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100 Chuanfusu pointed to 2 huge celestial bodies and said to Qin Xiao: “This is your Hongmeng universe, and here is the demonic beast universe. You can see that your Hongmeng universe and demonic beast universe are very bleak, there is no How much glory. Based on this, it can be roughly judged that a universe has gone through several epochs. The darker, the closer to the destruction.”

“Like the demonic beast universe here, the brilliance is almost exhausted, and it will soon be destroyed and returned to chaos.”

“Your Hongmeng universe and demonic beast universe are so close together, it is indeed extremely rare, like a twin universe. Generally speaking, the universe and the universe will be very far apart, so as to ensure the maximum of 2 universes. There will be no conflict between them.”

“Every universe is like an independent giant lifeform. Their mission is to be responsible for multiplying spirits, maintaining the entire system of Great Thousand Worlds forever and endlessly.

Qin Xiao listened quietly, not to mention Great Thousand Worlds, but he didn’t know much about Hongmeng Universe.

Regarding Great Thousand Worlds, he listened to it once by the rash leader, but there is only a concept that’s all.

What exactly is Great Thousand Worlds, he has not yet figured it out.

His level of strength is still low, and some things really have no way to get in touch.

“The real splendor, the real prosperity, is still in the Great Thousand Worlds, just–“

Speaking of Great Thousand Worlds, 100 Chuanfusu is all yearning and looking forward. But in the end, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly again, hook the head, and did not go on.

But lightly sighed: “That’s all, not to mention these, but it is a dream that’s all.”

100 The words of Chuanfusu Senior really aroused the extreme curiosity of Qin Xiao, really wonderful and prosperous in Great Thousand Worlds? What does this mean?

But 100 Chuanfu Su Senior also said that just, what is the strange situation inside that makes him hard to say?

However, since 100 Chuanfu Su Senior refused to say more, Qin Xiao did not talk too much. These things are indeed too far away from him, and he does not at all benefit from understanding these things now.

Or wait for yourself to become the Universe Lord in the future, come to understand. I believe that even if you don’t want to know at that time, someone will tell him about these situations.

However, Universe Lord is too difficult. Since the era of Hongmeng Universe, no one has become the Universe Lord.

The reincarnation of the universe era, the further back, there is no way to become the Universe Lord.

Only when the era begins and the beginning of Hongmeng will there be hope to become the Universe Lord.

Difficult, too difficult, too difficult, don’t you think it is impossible in the eyes of others.

But Qin Xiao has never given up, no matter how difficult it is, he must pursue in the end, how can he give up without fighting?

Great Thousand Worlds, what kind of prosperity should there be?

What is the attraction of Great Thousand Worlds, which can make Universe Lord all the same?

But if Great Thousand Worlds is really as prosperous and exciting as the 100 Chuanfu Su Senior said, why would they have been wandering in the cosmic sea and have been lonely and lonely?

When you think about it before and after, it feels very contradictory, which makes Qin Xiao a little messy. There should be many secrets that I don’t understand.

100 Chuanfusu waved his hand, and a celestial body flew out of his hand. Qin Xiao recognized the celestial body, which was the one that brought him here.

In fact, this is not a celestial body, but a treasure that’s all refined.

“Go, let’s go up.” 100 Chuanfusu said.

Qin Xiao nodded, a group of 3 people went into the celestial body, after entering the celestial body, 100 Chuanfu Su Road: “Qin Xiao, you do not resist, we enter your within the body world within the realm. This celestial body will bring You go back to where you were.”

“Good.” Qin Xiao nodded.

100 Chuanfusu took a stroke, which directly opened a channel of void and led directly to Qin Xiao’s within the body world.

A person’s within the body world is originally the most important place for a person. Once the within the body world collapses, the vitality will be seriously injured, and even serious will be in danger of life.

Within the body world, it is like a person’s root, a person’s source.

100 Chuanfu Su and Yu Young Master directly entered Qin Xiao’s within the body world within the realm, let alone Qin Xiao would not resist, even if he resisted, I am afraid that he would not have that ability.

Qin Xiao was really shocked in his heart. This strength was not something he could imagine. Within his body world, two seniors can easily enter.

If 2 Seniors are going to kill themselves, then it is really a single thought, and they don’t even need to move their fingers.

This kind of existence is the real powerful existence.

In comparison, I am still too weak now. Even if the strength can rank among the top 5 in the Heaven Ranking? But it is still too weak.

Realm, realm!

Qin Xiao’s desire for realm has become stronger and stronger now.

The celestial body turned into a stream of light and flew directly to the channel connecting the Hongmeng universe and the demonic beast universe.

When the celestial body entered the passage, Qin Xiao only felt that a dazzling rays of light permeated the entire celestial body, and he couldn’t open his eyes.

An invisible force came down, making Qin Xiao feel as if he had swept a pair of eyes from him, could not help making Qin Xiao slightly nervous, this is the will of Universe Source?

Once the Universe Source will discover that there is a powerful force in a different universe, it will be directly rejected.

Universe Source’s will cannot even resist Universe Lord.

But soon, this invisible power disappeared. When Qin Xiao looked at it again, he found that he had returned to the channel of Feng Abyss, and his deity had reconnected with Avatar.

“Hu ——” Qin Xiao is also relaxed by the dark, this feeling is really very beautiful.

Being able to get in touch with Avatar is the feeling of being alive, and finally is back.

You can come back after leaving the Hongmeng universe. Such a situation is indeed unimaginable.

Even if the Universe Lord left, he might not be able to return.

At this point, Qin Xiao admires 100 Chuanfu Su Senior for his ability.

The celestial body jumped rapidly in the Feng Abyss channel, and Qin Xiao also felt that he was getting closer and closer to Feng Shen Mountain. If he flies by himself, then I don’t know how many years it takes to fly back.

Soon, the celestial body returned to the place where Qin Xiao saw the celestial body for the first time. This position was very close to Fengshen Mountain. It took at most 100 years to fly back to Fengshen Mountain that’s all.

The celestial body came back here, and it stopped, without jumping any further.

A rays of light emerged from Qin Xiao’s within the body world, and 100 Chuanfusu and Yu Young Master directly came out of Qin Xiao’s within the body world within the realm.

Can I not need Qin Xiao to agree to enter, nor need Qin Xiao to agree to come out, nor hurt Qin Xiao’s within the body world, I am afraid that only Universe Lord level can do it.

“Haha, finally came in. Brother, we succeeded. Although Universe Source’s will is still oppressive, Fangqiang is still acceptable, at least not so uncomfortable. As long as we don’t reveal our strength, it will be fine. After so long, it is finally possible to have fun.” Yu Young Master was a little excited, and he was very playful.

“You know how to play.” 100 Chuanfusu said with a smile, and a little smile appeared on his face.

New life can finally begin.

Wandering the endless years, but yearning for this.

What was originally to disdain as beneath contempt has become precious, but it’s really awe-inspiring.

“Qin Xiao, we are leaving, thank you very much!” 100 Chuanfu Su said to Qin Xiao with a smile.

100 Chuanfusu Senior was so kind, but it made Qin Xiao not so embarrassed, and quickly said: “Senior is too kind, but no effort at all that’s all. Besides, I also get the benefits of Senior.”

“Benefits?” 100 Chuanfusu smiled and said: “That’s not a good thing. Your growth in Jianxiu World is also part of our plan. The most important part is also the key to the success of this plan. Where. But when it comes to benefits, you and I are considered to be destined. This can be considered a favor, and I don’t like to owe it to others.”

“Even if you are destined, then I will give you a chance. It’s a worthwhile meeting. Maybe, it can help you a little.”

In the face of 100 Chuanfu Su Senior who said he wanted to give himself a chance, Qin Xiao was also hesitant to decide whether to refuse or be gracious. Qin Xiao has always been more cautious.

But without waiting for Qin Xiao to speak, if it was Chuanfusu, it would be a finger, and a rays of light directly poured into Qin Xiao’s mind.

Suddenly, a lot of information flooded in and imprinted in Qin Xiao’s mind.

One after another picture, a piece of mental formula, each and everyone strange symbols, one after another idea.

After accepting this information, Qin Xiao was really shocked in his heart. The whole person stayed on the spot, and the shock in his heart reached an incomparable level.

It took a while for Qin Xiao to completely receive all the information.

Although it was received, such a huge amount of information temporarily made Qin Xiao unable to fully understand it.

But it was enough to make Qin Xiao shocked and was surprised by 10000 points.

100 Chuanfusu Senior shot, it really is extraordinary, it is indeed a good means, worthy of a powerful existence.

100 Chuanfusu said with a smile: “Qin Xiao, I taught you 2 sets of good cultivation techniques. These 2 sets of cultivation techniques are absolutely Peak-level in any universe, enough to make the Universe Lord crazy. Robbed desperately.”

“With your realm you want to practice, it must be very slow, but not in a hurry, you can slowly understand, slowly understand, and slowly practice. When you become the Universe Lord, start again Practice is fine.”

“”Dadao Gong Gong Gong”, I got it in a Secret Realm in the universe sea. This is the cultivation technique of your Dadao cultivation system, which is suitable for you to practice. Once you can understand this cultivation technique, you can Build a great road and make a living, go against Qiankun, make 10000 merits and make the position of the Universe Lord.”

“Another “Sword Emperor’s Classic”, this is the cultivation technique of the sword cultivation Dao cultivation system, and also the hard work of our 2 brothers’ endless years, including all our 2 brothers’ understanding of sword cultivation Dao. Your talent potential in sword cultivation Dao is also Yes, if you want, you can learn about this cultivation technique to practice sword cultivation, and maybe you can do it at Great Accomplishment.”

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