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Can be seen everywhere, the ruins of the ruins, the break of mountains and rivers, the void, the faults of the world, the breath of breath.

The breath of You Sen spreads all over the world, and the strange wind blows. When the wind blows, everything in the space can be smashed.

From time to time, there will be a dark air current, since it is an unremarkable air current, it can also easily kill a 4-step Heavenly God.

Walking among them will give people the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end. Yin Qi Yousen, from time to time there will be harsh and strange calls, as if hiding the ancient devil in the dark, dormant in the dark, always there May come out to claim life.

The broken mountains and rivers created a spectacle and shocked people.

You can still see some remaining breath, such as sword marks, such as Daowei.

Feeling the traces, Qin Xiao also like a son to return to the scene of the ancient 4 world war.

Can be seen everywhere are fragments of broken Tao implements, some of them do not know how long they exist, but Tao implements have never been decayed, and they will remain as they are for as long as they exist.

“I really don’t know what the scene of the 4th World War will be. When I look at this Battlefield of Gods and Demons, I can imagine one 2 and it is really incredible.” It is only in the periphery of Battlefield of Gods and Demons. zone, Qin Xiao is already talking.

Death Aura is very strong in it. From the moment Qin Xiao came in, he discovered that there was an invisible force that wanted to invade his body, wanted to control his emotions, and even manipulate his own will.

This is a bloodthirsty breath, and I want Qin Xiao to become mad and bloodthirsty. Fortunately, Qin Xiao’s state of mind is high enough to not be affected by the power of this strange breath.

The details of Battlefield of Gods and Demons, Qin Xiao, are all understood. If you can’t control the temperament, it will easily become mad and eventually fall into the Myriad Tribulations no longer in cultivation deviation.

Once it becomes crazy, it will lose some of its intellect, and it will basically have to die in this Battlefield of Gods and Demons, or directly sink, be operated by the will of Battlefield of Gods and Demons and become walking corpse.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Qin Xiao is also very cautiously upon entering.

Battlefield of Gods and Demons is very large, and the area is larger than Qianlong collar, so if you walk in it by flight, even Qin Xiao may take 100000000 years to complete the entire Battlefield of Gods and Demons. Go up again.

If you want to find someone in Battlefield of Gods and Demons, it is undoubtedly like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, according to the information of the Manghuang Temple, an approximate area of ​​10000 demonic path ancestors was determined, which should be performed by Sovereign, and the scope was reduced a lot.

So now Qin Xiao only needs to go to that area to find something.

If you can find Qin Xiao in that area, you can try to slash the 10000 demonic path ancestors. If you can’t find it, forget it, and you won’t have to go to other places to find it.

“En? It’s a big bone, and I don’t know what life is.” Qin Xiao’s eyes suddenly showed an incomparable gigantic bone, no longer than 100000000 miles, and more than 20,000,000 miles high, completely like a planet. Put it there in general.

Such a huge lifeform is rare in the universe, at least Qin Xiao has not seen it.

Compared with this, the chaotic ancient beast is much smaller.

After the endless years of white bones are still white and shiny, there is no trace of the years. It is conceivable that this is definitely the dead body left by the existence of a deadly Mighty God.

But what surprised Qin Xiao a little was why the flesh was gone?

It stands to reason that after Mighty God’s death, the Fleshy body will not decay, and the years that will not decay in the past will always maintain the state before death.

This is why many Mighty Gods like the emperor’s burial. This is how they save their fleshy body from being harassed and destroyed by anyone after their death.

Or there will be some careful thinking, thinking about the possibility that one day in the future, you can also be resurrected.

In some forces, there will be a burial tomb, and all dead Mighty God will be buried in it.

Some small forces will also bury the dead Mighty God solemnly, will accompany a lot of treasures and the like, and will be buried very concealed and will not be discovered.

As a result, an out-of-sight profession was derived out, called burial.

Specially staring at those Mighty God’s burial, stealing the treasure of the funeral inside.

This situation is actually very normal. For example, Qin Xiao used to go to the emperor’s funeral with a group of people in the small universe, and almost fell to the hands of 7-star emperor.

If it weren’t for grasping the 7-star Great Emperor’s handle, then I’m afraid it would fall into that Emperor’s burial.

The emperor’s burial was enough to make Peak’s Mighty God jealous.

Some ordinary Mighty God’s burial caves will also allow some Mighty God to think about stealing.

But there are good things left in this Battlefield of Gods and Demons It shouldn’t be. They have passed such a long time. I don’t know how many people have come in and found it. I don’t know how many times I turned it.

Even if there is something left in the ancient 4 world war, so long as the years have passed, it has been hollowed out.

Such a huge bone is really amazing for Qin Xiao.

However, after only a few glances, Qin Xiao continued to move forward, and soon came to a tiantian cliff, 100 100000000 million miles long, and a 3,000,000,000 mile deep cliff appeared in Qin Xiao In front of, suddenly attracted the attention of Qin Xiao.

Looking at the face of the cliff and feeling the power of some sword energy remaining on the cliff, Qin Xiao was also amazed in his heart: “A sword that is overbearing, a sword that is very powerful, just a sword, it will be here Leaving such a terrifying cliff out. Incredible, really incredible.”

You know, this is Battlefield of Gods and Demons, but it’s not a normal place.

The rock Qin Xiao has tried it here, and if a general 4-step Heavenly God puts out all his strength, he has no ability to leave a trace.

Ordinary Mighty God shot, even a small hill is difficult to break.

Even if Qin Xiao shot, it was not easy to destroy a mountain.

But this sword, forcibly hit this sky, it was too terrifying too terrifying.

“Is it because of the existence of Sovereign?” Qin Xiao couldn’t help guessing.

The probability left by Sovereign is still there. After all, from the situation obtained by Qin Xiao, the Ancient 4 World War was the battle of all Peak-level forces in the entire universe, and the existence of Sovereign also participated in the war.

There are more than one Sovereign dying inside, just think about how terrifying it is.

Sovereign, that is the existence of the true Undying and Inextinguishable.

What Qin Xiao can’t imagine is that Sovereign will actually die in this ancient 4 world war?

Under what circumstances can Sovereign die?

is it possible that dozens of Sovereign besieging a Sovereign?

Such a situation is only possible.

Otherwise, according to Qin Xiao’s understanding, Sovereign simply cannot kill, and no matter how powerful Sovereign can kill Sovereign, it is a common sense recognized by God World.

Qin Xiao is close to the cliff, the closer it is, the more terrifying the residual sword energy can be felt.

The level of use of swords should be at a high level.

Qin Xiao has never seen the use of high-level research kendo before, and he doesn’t know what level it is.

In front of this cliff, it is most likely the trace left by such a sword.

However, it is only a feeling of the remaining sword energy, and it is difficult to truly experience and understand the method of using kendo, but still can see a mountain of kendo.

What Qin Xiao is now pursuing is the Great Perfection of Seven Stars Sword and the Perfect Perfection of the Real World. The use of Tao has been improved since the beginning.

Two figures suddenly and quietly appeared behind Qin Xiao, a group of black-eyed wraiths, and a life covered with black scales all over the body, shaped like a giant caterpillar.

Two figures quickly approached Qin Xiao, revealing their fierce fangs.

Whether it is a wraith or walking corpse, or the evil life in Battlefield of Gods and Demons, it is kill without mercy for foreigners, in order to defend their authority to occupy Battlefield of Gods and Demons.

And these lives are extremely evil, bloodthirsty as life, with Foreign Domain’s life coming in, naturally crazy killing.

Only those who are also extremely evil, and the life of the evil technique comes in, will let them accept it.

Like the ancestor of the 10000 demonic path, he can live with these lives peacefully without being attacked by them.

hundred thousand li ,8 ten thousand li ,5 ten thousand li ,30000 li ,ten thousand li —— Soon the wraith and evil life approached Qin Xiao’s ten thousand li, and 2 people also launched Qin Xiao Terrifying offensive, crazy kill.

The distance of ten thousand li is too short for those 2 people, and they can be killed instantly.

And they can use the environment here to hide themselves, which is extremely difficult to find.

“Human Race, let’s die!” Yin Qi Sensen, who smiled at the evil life, showed white teeth, and a black lance in his hand flashed out an extremely strange cold glow, which could penetrate a sword.

His black lance was successfully stabted from behind Qin Xiao’s back, unblocked, and directly penetrated a large hole.

“Hehe, too weak, too weak, so dare to enter Battlefield of Gods and Demons, it’s courting death.” Evil life sneered, this is at most ordinary Mighty God level strength that’s all, this strength dare to enter Battlefield of Gods and Demons, what is the difference between courting death and courting death?

Counting it down, he hasn’t eaten Human Race’s meat in a long time. In retrospect, he still feels very delicious, but it’s too hard and not tasty.

But the essence blood is very delicious.

But immediately he noticed something was wrong, because the silhouette of Qin Xiao disappeared slowly in front of his eyes, and soon disappeared into nothingness.

What about people?

Why are you missing?

What I have just said is not the real body, but the remaining image!

Evil life is a little dumbfounded, why is the silhouette of Human Race missing?

The eyes of the two black holes of that wraith glanced at all around, and apparently some were not able to understand this matter.

“You are looking for me?”

A cold voice suddenly came from behind him, a peerless sword energy edge was suddenly killed from the virtual within the realm, and a puff directly pierced into the body of the evil life.

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