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Qin Xiao quickly left the passage, chose a direction to go away, and walked the virtual world all the time to hide his trail.

It is a coincidence to be able to resolve the crisis at this time.

The mad dragon emperor came just when Qin Xiao came out of a family land of evil life. If it is further away, then it is not so easy for Qin Xiao to want to introduce the mad dragon emperor into the family land of the evil life family. .

Such a coincidence only fulfilled Qin Xiao’s plan to spit blood from the mad dragon emperor pit in one fell swoop.

Moreover, he also captured Daojun Daojun, who fell into the hands of Qin Xiao for the second time.

“The mad dragon emperor can find me so accurately. It should be that I bought my location information from the Celestial Court. In order to deal with me, the mad dragon emperor is willing to give up the cost.” Qin Xiao thought, only this was possible.

The ethnic land of the evil life doesn’t know whether it can trap the mad dragon emperor, but Qin Xiao feels that the probability of trapping is relatively small.

With such a level of strength, the mad dragon emperor wanted to kill him too hard. He has lived so long, there must be a lot of life-saving methods on his body.

In addition, the Mighty God of the evil life group has not been particularly affected. Although the number is large, it may not really be able to mad dragon emperor.

After thinking about Qin Xiao shook the head, I don’t want to do these things for the time being. It should not be so easy for the mad dragon emperor to come out.

“Once the evil life family can’t trap the mad dragon emperor, he will definitely come to me desperately. Even if I walk in the virtual world, it is estimated that I can’t escape the “Heavenly Eye” of the Celestial Court. My location should be the mad dragon emperor. It can be easily obtained.” Qin Xiao frowned slightly, and this question really deserves his careful consideration.

If you try hard, Qin Xiao is obviously not the opponent of the mad dragon emperor. Of course, how does the mad dragon emperor want to take him, and it is not so easy.

But after all, if you fight against the mad dragon emperor, it will still suffer.

“If I leave Battlefield of Gods and Demons now and go back to the Temple of Mania, it would be an unavoidable dragon emperor. But I have just entered Battlefield of Gods and Demons. Soon, I haven’t achieved the purpose of training. Can you leave easily?”

“If I go back to the shrewd shrine now, it will be more difficult for me to make a big breakthrough. So, leaving Battlefield of Gods and Demons is not my choice for the time being. No matter how much, counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir. Even if the mad dragon emperor hunts down, I may not be able to fight him. But now, I still have to improve my strength as much as possible.”

This is indeed the most urgent situation in front of Qin Xiao. If Seven Stars Sword’s extreme learning or the real world unique learning can break through, then Qin Xiao also has several points of courage to deal with the mad dragon emperor.

However, it is too difficult, too difficult to improve these two unique skills.

It’s just that Qin Xiao’s desire to improve his strength is stronger now.

On the edge of God World, outside the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, three silhouettes came out of the void.

The supremacy of Supreme made the void suddenly freeze, and it stopped, completely surrendered to the feet of 3 people.

Although these three people have different dresses, they are about 3% imagined.

Obviously, these three people should be biological brothers, or those with direct blood relationship.

It is rare that the 3 people in the universe who have such a relationship are extremely terrifying, and in the God World, the Mos 3 brothers have a great reputation.

If the three brothers of Moshi alone, they really can not reach the Peak level, at least no one can be comparable to the mad dragon emperor.

But the three brothers are not weak, and their strengths are much stronger than those of the mad battle Daojun. The 3 brothers are extremely united. Once the 3 brothers join forces, even the mad dragon emperor has to be respected.

The 3rd Brother of the Magic Brothers ranks the oldest 3, and the strength is also the weakest of the 3 brothers.

Lord of the Dragon Palace on the Old Avenue, Master of the Tiger Lane on the Old Lane 2.

Both the Master of the Dragon Palace and the Master of the Tiger Tiger rarely walked within the realm, but they were also notorious.

“Elder brother second brother, according to the information from Celestial Court, the position of Qin Xiao’s children has been constantly changing. This kid is very clever and has been changing his position quickly. For the time being, Celestial Court can only give When an area comes out, let’s go first. If it is not possible, we can only ask Celestial Court to check it.”

The thought of the price of checking Qin Xiao’s location information on Celestial Court Island made him feel painful.

It’s not enough to check it once. I’m afraid it will be checked again later.

However, in order to deal with Qin Xiao, even if it hurts again, it would have to be gritted.

Shen Long, the master of the Dragon Palace, said: “Come on, let’s enter the Battlefield of Gods and Demons.”

A bigger dark surge was also a crazy surge, but the party Qin Xiao was still not aware at this time.

Qin Xiao is guarding against the mad dragon emperor, so he can only stay as far away as possible, so that even if the mad dragon emperor comes after, it is not so easy to catch himself.

Moreover, Qin Xiao has been changing its position all the time. In this case, even if it is to buy information from Celestial Court, it is not so accurate. For the time being, it can only be avoided by these methods.

The constantly changing position keeps Qin Xiao’s energy on part of the flight, and naturally there is not much time for cultivation.

One year later, Qin Xiao also stopped. It is obviously not the way to fly like this all the time.

When Qin Xiao came to Battlefield of Gods and Demons, the most important purpose was to hone himself and improve his own strength.

So Qin Xiao doesn’t care anymore. I will do this for the time being.

Qin Xiao stopped in front of a corpse. The corpse is still very well preserved. If it is not a trace of vitality, it is not considered dead.

This is obviously a dead Mighty God, except that everything on his body has been looted, leaving only the corpse lying there, and a few horrible to see wounds on his body.

Seeing Mighty God’s body on the Battlefield of Gods and Demons is also a strange thing, and Qin Xiao has not seen it all along the way.

Qin Xiao stopped, only because some words were written on the ground beside the body.

“I have spent my whole life, and there is no way to set foot on the Peak, nor can I reach the Sovereign level. I lived a few 10000000 100000000 years, I lived long enough. There has been no way to enhance the taste, no personal I’ve experienced it, I can’t feel it—”

I wrote about 10000 words. It is a suicide note. The words are full of grief, pain and despair.

Can’t see hope, living like walking corpse, gradually despairing, doubting his own life.

I don’t know the meaning of being alive, there is no dream, no pursuit.

After working hard for countless years, I didn’t even improve at all.

Want to pursue the Sovereign level, simply can not see a trace of hope.

Desperate, he gradually loses his meaning in his life, and wants to end himself in another way, to free himself, and get a new life.

Therefore, this Mighty God entered the Battlefield of Gods and Demons and made the final blow. But obviously, it still failed, and soon died in the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, leaving these suicide notes out.

“True didn’t expect, Mighty God is also not able to detach himself. It seems that some of Mighty God’s biggest enemies are not others, but himself. If even oneself is desperate, even oneself has doubts about life, then Will fall into a madness.”

“Once Divine Heart collapses, it’s like walking corpse.”

Qin Xiao shook the head: “In the history of the universe, there are really many Mighty Gods who have reached the point of self-destruction. In fact, if you think about it, being able to live endlessly may be a pain. Living with the universe, Yuan Yuan not You can die without extinction. But once one is caught in a training bottleneck and suffers from endless years of pain, it is also an unimaginable thing.”

“If I had reached that point, I might have collapsed. If I lived for a long time, it would become a burden.”

The feeling of falling into bottleneck Qin Xiao can also feel it, it is indeed desperate to die, but not painful, it is too painful.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao will not be in the bottleneck for a long time, but think about it. If you fall in the bottleneck for a few 1000 100000000 million years, a few 10000 100000000 years, or even a few 1000000 100000000 years, how would it feel?

Think about it, Qin Xiao dare not think about it.

Therefore, many Seniors will emphasize their state of mind. If the state of mind is not high enough, the road behind it will become more and more difficult.

The state of mind seems to have little effect, but in fact it has a very large effect.

Qin Xiao has known this for a long time, so he has always attached great importance to the training of his mind, hone his Divine Heart, hone his will, let himself become unstoppable, tenacious invincible.

Qin Xiao is a mental cultivator. In terms of mood, Qin Xiao really surpasses others.

At least for the people in the same realm, there are few comparable Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao shook the head, said: “For the time being, I don’t have any troubles in this area. I haven’t even come to the right way now. I’ll also have such troubles in the future. My cultivation path, Will keep going.”

“Mighty God, Sovereign-I will go on forever, I have a lot of ways to go.”

“Besides, my Divine Heart has always been very firm. I will definitely be able to detach myself, and I will not be troubled by Divine Heart, lose myself, and doubt myself.”

At this point, Qin Xiao has always been very determined.

“Senior, rest in peace.” Qin Xiao saluted the dead Mighty God’s body.

This Senior is also a pitiful person, but he came to this step, it is completely his own reason.

Such a lesson in the past, but also set a warning bell for Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao was about to leave, to look elsewhere, but just about to leave, he felt three powerful breaths approaching him quickly.

There was a familiar breath, which was soon captured by Qin Xiao.

“Demon Eye Lord -“

Qin Xiao’s face suddenly changed, and his eyes were cold for a moment: “Not good, the Mo 3 brothers came to the door, and they came so fast. I had been guarding against the mad dragon emperor before. Brother forgot, this is more terrifying power than the mad dragon emperor.”


Qin Xiao did not hesitate to walk the virtual world directly, and wanted to leave here at the fastest speed.

But one after another Yaotian’s rays of light suddenly burst out of the hands of the Lord of the Dragon Palace. Wherever the rays of light went, the void was directly imprisoned, and the town was sealed down. Qin Xiao’s walking into the virtual world was also hindered.

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