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Ka-cha !

Ka-cha !

Ka-cha !

The sound of broken bones was so sad, so chilling.

A fast-decaying corpse is like rotten flesh that has been hatched, and is torn off with a light tear.

A wild beast was eating a corpse there, and from time to time he was staring at all around vigilantly, in case there was another wild beast to snatch him.

This all around, ruins and broken walls, bones can be seen everywhere.

The broken stones, soil, and rags were all dyed red, and after a few days of wind blowing and sun shining, they became pig liver.

The bloody smell, extremely pungent, disgusting and vomiting.

This is a desolate scene, this is a sad place.

Not far away, there was a wild beast licking among the ruins, trying to find the remaining corpses, this is their food.

It is a kind of sorrow for humans to eat.

Human beings are small and sometimes they are no different from animals. The reigning creatures are often just those beings standing in the clouds.

When Qin Xiao stepped into the land of the Lin tribe, it was indeed dumbfounded by the scene in front of him. Although he thought it would be such a scene, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he still felt a little subdued.

“If there are fewer disputes and more peace in the world, everyone can live in harmony. Without war, without killing, they all live like a family. Be harmonious and live a happy life. Isn’t that good? Qin Xiao sighed out in his heart, but he also knew that this sigh was desolate and unrealistic.

How can he change the law of survival?

No matter how strong he is?

Just like he is the master of the origin, he can control the will of the origin world, but how about that? He still can’t change the survival rule of Heavenly Dragon mainland, there is no way to change to those rooted survival methods, natural laws, the cruel rules of survival of the fittest.

And such rules are also necessary rules for cultivation.

Without such a fierce competition, the development of the path of cultivation must not be so rapid, it must become very slow.

Want to create such a beautiful world, unless he uses severe means to suppress everything, to set rules, and use military force to maintain order.

But if this is the case, the price will be too great, which is not what Qin Xiao is willing to see.

So after talking about it, Qin Xiao is also self-deprecating and looks at the head, feeling a little ridiculous.

“People go to tea and cool, the good Lin tribe is destroyed overnight. That’s all, life can’t be resurrected. If my strength is not imprisoned, I can go back in time to see what is happening, even the person who will die. Resurrection. Now that I don’t have this ability, I can only do so.”

“But since I got acquainted with each other, then I will see who is going to destroy your Lin clan with such vicious and merciless. If I find out, I will definitely report this bloody revenge for you.”

Qin Xiao has analyzed this matter before and thought of several possibilities.

At present, the biggest suspect is undoubtedly the giant wolf tribe.

When Qin Xiao found the giant wolf tribe, he discovered that the giant wolf tribe was already in ruins, and the giant wolf tribe was also wiped out.

The powerful giant wolf tribe actually ended the same.

Qin Xiao continued his search and wanted to find some forces around him to ask about the situation, but found that dozens of tribes around him had been wiped out.

Strange, really strange thing.

It seems that this matter is not just for the Lin tribe.

Qin Xiao continued to investigate, and finally understood a situation in the mouth of a Qiya tribe, saying that an animal tide broke out a few months ago, and then dozens of tribes were destroyed under the animal tide.

Terrifying Qin Xiao of Beast Tide is also known, and it is not a matter of destroying dozens of tribes under Beast Tide.

It’s just that Qin Xiao is puzzled, why is it so clever?

Moreover, this beast tide only affected that area, other areas not at all affected, it feels like a targeted general.

This matter, Qin Xiao thinks it is not easy, maybe it is a bit strange.

If you want to know more, you can only find the king of Demonic beast in the Oki mountain range and ask.

Taking Qin Xiao’s realm at the limit of Sword Spirit’s realm, of course, there is no need to put this Demonic beast king in his eyes, and he is fully capable to grasp it.

It took Qin Xiao nearly half a month to find the king of the Demonic beast in the Oki mountain range, but only to discover at the end that all the Demonic beast in the Sword Spirit realm level in the Oki mountain range was inexplicably killed.

All are dead.

None left.

Demonic beasts in the Oki mountain range are now in a mess, fighting for their territory and headless.

The clue is here, and all of them are cut off at once.

“This is not a coincidence, definitely not a coincidence. Behind this, there must be an invisible hand, a powerful hand, which is controlling all of this. This should be the same person as the invisible giant behind me.

“Who the hell is this behind? It takes so much effort to rectify me, and what do you want to do? What exactly do you want?”

Qin Xiao once again pondered in his mind that this question has never been answered, and it really made him very uncomfortable.

No one wants to accept the taste of being played in secret.

But this thing broke the clue, there is no way to continue the investigation, Qin Xiao can only do that’s all.

Now it doesn’t help to say more and more. The only thing I have to do now is to hurry up and strengthen my strength. This is the only way out.

Qin Xiao temporarily put aside things about the Lin tribe.

Qin Xiao focused on understanding the situation of a Dragon Sect conference. This is what understood the so-called Dragon Sect conference. Similar to what he had guessed before, the Dragon Sect conference is indeed a form of Flower Mountain Immortal Sect’s choice of discipline. It is only held once every ten years. It is meant to be fish leaping over the dragon gate, so it is called the Dragon Sect conference.

Once the fish leaping over the dragon gate was successful at the Dragon Sect conference, it would be ascending to the skies with a single leap, and it would be directly absorbed by Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect to become a discipline.

Once you become the Discipline of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect, your family power will also be vigorous, and will shelter for 1000 years and enjoy 1000 years of prosperity.

However, it is very difficult to become the Disciple of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect. It is held every ten years without saying that only 100 people are accepted each time.

The territory under the jurisdiction of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect is endless, with dozens of continents, and each continent has more than 1000 counties. Every county is remembered with a radius of thousands thousands li. The larger counties are even more than ten thousand li.

Therefore, the entire territory of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect is larger than Qin Xiao’s hometown of 9 Continent World, and it is entirely comparable to the size of the entire Heavenly Dragon continent.

9 World is on the mainland of Heavenly Dragon, I am afraid that only 10% that’s all.

Therefore, the territory of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect can be reached in ten ten continent worlds, which shows how big it is.

In such a large territory, geniuses are naturally countless. If you want to enter the top 100 from this endless genius and get the opportunity to join Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect, it is completely heavenly ascension.

Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect is just that’s all that is not very conspicuous among the many Immortal Sect in the entire sword repair world.

I was really unable to get into Qin Xiao’s eyes for such Immortal Sect forces, but now Qin Xiao’s realm is still too low, and I can’t do it if I want to leave Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect’s territory, so I think about it now, Qin Xiao I still decided to go to the Dragon Sect conference and join Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect first.

He joined Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect only to better practice and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Having calculated the plan in his mind, Qin Xiao started to act.

However, there is still more than half a year before the Dragon Sect conference. For the time being, Qin Xiao does not need to hurry so much. Qin Xiao first found a quiet place to practice.

Realm has improved 3 small steps, breakthroughs have some restrictions, and Qin Xiao has improved a lot in sword training.

The self-made Sword Martial Skill “Shanhejian” continued to improve and perfect. It took Qin Xiao almost 2 months to finally improve it into Grade 5 Martial Skill and Cultivation Art.

The lack of Martial Skill and Cultivation Art also made Qin Xiao aware of the seriousness of this problem.

Just relying on a Martial Skill and Cultivation Art of Grade 5, it must be a loss.

“It seems that I really have to go to the Cloud Chamber of Commerce to walk around and find a fortune-taker to see.” Qin Xiao pouted and thought in his mind.

Originally, he was unwilling to owe other people’s favor, but now it seems that there is no way out.

Otherwise, even if it can reach the top 100 of the Dragon Sect conference, it must be hard-fought. For Qin Xiao, this form of success is tantamount to failure.

Unless it is really a as a last resort, there is no need to make yourself so embarrassed.

With the decision, Qin Xiao went to the realm of Chamber of Commerce.

Qiyun Chamber of Commerce’s business is not just in Fengzhou, but it is spread across several continents.

Each county in Fengyangzhou basically has a branch of Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, it is easy to find a less wealthy, Qin Xiao directly found a branch of the Chamber of Commerce of Qiqiyun, and then revealed the order of riding the iron, immediately received the highest rules of care, the news was quickly reported to Cai Shao.

At the same time, the branch of Qiyun Chamber of Commerce immediately sent someone to send Qin Xiao to the headquarters of Qiyun Chamber of Commerce.

The headquarters of Qiyun Chamber of Commerce is located in the fortress of Fengyangzhou, in the Yangzhou city of the Central Plains.

When it comes to Feng Yangzhou, it is natural to mention Yangzhou City. Yangzhou City is arguably the most prosperous city in Yangzhou and the most famous city.

The popularity is higher than the Imperial Capital 9 Dragon City of the 9 Dragon Empire.

Not only for Feng Yangzhou, but even in the territory of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect, Yang Zhoucheng’s fame may only be under Huashan City.

Because Huashan City is an office of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect established in the world, it naturally becomes the center of everything in the territory of Flowers Mountain Immortal Sect.

Sitting in a luxurious carriage, running fast in the spacious avenue, the dust behind the wheel is flying like a long earth dragon dancing.

Looking at the front of the car driving a luxury car riding the Chamber of Commerce banner, and looking at the 8 tall caravans pulling the carriage, the pedestrians on the road also consciously gave way to let the carriage ride a dust. Sailed into Yangzhou City. Even the tightly guarded city gate was released directly, and it did not dare to stop the carriage.

This made Qin Xiao sitting in the car couldn’t help smiling, thinking that the status of Qiyun Chamber of Commerce in Yangzhou City is not really high.

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