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As the thunder blew, the silence froze.

Killing intent overflowing heaven while nervous.

Demonic beast Grandiose’s advance, with the mountains and mountains, and the extinct Heaven and Earth Might.

A roaring roar soared into the sky for 9 days.

One after another came with a bloody tyrannical aura like a giant wave, strong wind scattering the last clouds, sweeping the world.

Under the oppression of this terrifying imposing manner, the warriors of the Lin tribe also held their breath involuntarily and tightened their nerves.

In such a monstrous imposing manner, the timid people may be scared to death.

Many people’s hearts are dangling. With the power of the Lin tribe, how can they stop this 1000000 level Demonic beast army? The quantity alone is serious inequality. And Demonic beast is not like the 3 Horde coalition, Demonic beast is more fierce than the Giant wolf tribe.

Moreover, the Demonic beast army that can’t see the head at this glance, I am afraid that the number is far more than 1,000,000, and even as many as millions.

The distant view is still continuously flowing in, and there is no interruption of simply.

There are as many Demonic beasts in the entire Oki mountain range as much as 10000000?

If all the demonic beasts in the entire Oki mountain range are turbulent, a giant beast frenzy will be terrifying.

Demonic beast army of 10000000 order of magnitude, let alone their Lin tribe, even the powerful giant wolf tribe before was also unable to withstand a single blow.

Dong! dong! dong!

This is the sound of heartbeat, peng peng sounds, as if to jump out.

roar roar roar! !! !!

The leading Demonic beast marched into the forest tribe thousand zhang, each and everyone exposed their fierce fangs, and after issuing a loud roar, they launched a fierce offensive.

The war has finally started!

“Stonehenge, cast!”

At a command, the warriors who threw stones from the Lin tribe threw one after another boulder.

Although these boulder throwers are modified with some simple things, the effect is very good. One after another Boulder is like throwing it out with war chariot, full of huge formidable power.

Under such a boulder rain, Demonic beast was knocked down, some were directly killed, and some were seriously injured.

Some of the lucky ones were snarling and angry.

However, Stonehenge has a very order, which falls like a torrential wind and rain, and does not give the Demonic beast army any chance to breathe.

In the boulder rain, another elaborate Archer launched an offensive.

The Lin tribes lived on hunting for generations, and the art of bow and arrow is naturally superb.

Qin Xiao’s previous plan was to pick up a group of 3000 elite bow and arrow arrays among these warriors, and these arrows were quenched with poison.

Those demonic beasts who hadn’t arrived in a hurry before being injured were shot dead on the spot by the arrows of the Lin tribe warriors.

Only this kind of cooperation has been able to block 90% of the Demonic beast of the Pioneer Tribe.

A small number of Demonic beast rushed to the city wall, and the third team was dispatched. This group is mainly based on lance, forming a large lance formation.

Under the excellent platoon formation, a huge formidable power was formed, so the Demonic beast rushed up was also quickly killed, with no back and forth.

If the number of Demonic beasts impacted is enough, it will indeed pose a great threat. Fortunately, the number of Demonic beasts impacted is not large, so one after another is beheaded by the warriors of the Lin tribe.

After several rounds of defense, the Demonic beast army has no way to break through the front line and kill the Lin clan.

The clansman of Lin’s tribe, who was worried about the tension, saw the front line played by Qin Xiao played a huge role. It can be said that after the magical effect, each and everyone’s confidence doubled and morale surged.

With morale soaring, that power is naturally stronger and the defense is stronger.

The Demonic beast army launched an offensive offensive again and again, but was beaten back and forth again and again.

In just a few rounds of attacks, the Lin clan killed more than 3000 Demonic beasts. The Lin clan did not have any casualties. It has to be a miracle.

If there is such a tendency, then before facing the 3 Horde Allied Forces, you can completely fear nothing, and you can completely fight with the 3 Horde Allied Forces.

Seeing the miraculous effect, all the Lin tribes worshipped Qin Xiao even more, and they all took Qin Xiao as the backbone and were regarded as military divisions.

Everything, follow Qin Xiao’s command.

With such an effect, Qin Xiao was actually expecting it, but this was his plan to use the excellent marching sticks collected by God World. Qin Xiao made adjustments based on the actual situation of the Lin tribe. Tailor-made plans will naturally work wonders.

After having the effect, Qin Xiao also performed the second row immediately, and became the commander of Great Marshal.

Demonic beast army is not retreating, not discouraged, and once again launched a more fierce offensive, a terrifying Demonic beast rushed to kill.

Qin Xiao has set up several lines of defense to easily kill ordinary Demonic beasts, but if the Demonic beasts that want to be victimized want to beheaded, it will not be so easy.

Therefore, the current beast army also wants to use the demonic beast to sprint, to destroy the defense line of the Lin clan, and to disrupt the position of the Lin clan.

Although it seems that the Lin tribe is like a Copper Wall Iron Bastion at this time, the iron barrel is general, but once a mouth is torn open, it may be a complete collapse, or the defeat has been set.

Everyone is very clear about this situation, so in any case, you must stay dead, and you can’t let the Demonic beast army have the opportunity to let them open any mouth, otherwise it will be dangerous.

Qin Xiao told Lin patriarch stand in great numbers Lin He and they said: “Lin patriarch, now is the time for us to play. According to my previous plan, each person should keep one place, and then cooperate with other means. Keep all your mouths and don’t allow any demonic beast to rush into our Lin tribe. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

This line of defense is made up of all the people from the Lin tribe in the Swordsmen Realm Peak and above. The number is actually not much, only 100. But this line of defense is a crucial line of defense.

Of course, it is certainly not enough to rely on these 100 people. Qin Xiao also arranged other defense lines, and cooperated with these 100 people to form a hard defense line.

However, speaking of which, Qin Xiao did not have absolute certainty to be able to prevent it. After all, the strength of the Lin tribe itself is indeed weaker.

For now, it can only do its utmost to prevent that’s all.


With the order of Qin Xiao, the mainstay of the Lin tribe, each and everyone, were killed and held their positions.

The power of cooperation is all in place and ready for assistance.

This line of defense can be said to be a line of defense that determines life and death, determines the survival of the Lin tribe, and determines the fate of the Lin tribe.

This battle cannot be lost.

Losing means annihilation, means genocide, means that the Lin tribe will no longer exist in this world in the future.

The warriors of the Lin tribe all clenched their teeth tightly, and they all want to do this final blow. Even some young boys who are still in the sword-man realm Early-Stage rushed out without any recklessness, to use them The blood of life came to guard the Lin tribe.

Qin Xiao A few people are great divine prestige, especially Qin Xiao, like the invincible War God, rushed into the Demonic beast army, as if entering the unmanned state.

Under the blade light and sword shadows, the Demonic beast was beheaded under the sword by Qin Xiao. Demonic beasts that have been hit all over the head can’t resist Qin Xiao’s sword, and all die under Qin Xiao’s sword.

Stand in great numbers and Lin patriarch are also great showing divine might. After all, the 2 people are also the realm of Early-Stage, and they also practiced Qin Xiao’s improved Grade 3 Sword Martial Skill, which is naturally impressive.

Plus this time is to fight for the protection of the Lin tribe and the life of the thousand people of the Lin tribe.

They shouldered too heavy a burden on their shoulders, which forced them to work hard.

With Qin Xiao’s tactical cooperation, the Demonic beast army’s offensive was repelled time and time again, and more and more Demonic beast were beheaded.

The outside of the Lin tribe is already blood flowing into a river, it is already corpses everywhere across the field, it is already devastated, like a dead area.

In the blood, Demonic beast’s animal nature is even more inspired, it is the madness of each and everyone, the roar of each and everyone. His eyes were red, and he was even more vicious.

The Lin tribe also began to die in the hands of Demonic beast, some were directly bitten into pieces by Demonic beast, and some were even eaten by Demonic beast.

The dark cloud of death also began to roll over.

However, the morale of the Lin tribes has not been damaged in the slightest. Instead, they have become more courageous and fighting intent is extremely high.

Death will only stimulate them more, and only make them more clear. If the Demonic beast army is not repelled, then only more people will die from the Lin tribe, and more innocent clansman will die.

Therefore, they must work hard and must fight.

Those dead warriors are the blood shed for the Lin tribe. The people of the Lin tribe will always remember their merits and will always honor them as warriors.

Dead, or lighter than Hongmao, or heavier than Mount Tai.

The death of these people is obviously heavier than Mount Tai.

All rounds of offensives were suppressed by Lin’s downfall.

With good cooperation, the formidable power of the defense line is maximized.

Coupled with Qin Xiao’s desperate efforts to kill their enemies, they threw their heads and shed blood, blocking all the demonic beasts.

Demonic beast who died in Qin Xiao’s hands didn’t know how many.

The bodies of Demonic beast outside the Lin tribe have already accumulated into mountains, the air has completely turned into red, and the sunlight has long been covered.

Between Heaven and Earth, covered with a dark cloud.

The warriors of the Lin tribe died of each and everyone, and the mainstay of each and everyone died.

stand in great numbers Lin patriarch was also injured several times. Fortunately, Qin Xiao shot a few times to help, otherwise they might all die under the sharp claw of these demonic beasts.

The fighting became more intense and miserable.

On top of the mountain in the distance, the Oki Mountain Range King Lion Kite stood there with the head of the king high, and the incomparable eyes stared steadily here, his eyes lightly red.

Obviously, he was also reluctant to accept such a result. He wanted to go crazy, he wanted to launch a more brutal offensive.

But at this moment, an invisible power suddenly came, let the lion and kite immediately kneel down, trembling.

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