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Qianlong collar, an extremely secluded place in the vast universe, in a natural danger. It is full of barrenness, but full of danger, so even the practitioners are not willing to come here.

A silhouette in the shape of a black mist traveled through it quickly, avoiding all dangers and embarking on a safe path.

After passing through the danger zone of each and everyone, through the forbidden land of each and everyone, it also traversed it for 3 days before finally arriving in a Small World.

Small World has been developed by powerhouse artificially and naturally formed.

Small World is different from the original world and different from the small universe. Small World says that the simple point is a space created, which is completely a fixed space.

One flower, one world, one grain and one sky. A real capable person can open a Small World out of a dust.

Just like the ordinary Spiritual God in the source world, a Small World can also be developed. Just like the fire palace of 9 continent world, the earth dojo and the like, there is its own Small World.

It is not so easy to develop Small World in God World. Generally, only Mighty God level can be developed. The stronger the strength, the more powerful Small World is, and the less likely it is to be discovered.

The Small World in front of me is obviously artificially developed.

This Small World is not big, and the things inside are very simple, only a palace that is not a magnificent palace stands in it.

The energy of the Dark Candle King Avatar entered the palace directly, and soon merged with his deity.

In the next few years, there will be energy avatars coming back one after another. Each energy avatar comes back with a beautiful girl from Dali. This process lasted for 5 years. All the energy avatars have returned. The Dark Candle King Finally, a gruesome sneer appeared, and he got up and left the great hall.

Soon, the Dark Candle King came to a secret room, saluted respectfully, and said: “Master, all the prey of this time has been collected, the total is 200000000 zero 800 6 130,000 4056.”

“The number is a little low.” A faint voice came coldly from the back room, apparently has several points of blame.

The Dark Candle King quickly lowered his head and quickly said: “It’s unfavorable for his subordinates to work, and the subordinates should be damned, and ask the master to punish him.”

The faint voice in the secret room said: “That’s all, you can’t be in a hurry at this time, the action is too big or not good. Forget it, just wait a few more thousand years, act outside must be careful, cut No difference is allowed.”

“Yes, my subordinates understand.” Dark Candle King said.

A hole was opened in the door of the Chamber of Secrets, and an invisible hand was extended from the inside. The Dark Candle King quickly handed over the space ring, which had installed the beautiful women.

But when the invisible hand just received the space ring, the space ring suddenly burst out, killing it out of an extreme edge with many space rings, and directly killed the Dark Candle King.

The sudden change also caused an extremely angry coldly snorted voice in the chamber to come out.

The Dark Candle King apparently did not expect such a thing to happen. It was completely dumbfounded and did not understand what was going on.

How could this be?

He clearly checked it, why is he still being mixed in?

And, turned out to be a 4-step Heavenly God?

The Dark Candle King was frightened and frightened. He had already felt his master’s boundless anger, but at this time he was unable to quibble about anything, but he quickly rushed to kill him.

The Dark Candle King is only a normal Mighty God that’s all, the strength is the existence of the bottom of Mighty God.

With his strength, how could he stop Qin Xiao’s killing?

“What? How could it be so strong? Isn’t he a 4-step Heavenly God? How could this be so strong?”

Upon confrontation, the Dark Candle King’s complexion changed suddenly, frightened by 10000 points. Facing Qin Xiao, he felt like facing Peak-level Mighty God. Even when facing the master, he didn’t feel so pale and powerless.

This feeling is like a Fan Ling facing a Spiritual God, there is a world-like gap there.

At this moment, the Dark Candle King even doubted that he was not a Mighty God. Thinking of yourself as a Mighty God, how can you feel this powerlessness?

All his strength was directly destroyed, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, there was no trace of overwhelming power at all.

This feeling is too terrifying, and he doesn’t know how long he hasn’t felt this way.

“No no no, Master, save me—” The Dark Candle King felt despair in an instant, making him cry out in horror.

But his panic was soon annihilated by the power of terrifying, death was coming, unstoppable, and everything was irreversible.

His power, his Divine Physique, everything he can’t stop this ruined windfall.

one after another The sharp edge pierced through the body of the Dark Candle King, making the Dark Candle King feel his life force disappearing rapidly.

This is the feeling of death, and this is the first time he has felt the advent of death so intuitively.


Soon, the body of the Dark Candle King turned into nothingness, and the dead could not die anymore.

A Mighty God, just died here.

“Hmph, you are courting death!” An extremely cold voice came out of the secret room. An ice front blasted and destroyed a void, and immediately killed Qin Xiao.

Almost as soon as Qin Xiao killed the Lord of Dark Candles, this terrifying attack power came suddenly, which was unexpected.

This ice front penetrated directly from Qin Xiao’s body, with a peerless power, penetrating everything and destroying everything.

A tall silhouette came out of the secret room, with a strange appearance, covered in black robes, and exuded a very cold and strange atmosphere.

The eyes are full of grace, and the triangular eyes seem to be a ghost that frightens the soul.

As soon as this black shadow came out, it was the Three Thousand Worlds, and the sky and the sky were instantly frozen.

Time and space are frozen.

10000 things are frozen.

This imposing manner alone is powerful and invincible, like a peerless ancient giant. Wherever we pass, we must submit to it. Everything in the palm of your hand must be frozen.

With one thought, you can move Three Thousand Worlds, which can shake one side of the sky.

Powerful feeling!

He sneered at the forest, killing intent, and imposing manner Ling Tian.

It was only a few thousand years since he was hidden here. Someone dared to come to him to find his troubles, which really made him angry.

His servants were killed by the other party in an instant, which was even more abominable.

“En?” But the brow of the black clothed person wrinkled involuntarily, because Qin Xiao disappeared in front of him. What he just hit was not Qin Xiao’s body, but left An afterimage coming down.

“The real world is awesome? The man in the shrewd temple!”

Soon, the eyes of the black clothed person became cold: “hmph, it turned out to be Qin Xiao. Peerless genius, the recently thriving shrine of the Manghuang Temple, Qianlong tyrant ambassador, is said to be suspected of being in the top 5 . The deity of the mad dragon emperor of your shrewd temple has also died in your hands. I have heard of you long ago, didn’t expect to see you here today.”

Qin Xiao walked the virtual world, but he did not rush to do it, but looked at the black clothed man coldly.

“There is no cause-effect line on the body, and the trajectory of fate cannot be captured. Master Yao Zhuang told me that this kind of person is very likely to be a member of the Erow family. I also found the Erow family at that time, so I still made it. Da Gong, was sent to the Manghuang Island by Yao Zhuang for trial.”

“Does the person in front of you also belong to the Erow family?”

The Eros are a very mysterious and dark force in the universe. They have always been against God World. God World’s eyes are thorny.

The power of God World has always wanted to completely eradicate the Eros, but until now has not succeeded.

The Ero family has a powerful inheritance bloodline, all of which are extremely powerful. And act very cautiously, will not appear easily. So if you want to catch an Erow, it is really too difficult.

However, it is not absolute, there is no causal line, and the fate trajectory cannot be captured. It is not necessarily the Erow family, but only that it is likely to be a person of the Erow family.

As for which life in the universe has no cause and effect lines, and the trajectory of fate cannot be captured, Qin Xiao is also not quite clear, and has not specifically asked about this matter.

It stands to reason that all creatures in the universe should have a fate trajectory, and they should all be bound by the universe.

If there is a trajectory of fate, then there is a causal line, and then according to the cause and effect, you can find some sense of connection.

However, the Erow family is special, there is no trace of fate left, and there is no cause and effect line. Therefore, even after seeing each other, there is no way to sense the other based on cause and effect.

Under normal circumstances, you only need to see one side, you can use the cause and effect to sense each other, to contact each other.

You don’t even need to meet, if you are strong enough, you can directly connect through causality.

Just like the Nether Mountain Mingzu directly contacted Qin Xiao through causal induction.

“Are you from the Erow family?” Qin Xiao asked coldly.

The black clothed man sneered and said, “It seems that you Qin Xiao is also merely this, and even asked such a stupid question, do you want me to answer it or not? You are only a trifling Heavenly God of 4 steps realm that’s all, realm is too low, many secrets in the universe, how can you know?”

“Your understanding of the universe is nothing but that corner of that book, that’s pitiful.”

“However, I really admire your guts. I dared to mix in with my servant and found my old nest.”

Qin Xiao pouted: “Shouldn’t you praise me for being smart? Knowing how to use this method to find you, not to mention that the Dark Candle King didn’t expect it, I’m afraid you didn’t?

“You have always acted cautiously, but it’s still skynet gray, or you missed this link and I found it easily.”

The black clothed man continued to laugh: “Yes, I really didn’t think of it. This little thing, can actually alarm you, the Fengjiang ambassador. It seems that you are really trying to govern. You are going to cure Qianlong. It seems that you are a person who likes to do business, but do you really think that you will not fall in the sewer if you manage too much business?”

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