret.

If it was just Avatar, it would be that’s all if it died.

But the deity really can’t afford it.

The road before Qin Xiao is obviously very difficult.

“Let’s fight…” After hesitating, Qin Xiao also clenched the teeth and made up his mind to fight.

“I am afraid that the owner of Hunhu Mountain will stay in the muddy abyss for a long time, and will not leave easily. If you find the owner of Hunhu Mountain quickly, the lower the probability of the older brother Qi Wan. Big Brother Lu has fallen into trouble, but I won’t give up easily until I get the exact news.”

“Whenever there is a silver lining, I must fight, must fight.”

“The worst thing is to ask the Master for help. The Master should have been in the endless sea of ​​darkness, and the Master has told me that no matter where I am, I can ask him for help, and he will arrive immediately. “

Qin Xiao has no worries about making the worst plan.

Qin Xiao not at all told this to Changfeng, so as not to worry them.

Qin Xiao did not notify anyone, and after making the decision, he went directly to Hunxijianyuan.

The Hunxijianyuan is really far away. Qin Xiao also took a full 100 years to get on the road before finally reaching the peripheral zone of the Hunzhijianyuan. From afar, he saw the Hunzhijianyuan standing in the endless sea of ​​darkness. Just a glance from a distance, there will be a kind of muddleheaded feeling, making people feel dazed and dare not approach.

What a terrifying dangerous place!

But with a touch of breath, it is enough to make Qin Xiao tremble, enough to see the terrifying of this muddy river.

In the depths of the abyss of the abyss, it was that even Mighty God, who had been a victim of it, dared not break into it easily.

If it was not for the rescue of Brother Qi Wen, then Qin Xiao would definitely not venture into this dangerous place, and there is no need to add danger to himself.

Looking far away at the terrifying muddy river abyss, Qin Xiao’s eyes were cold and extremely firm: “Come on, let me see how dangerous this muddy river abyss is. Just now I’m in a bottleneck, maybe some danger It’s not necessarily oppressive for me to get big gains.”

Qin Xiao’s Avatar is trapped in the Ancient God Palace. If there is no big breakthrough, it is obviously impossible to come out of the Ancient God Palace, and then only the part that is trapped there forever.

In that small universe, there is no way to save.

Qin Xiao turned into a stream of light, and he rushed toward the muddy abyss without looking back.

Shortly after Qin Xiao left, a nearly transparent silhouette emerged in the void, the small one was like a caterpillar, but he could even hide Qin Xiao’s awareness and watch in secret Without Qin Xiao being discovered, you can see how terrifying his hidden ability is.

The little caterpillar made a sneer from the shadow side: “Qin Xiao, you are really bold enough to actually dare to leave God World alone and enter this muddy abyss. Huh, you are My own courting death, no one can blame anyone. We dark death Legion, but have been staring at you, don’t you know that you are now our dark death Legion assassination ranking rank third? Killed you, that is a big credit, hehehe .”

“I have to report this news quickly, and I should be able to get some good credit.”

After laughing, the little caterpillar got into the void again, disappeared.

His appearance and disappearance did not cause any trace of space fluctuation, showing how much he had control over space.

The endless sea of ​​darkness, deep in the depths of Universe Secret Realm, hides a majestic palace, an ancient palace. Guarded by many arrays, even if Mighty God is a victim, it may not be discovered.

Even if it can be found, there is no way to go in.

In a secret room of the palace, a person with two long horns on his head and a life plate of ten zhang tall sat there, exuding a terrifying atmosphere like a peerless demon .

Every move, even a look, is enough to make the ass urinating.

His closed eyes suddenly opened suddenly, bursting out a Extreme Cold nether glow.

A cold smile appeared on his face immediately: “Qin Xiao of the Temple of Recklessness, my assassination target of Legion ranked third in the dark death, didn’t expect such a quick opportunity to come, it is really heaven to help us. Well, since you Qin Xiao dared to come out and die, then I will die in darkness. If Legion doesn’t take your life, wouldn’t it be ridiculous?”

After sneering, the horn life sound transmission passed, and soon the two figures came out of the void.

A shadow, obviously Mighty God of Netherworld Clan, Netherworld Clan is recognized as the most prolific assassination race in the universe, inherently has the advantage of assassination there.

There was also a slender man covered with strange scales. His appearance was terrible and terrible, and his body was extremely cold. As soon as he approached him, there would be an icy cold breath coming.

Such a breath, the general can not dare to come close, die at the touch of it.

These two people are obviously the very serious existence of Mighty God, and they are all very good long assassinations.

The horned life forest smiled and said to 2 people: “Shadow, Dongxiu Yang, give you a chance to make a great contribution. Qin Xiao of the Mang Temple is now in the muddy abyss. But his deity, once killed, has great credit. This opportunity is rare.”

Talking about the life of the horn, I just smiled and said with a disdainful shadow: “Head of the Magic Wu, to deal with a trifling 4 steps Heavenly God’s boy, I think I’m enough, I don’t bother Dong Xiuyang Mighty God to accompany me Together. It’s such a big credit, and two people need to share it evenly. That’s not cost-effective. Let me go alone.”

“Shadow Mighty God, what do you mean? Why should I let you go alone? Can’t I go alone? Why should I let you snatch it for good credit?” Dong Xiuyang was very upset, immediately Said.

Shadow looked at Dong Xiuyang, but was not angry, smiled and said: “Because my strength is stronger than you, my assassination ability is higher than you, I am more confident than you to complete this task.”

“Fart fart, we have the ability to compete now, I want to see what you have ability, dare to speak in front of the head of Mo Wu.” Dong Xiuyang scolded angry.

Mo Wu Tuanjun waved his hand, cold snorted and said: “Okay, don’t quarrel anymore. My words are very clear, you two go together, no one should argue. This Qin Xiao, but our dark death Legion ranked No matter how important the third assassination target is, I don’t need to say more about it.”

“This time is a rare opportunity, so be sure to ensure that 10000 is not lost, and there must be no loss. If there is any slippage this time, you should know what the consequences will be.”

“I believe in your strength, but you don’t care too much. The kid’s strength is also good. Although on the surface is 35, but according to intelligence analysis, his strength is most likely to be the top 20 level. You Strength, not at all too many advantages, so don’t be too careless, lest gutter overturn the boat.”

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