He asked Mr. Hu to give up his property here, and never appear in the world again!

The company here is an industry of his whole life. How can we just let it go?

He has been in this city for most of his life. How can he leave his hometown and give up everything he has because of a word from April?


It's better to kill him!

He repeatedly promised, swore poison, and even proposed that April leave a means of controlling his life in his body!

However, after this incident, April's trust in Hu seems to have disappeared!

He refused to agree to Hu's request. They were deadlocked, so April cut off Hu's back road and used his power to make Hu's company face the risk of capital chain rupture!

As long as Mr. Hu has nothing here and is frustrated, he will consider his suggestion!

This is the result of April's deliberation!

If it wasn't for the friendship with Mr. Hu, I'm afraid that Mr. Hu would have disappeared from the world quietly.

And then

There is the current disaster of the Hu family!

Ye Hong didn't speak for a long time!

Master Hu sighed again!

Once a good friend, become now like this, but he can only cry helpless!

Although the heart of regret, but he also knows that the contradiction between the two can not be resolved!

Because the position is different!

No matter how good the relationship with April is, we can't ignore the life and death of many compatriots!

No matter how good the relationship between April and Hu is, he will never let go of his wariness.

That's why it's developed to this level!

"If I don't come to you, are you going to keep it in your heart all the time?" Ye Hong asked with a smile!

Mr. Hu shook his head and said, "I don't want to let the people who are locked up die innocently, and I don't want to let the people who want to rescue them die in vain."

That is to say, if the rescuer has no absolute strength, even if he keeps this secret in his heart for a lifetime, he won't reveal a word to others!


Ye Hong laughs: "I wonder if the old man can help me again!"

Mr. Hu grew up and hugged his fist: "Mr. Ye has orders, and Mr. Hu will do everything!"

If this person is really Ye Hong, even if he goes to the League Headquarters alone, there is a way to retreat, and even it is possible to rescue him!

"Please ask the old gentleman to ask April out and meet me!" Ye Hong light said: "I have some things, need to discuss with him!"

Since April can regard master Hu as a friend, it is enough to prove that his hostility to the Chinese medical profession is not as deep as others.

If you can persuade me, maybe I can get some top secret information from him.

Of course, if he doesn't listen to good advice, Ye Hong doesn't mind using some other means!


But Mr. Hu hesitated when he heard this.

If he wants to go through fire and water, he has the courage not to frown, even if he is cut to pieces!


Now ye Hong wants him to betray his friends!

He can't do such a thing!

But ye Hong saw his doubts at a glance and said with a smile: "don't worry, I won't do it to him!"

Mr. Hu frowned: "Mr. Ye's words don't seem convincing!"

"Don't you believe me?"

Master Hu shook his head: "it's not that you don't believe in Mr. Ye's character, it's just that... The two sides have different positions. You are determined to save our Chinese compatriots, and April will definitely work wholeheartedly for the angels. There must be conflicts between the two sides. Why meet him in advance?"

"If it's a positive confrontation, even if Mr. Ye and April decide on life and death, I have absolutely no two words, but I can't apologize to him first!"

Ye Hong also thinks what he said is reasonable!

No matter what he said, the old man would think that he would be bad for April!

Easy is hard!

I don't have to embarrass this family.

"All right!" Ye Hong nodded: "I don't force you, but I have another request!"

Mr. Hu looks ashamed!

Before also said willing to go through fire and water for Ye Hong, blink of an eye even this request can't do, this old face is lost!

"Mr. Ye, please send me back!" This time, he did not dare to make any more promises. He was afraid that he would be a careless little man again!

"I'll come and tell you when I need an old man!" Ye Hong lightly a smile, lift foot to walk toward outside!

"Mr. Ye, stay!" But master Hu suddenly said, "what is Mr. Ye going to do next?"

Ye Hong slightly side head: "Hu old son or first tidy up their own company's affairs!"

Mr. Hu said with a bitter smile, "is Mr. Ye guarding against me?"

He is not willing to betray April, so Mr. Ye has reason to suspect that he has already joined the mage League

He is also suffering now!

"Since you don't want to get involved in this matter, you should take good care of your family affairs." Ye Hong said: "I don't want to make you too embarrassed!"

"As a Chinese, it's my duty to save my compatriots from fire and water. How can I be embarrassed?"

Ye Hong said with a smile: "you are not afraid of the people of the mage alliance. They know that you have helped me and started to target you from then on... You know, you have developed here for many years, and your roots are here!"

Ordinary people can never fight against Angel spokesmen!

It's very simple for those Angel spokesmen to kill Mr. Hu and even his family!

Even in a word!

"China is my root!" Master Hu shook his head and said, "the alliance of mages is plotting against China, and the Chinese medical world is in danger. Without China and the Chinese medical world, what can we rely on?"

"Master Hu, Gao Yi!" Ye Hong stretched out his thumb and said with heartfelt admiration: "after I rescue people, I will bring those people to visit the old man!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person had disappeared from the living room!

"Mr. Ye... Mr. Ye..."

Hu called a few more times, but there was no response, which confirmed that ye Hong really left!

"Ah... It's really..." master Hu shook his head and sighed: "I don't know what will happen in the end!"

At this time, Hu Xia Xia, who couldn't hear anything, came back again. He peeped in the living room for a moment, but didn't see Ye Hong. He immediately wondered, "where's that guy, grandfather?"

"Gone!" The old man said in a deep voice.

"Gone?" Hu Xia Xia widened his eyes and said, "he... He just left? Don't even call? "

What a jerk!

I was pestered with him, but I didn't say a word when I left!

Obviously, I didn't pay attention to Miss Hu!

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