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But Qin Xiao turned a deaf ear, like simply did not hear the voice of the Lord of the Devil’s Eye, and directly shot off the Avatar of Hunhu Mountain Lord.

“Ah… no… Lord, save me, save me!”

Seeing that Qin Xiao disregarded the Lord of the Devil’s Eyes, he still hurt himself with a killer. The Lord of Hunhu Mountain was frightened by 10000 points and hurriedly called for help, trying his best to escape.

But in front of Qin Xiao, how could he escape?

His strength is good, and it is close to the existence of the ground list. Among the four-step Heavenly God, it is also regarded as the most striking number one. In the level of Heavenly God in Loushanling, it is also one of the very best. presence.

Such a great character is weak in front of Qin Xiao, and its strength is not on a level at all, and naturally there is no half-point of resistance.

Not to mention him, even if an ordinary Mighty God is in front of Qin Xiao, there is no slight resistance.

Qin Xiao wants to suppress and kill him, it is just a dog slaughter.

In the sound of despair, the owner of Hunhu Mountain died under the sword of Qin Xiao.

“You…” The voice of the Lord of the Devil’s Eyes in Qin Xiao’s mind rang again, but this time with a sense of anger: “Did you not hear me?”

The angry voice is accountable.

Qin Xiao sneered, sneering, and responded: “Demon Eye Lord, am I familiar with you?”

“It seems that this is the first time we have a conversation? Even we haven’t even met each other before. We never know each other. Why should I listen to you? Why give you a face?”

“The people I want Qin Xiao to kill, they are all dying, that is death cannot wipe out the crimes. No one can save him. I still put the plain words here today, I will not let the deity of Hunhu Mountain Lord. How long has he lived. If the Lord of the Eyes doesn’t want to be against me, it’s better not to be the umbrella of Hunhu Mountain.”

“Hmph hmph hmph!” The Lord of the Eyes smiled without anger, gloomy sky, across the distant void, can feel the endless anger of the Lord of Eyes: “No one can threaten me, nor People can irritate me. If there is something wrong with my men, then it should be punished by me, and no one wants to move my men.”

Since the Lord of the Eyes is so unfriendly, Qin Xiao will naturally not treat him with a half-hearted, strong response: “However, the Avatar of Hunhu Mountain has been killed by me, and the next step is his deity. Magic Eye If the sovereign feels that he has this ability, he can continue to protect. But, the person I Qin Xiao wants to kill, then he will definitely kill, and will never let go.”

“Hahaha, Qin Xiao, you have such a big tone. I really thought I called you, Your Highness, and you treat yourself as a person? Is the discipline of the Mangmao Shrine great? Is it good to be arrogant in the list 35? God, it’s just a 4-step Heavenly God that’s all, not qualified to jump in front of the country’s master.”

“Don’t think you are a member of the Shrine of the Mangled Shrine. I wouldn’t dare to take care of you. It provokes me. The Lord of the Nation will definitely let you know how to write 2 words of regret.” The Lord of the Eyes of the Kingdom laughed extremely angry.

In the words, the thick threatening smell spread.

The Lord of the Eyes does have the confidence to say this.

The Lord of the Eyes of the Devil Eyes can be much more famous than the Daojun of the Battle of Fury, and the Lord of the Eyes of the Devil Eyes has two big brothers who are harmed by three people. When three people join together, the Emperor of the Devil Dragon must also get 2%.

Lord of the Eyes 3 Brothers, let alone in the territory of the Temple of Recklessness, even if you look at the entire God World, it is also extremely famous, not many people dare to provoke these 3 brothers.

“Let’s wait and see.” Qin Xiao replied coldly, and ignored the Lord of the Eyes.

Qin Xiao doesn’t care about all the resistance to kill the killer.

Although Qin Xiao does not have much confidence for the time being, he can directly kill the Demon Eye Kingdom to kill the Hunhu Mountain Lord. But for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long, Qin Xiao has time to wait for an opportunity.

With a wave of his hand, Qin Xiao released Qi Wan’s soul.

Qi Wan looked at Qin Xiao with a blank expression, expressionless. He has suffered too much pain during these countless years.

He didn’t even know who rescued him in front of him, and why he should be rescued, but he felt a sense of familiarity and intimacy in the people in front of him.

It seems to be a resonance from deep in one’s heart.

“Brother Qi Wen!” Qin Xiao shouted with a little excitement. Qi Wan was the last ancestor of God World who had risen above the Fire Palace and was also a peerless genius.

When Qin Xiao was in the Fire Palace, he also admired Qi Qi very much.

didn’t expect Now, he has rescued Qi Wan, which is really a wonderful thing.

Hearing Qin Xiao calling him Qi Dao’s brother, Qi Min’s heart shook, and I don’t know how long it has been since I heard someone shouting his name, let alone his big brother.

This kind of voice made his eyes slightly moist.

Countless years of torture, he has been living in pain, at this time he saw a piece of warm light.

“Are you… a descendant of 9 Chauworld?” Qi Yuan asked uncertainly.

Qin Xiao nodded with a smile said: “Yes, Brother Qi Wen, I am a descendant of 9 Continent World, and it is also the discipline of the Fire Palace.”

“Disciple of the Palace of Fire!” Qi Wen was even more excited when he heard this.

Fire Palace, that is a very distant memory for him.

Qi Qi’s mood for a while was beyond remembrance, and he laughed wantonly, as if he wanted to completely vent the pain of countless years suppressed in his heart.

“It’s good, good. I’m in the Palace of Fire, and finally I have a great junior. At a young age, the strength of my body is so strong. The 4 step Heavenly God is really amazing. No. I am practicing today, but it is only a very good 2-step Spiritual God that’s all, it is really ashamed, ashamed.” Qi Yuan repeatedly applauded.

In front of Qin Xiao, he really has several points of shame.

How to say he is also an ancestor, but his strength is far inferior to that of Qin Xiao, and he was also saved by Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao said: “Brother Qi Wen, let me create Divine Physique for you first.”

Qi Yan’s grateful nodded: “Thank you!”

Qi Wen is only a 2-step Spiritual God, so it is not difficult to create Divine Physique for him. It is just that Qin Xiao also has some materials for modeling Divine Physique, so soon Qi Qi’s Divine Physique was shaped and restored him. The appearance of is no longer just a soul.

Looking at his body, Qi Wei was very satisfied, because the Divine Physique it created was even more powerful than his previous body.

This made him admire Qin Xiao’s ability even more.

After Qin Xiao introduced himself, Qi Min only understood what Qin Xiao was called.

“By Qin Xiao, how did you know me?” Qi Yuan asked very curiously.

He was arrested by the Black Mountain tribe 1000 to 10,000 years ago. He became a slave of 5 million years in the Black Mountain tribe, and was sold to the owner of Hunhu Mountain by the Black Mountain tribe. Then he has been in the state of soul till now.

It stands to reason that no one should know him, but Qin Xiao found him and rescued him, which really puzzled him.

Qin Xiao said: “Brother Qi Wen, this is a long story. Let’s leave here and go back to my house. I will slowly elaborate with you and introduce some people to you.”

Introduce some people?

Qi Wan couldn’t help moving, could it be the people of 9 continents? Did other people come together?

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan was really looking forward to it, and his heart was full of excitement.

This is something he has always expected.

He thought his life was over, but didn’t expect himself to be rescued one day.

Life is really full of wonders, you never know what will happen in the next second.

There is nothing more wonderful in life.

“En?” Qin Xiao just wanted to take Qi Yuan out of here, and a sudden alarm in his heart gave rise to a dangerous alertness.

Not good, not good!

Qin Xiao felt a sense of danger in his heart and dared not have any hesitations. He immediately collected Qi Wen into the body world and directly into the virtual within the realm.

When Qin Xiao entered the virtual world, a strange rays of light suddenly slain from the void, a shadow came out, came out silently, and a strong blow came over, enough to easily Has killed a little Mighty God.

The Void was shot out of the black zone by this sword.

The shadow came out, but his brows were deep frowned: “en? What about people? Isn’t it… Is it into the virtual world?”

You Ying immediately understood that this must have entered the virtual world, so he could not find anyone, and this method is very harmful.

“Hmph, I thought hiding in the realm, why don’t you let me go?” You Ying glanced at her, and quickly determined an approximate location. A sword attacked the past, with Supreme destroying the sky. The prestige, extremely cold, killing intent.

A sword struck, frozen Myriad Realms, and cut off 10000 ancients.

The universe sky is suddenly dim.

“Sword with good experience, very powerful strength, this is definitely the existence of the extremely powerful Mighty God. Netherworld Race, all are born killers, very good at assassination. Such a murderous Mighty God came to assassinate in If I am not alert enough, I am afraid that it will be difficult to hide in the past just now. I also have the real world of the real world, and I have also played a role, otherwise it is really difficult to say. Xiao’s brow furrowed involuntarily.

While walking through the virtual world, he tried his best to parry, but the opponent’s strength was too strong, and he was still above him, so Qin Xiao did not dare to meet force with force, but used the virtual world to dodge.

However, after all, his real body of the virtual realm is still just mastered, and the practice is not profound, so there is no way to hide it completely in front of the shadow, or it will be seen by the other party.

“Who the hell are you? Why did you assassinate me?” Qin Xiao coldly snorted asked.

Shadow Yousensen sneered and said, “If you want to know, ask the king. Even Mighty God is not, even dare to leave the world of God World privately. You are bringing about one’s own destruction. The extremely rare opportunity is cheaper for us. hmph hmph hmph, boy, come and die!”

Shadow chasing Qin Xiao, even if Qin Xiao walks in the virtual world, he can’t get rid of his tracking.

After repeated killing, Qin Xiao fell into the downwind and was beaten and beaten. Fortunately, relying on the real body of the virtual world, he can also resist hard.

If there is no real body in the virtual world, then I am afraid it is really miserable.

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