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Qin Xiao frowned, and Qin Xiao got a lot of information from the conversation between several people just now, about the Lin tribe.

Was the Lin tribe wiped out?

Qin Xiao It’s only half a month since that last time, that’s all, how could the news that the Lin tribe was annihilated reached Daqi City?

According to the speed at which the news spread, the time when the Lin clan was wiped out was after he left the Lin clan.

What exactly is going on?

With a move in his heart, Qin Xiao waved to Xiao2. Xiao2 walked over here with a little smile and said, “Guest, I don’t know what to order?”

Qin Xiao handed out a bag of Spirit Stone and came out to Xiao 2’s hand. Xiao 2 picked up the Spirit Stone in this bag. There were more than 30 pieces in it, which was almost his monthly salary.

He can only collect so many tips.

After receiving the tip, the smile on Xiao 2’s face was a little more intense: “Grandpa, you can tell me something.”

Between the words, Xiao 2 put away the bag of Spirit Stone indifferently.

Qin Xiao said: “Little second brother, I ask you something. Just now I heard someone discussing that a family in Daqi Shanqi has been annihilated, it seems to be called the Lin tribe, do you know this?”

“Yeah, you said this. I have heard about it. It is indeed the case. The past few days are quite crazy in our Daqi City. I have heard a lot of news. “Small 2 nodded.”

Qin Xiao brows slightly wrinkle for a while, the news of Little 2 in Inn is definitely the most well-informed.

Listening to such a statement, it must be a matter of course.

Primary 2 continued: “This happened probably half a month ago. It is said that a mysterious powerhouse appeared in the Lin tribe, killing all of the Lin tribe. Up to the age of 100 Elderly, none of the babies in the swaddle were spared, and all of them were killed under the sword of the mysterious powerhouse.”

“A tribe of hundred thousand people, cleaned overnight with blood, and there is no one left. Tsk tsk, what kind of scene is that? corpses everywhere across the field, blood flowing into a river, so devastated, how terrible?”

“Anyway, the news I get is probably like this. A small tribe, not many people will pay attention. If it is not because of the genocide overnight, it involves a mysterious powerhouse, then there must be not much. People will pay attention.”

Ka-cha! ! !

Qin Xiao’s fist clenched in secret, and the anger in his heart surged uncontrollably.

At this moment Qin Xiao thought of Xiaoshuanger, of stand in great numbers, and of Lin patriarch.

What do you say to the Lin tribe? Although I can’t say how deep the feelings are, Qin Xiao has lived in the Lin tribe for more than a month after all. Moreover, the Lin tribe is also the first place where Qin Xiao came to Jianxiu world. With the relationship between stand in great numbers and Xiaoshuanger, Qin Xiao has a touch of affection for the Lin tribe.

So when he heard that the Lin tribe was annihilated, Qin Xiao was naturally angry.

Of course, Qin Xiao is most concerned about Xiaoshuanger and stand in great numbers, he does not want them to die.

“Everyone in the Lin tribe is dead? Didn’t a living mouth remain?” Qin Xiao asked.

Xiao 2 shook the head said: “No, no one, everyone is dead, the entire Lin tribe is spared, and died under the sword.”

Qin Xiao was stunned. Rao was very firm in his temperament, but Qin Xiao was still a little shocked.

Love has always been the softest piece in Qin Xiao.

Xiaoshuanger is dead?

stand in great numbers dead?

Was the Lin tribe wiped out?

Who did it?

With the power of one person, the Lin tribe was wiped out overnight, and no one left a living mouth. What kind of powerhouse can it do?

At least Sword Spirit level is required, right?

There is no Sword Spirit powerhouse in the Oki mountain range.

Not to mention in the Daqi mountain range, even in the entire territory of Daqi County, the existence of the Sword Spirit realm is also pitiful, and it can be said that can be counted on one’s fingers is not exaggerated.

Sword Spirit level, even if you look at the entire Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect territory, it is considered an expert, and you can be regarded as a guest level wherever you go.

In the end, who is such a ruthless player against the Lin tribe?

What kind of hatred is there in order to wipe out the Lin tribe?

The Lin tribe is also impossible, will it offend such a powerful enemy?

And why is it so coincident?

Why did it happen just after I left the Lin tribe?

This is certainly not a coincidence, there must be something unusual in it.

Qin Xiao immediately understood what happened before Lenovo, and there must be a conspiracy in it.

It must be the ghost that the invisible hand is behind, doing all this, from the very beginning, I want to squeeze myself, I want to play with myself.

Who is the person behind this?

Who is it?

From birth to the present, Qin Xiao has never been played by such people, has not been so useless, has not been so stubborn.

This feeling of being held in the hands of others is indeed very uncomfortable.

But Qin Xiao had no resistance at this time. He didn’t even have a clue, and he didn’t even have a clue about what the other party was.

This is what makes Qin Xiao feel uncomfortable.

The death of Xiao Shuang’er and stand in great numbers made Qin Xiao very uncomfortable, and some pictures flashed in his mind.

“Hmph, I don’t care who you are. I will pull you out, I will.” The anger in Qin Xiao’s heart has reached its extreme, and he vowed secretly.

The more oppressed, the more Qin Xiao will resist, the more he will inspire his fighting spirit.

Now for Qin Xiao, it is necessary to improve the strength as soon as possible.

Strength is everything, no matter in which world this is the same iron law.

“Hey kid, I fancy your position, and quickly roll me aside.” While Qin Xiao was silent, a harsh voice suddenly came through, like a cold knife.

Qin Xiao’s browses slightly wrinkle, and glanced at it.

I saw a few men standing in front of me, headed by a teenager in his early 20s, and a jinyi was enough to see out of the ordinary.

Behind the brocade clothed youth are four followers, dressed as a family. Such a situation is also a model of pampered young master.

Imposing manner is fierce, the look of tyrannize looks, it will be daunting to look at, don’t dare provoke.

When the second brother saw the person coming, he immediately turned into a dog-leg, greeted him with his knees bowed, his eyes narrowed with laughter: “Yoyo Young Master, you are here, please sit down quickly, but the small one has not been seen sometimes When I get to Young Master, I miss it so much.”

Called by the little second brother as a teenager, he lightly glanced at Xiao 2 and lightly said: “Then don’t hurry to tidy up the table for Ben Ben? Don’t sweep Ben Shao’s interest.”

The second brother immediately nodded and said: “It’s easy to get less, and the small one will do it for you right away. As long as you come to our Inn, it will definitely enjoy the highest treatment.”

After talking about Xiao2, he immediately changed his face and said to Qin Xiao: “guest, there is a table over there. You can sit there.”

This has completely changed from the attitude just now.

Qin Xiao said slightly coldly, “The principle of first come, last arrival is the same everywhere. Since I was sitting first, I don’t say there is a place on the side, even if there is no table on the side, I haven’t let me give up Does it make sense?”

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