Seeing LV Fengren's face at a loss, Ye Hong said helplessly, "haven't you heard of a miracle doctor in Nanzhou recently? In the herbal hall, hundreds of people line up every day, waiting for him to treat some of the so-called incurable diseases. He can cure them in a few minutes. "

Lu Fengren frowned and said: "this man has been making a lot of noise recently. How could I not have heard of it? It's just How can there be such a person in the world? He is just a liar who flatters the public. However, the swindler's skill is quite skillful. Somehow, he has cheated so many people... "

Ye Hongyi black line: "he is not a liar!"

"How could it be!" LV Fengren said: "Mr. Ye, you are a doctor. You should believe in science. My mother was paralyzed in bed because of a sudden brain infarction. I've looked for all the experts in the world. They can't help it. Now a random person appears and says that he can treat all the diseases. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Not funny." Ye Hong shook his head and said.

LV Fengren was shocked. He didn't understand why Ye Hong believed the liar so firmly. He hesitated: "Mr. Ye, you are..."

"The liar you talk about is me." Ye Hong black face: "do you think I will admit that I am a liar?"

"Ah?" LV Fengren grew up and said, "how How could it be? "

"Why not?"

"Then you Is it really a miracle doctor

"In front of you, I dare say I can cure your mother. What do you think?" Ye Hong heavily hummed: "if you still don't believe me, I'll say nothing."

"No, no, no..." LV Fengren waved his hands again and again, his face flushed with anxiety: "I believe, I believe! Mr. Ye, then I don't know when it's convenient for you? To be honest, I'm a little worried about keeping my mother at home all the time. "

"Now." Ye Hong said, "I don't think you can drink this wine any more. We'll go there right away."

"Good!" Lu Fengren was overjoyed and at a loss: "well Mr. Ye, please. I'll go to check out first. You can wait for me here for a while

LV Fengren ran out of the private room in a hurry, went downstairs to the front desk and said with a smile, "pay the bill."

The waiter had a smile on his face and looked very sweet. However, what he said made LV Fengren's face change greatly: "Hello, sir, you have spent 463524. Would you like to pay by card or cash?"

"How much?" LV Fengren asked in surprise.

"463524." The waiter was still smiling: "do you hear me, sir? Do you want me to say it again? "

"Are you mistaken?" LV Fengren said in a loud voice: "I ordered four dishes, a box of beer, how could it be so expensive?"

"Wrong?" The smile of the waiter finally began to disappear: "Sir, this is a public place, please don't make a lot of noise What's more, you really spend so much money, if you can't afford it You can't even take out the money. Who gives you the courage to come here to eat? "

I ran into a black shop.

This is the first time in LV Fengren's mind to flash out of the idea.

But he also some wonder, now the black shop dare to be so arrogant? Blatant blackmail!

He waved his hand. "You're sure it's 463, 524, right?"

"Yes The waiter shook his head firmly, with a sneer on his face: "pay."

LV Fengren also no longer talks much and takes out his mobile phone to prepare for the police.

"What do you want to do?" "Do you want to call someone else?" the waiter asked

"What's your name? I am a legal citizen. In such a case, of course, the police should be responsible for justice! " LV Fengren didn't get angry and said, "I'm really puzzled. How did you open such a dark shop for such a long time? Haven't you been reported before? "

"Report to your uncle!"

Suddenly, from behind LV Fengren, another waiter rushed out, grabbed LV Fengren's mobile phone and said in a sharp voice: "today you must settle the account first, otherwise, don't want to walk out of our store gate!"

"Give me your cell phone back!" Lu Fengren's face was flushed and he was breathing heavily: "don't you let me go out of the store? You are imprisoning other people's personal freedom. Are there any laws in your eyes? "

"In this shop, you have to listen to whatever we say. You are not qualified to speak." The waiter swaggered and held himself aloof, sarcastically saying, "you want a mobile phone, right? Watch it..."


LV Fengren's mobile phone was heavily thrown on the ground by him, and suddenly split into pieces.

Lu Fengren was just about to speak when several waiters came around and surrounded him with a sneer.

"Don't talk to us any more, ask you one last time, this account Do you knot or not? "

At this time, the boss came over with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, we have a small business here, but we can't afford to have a few domineering meals for people like you. You'd better buy the order as soon as possible, so that we can all worry."Lu Fengren suddenly turned his head and said in a sharp voice: "boss Wang, is this how you do business? I'd like to know that four dishes and a box of wine cost 300 yuan at most in other places. How can it be more than 400000 yuan in your place? "

The boss still can't smile and looks amiable: "this is the price we set here. If it's too expensive, you can't come. Since you're here and the dishes are ordered, you have to pay the bill Is there any problem? "

"So you know you want to pit me?"

"How can it be a pit?" The boss waved his hand: "the ingredients are different, and the price is also different."

"Well, what are the ingredients used in my four dishes?" Lu Fengren said coldly.

Several waiters all laughed out loud: "even if I told you, do you understand? Don't talk nonsense. Pay the money right away

"How dare a garbage with a green hat to eat here? I really think we can get anyone in here? "

"I can't even take out the money. No wonder people are wearing green hats!"

LV Fengren's face has turned iron blue.

If you beat someone, you don't slap your face; if you expose someone, you don't expose your shortcomings.

Again, he put salt on his face!

Moreover, these people are so clear about his affairs that Lu Fengren, no matter how stupid, also knows that these people are deliberately targeting him.

He turned to look at boss Wang: "boss Wang, do we have no injustice or hatred? Why do you humiliate me so much? "

"I didn't humiliate you!" Boss Wang said innocently: "you eat in my place, I just let you pay for it. How can it become humiliating to you? Of course, if you don't pay, I'll let you know what real humiliation is

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