The emperor of heaven grinned bitterly: "I can't understand what you are saying more and more!"

Ye Hong laughed: "if the things in heaven are really managed by the LORD God, you can't make so many masters in heaven!"

Feng Qiwu then said, "yes, you were seriously injured when you came to heaven. It's not easy to cultivate a God. How can you make so many angels?"

"So, don't make everyone think as stupid as you Ye Hong immediately said: "now can we stand up and have a good chat with us? Aren't you a miracle doctor? We're not your opponents. You really don't have to be so pretentious! "

Feng Qiwu said with a smile: "and the master you mentioned, I have never heard of his name. If he is really an immortal, how can I not know?"

Ye Hong shook his head like a model and said, "in fact, it's not the emperor's fault. How could he think that you are from the fairyland? Since I can't think of it, naturally I can't think that making up a name will become the biggest loophole in his lie! "

Feng Qiwu shook his head slightly: "he didn't expect that I came from the fairyland, but he didn't expect that I would know the fairyland experts ten thousand years ago like the back of my hand!"

With your words, I easily exposed the deception of the emperor of heaven!

The LORD God looked at the emperor of heaven strangely: "Lord of heaven, they... What they said is not true, right? It must not be true... "

The emperor of heaven said with a smile, "do you believe them or me?"

"Well, if what I say is true, do you believe it?"

"Letter God nodded: "of course I believe it!"

The emperor of heaven is his benefactor. How can he doubt the emperor of heaven just because of a few words from a stranger?

The LORD God felt that he was too inhuman and gave himself a slap.

"That's fine!"

The emperor of heaven smiles again, and his body still doesn't move, but his tone is very different from that of just now: "I have to admit that you are very smart. In a short time, you found so many flaws in me. I thought I did it perfectly..."

"So you're stupid!" Ye Hong was not angry and said: "before you make up a story later, you should check it carefully several times. If you make such a low-level mistake, you will only make people laugh!"

Feng Qiwu disdains to smile: "Lord Tiandi, can we talk about it openly now?" What time

"Yes!" The emperor of heaven said lightly: "you have proved your qualification with your own strength!"

With these words, his dry palm was slowly stretched out, and his head, which had been leaning on the wheelchair, was also slowly raised!

Looking at this scene, the main god widened his eyes, stepped back a few steps, and exclaimed: "Lord God, you... Don't you... Don't you have no action ability?"

"I say you believe it, silly boy!" The emperor spoiled and scolded: "how did I teach you before? There is no good man in this world. Don't trust anyone. Be on guard against anyone! "

"Since it's anyone, dare to include me... How do you know I won't cheat you?"

The Lord is pale!

I can't believe it. I have been living in the lies of Tiandi.

The emperor of heaven laughs. He doesn't care about his minion anymore. He turns his head and looks at Ye Hong and Feng Qiwu!

"You two... Are you really so interested in me?" He asked with great interest, "haven't you heard the saying that the more you know, the faster you die?"

"If you like to say it, just say it. If you don't like to say it, pull it down!" Feng Qiwu didn't have a good way: "I'm not interested in you. I just want to kill you!"

"Not bad!" Ye Hong light said: "no matter what you are, today we have found here, will never give up!"

The emperor of heaven looked up with a smile and didn't pay attention to the threat of Ye Hong and Feng Qiwu at all!

"People in fairyland still have this bad temper. They always shout, fight and kill!" He slowly shook his head and looked at Ye Hong and Feng Qiwu jokingly: "but do you know that in this world, there have always been people who want to kill me, but I can live well until now... Do you really think it's an accident?"

"It's not natural that anyone who wants to kill can kill the master of the magical medicine realm!" Ye Hong light said: "however, you are at best but a half disabled miracle doctor, the situation still can't scare us!"

Feng Qiwu nodded deeply: "if you are the top of the peak state of the doctor, I'm sure I'll turn around and run... But now, I'm sorry, you're just the fish in my hand, I'll kill you as I want!"

If only he was here, Feng Qiwu didn't have the courage to say that!


Now, there is a Ye Hong who is similar to his strength!

It's equivalent to having two fengqiwu!

Can't the two fengqiwu beat a half disabled master of the divine doctor realm?

Feng Qiwu didn't believe that he would be abandoned to this point!

"Ha ha ha..."

The emperor of heaven is laughing!

"At the beginning of the semi abandoned miracle medicine realm?"

"Then I'll let you have a good look today. What kind of strength can the semi abandoned miracle doctor play... Don't forget, there is an old saying in China... A thin camel is bigger than a horse!"

With that, he slowly stood up from the wheelchair, the original turbid eyes suddenly become bright!

But the body is still old, there is no a miracle doctor realm master should look like!

He laughed, and without saying any more nonsense, he suddenly reached for his hand.

Ye Hong and Feng Qiwu are one or two meters away from him, but with the emperor's palm stretched out, they suddenly feel a huge suction, which makes them come to the emperor uncontrollably!

It's like running to the Emperor himself.

The two big hands of the emperor of heaven pressed on Ye Hong's head and Feng Qiwu's head respectively: "do you know how I got my body cultivation?"

When he spoke, Ye Hong and Feng Qiwu had already felt that Dantian suddenly began to vibrate, and the real Qi in his body rushed to the top of his head uncontrollably, and then ran to the palm of the emperor safely!

The key is that they have lost the ability to move now. They can only stay here and let the emperor of heaven absorb their power!

"Most of my accomplishments come from my dead Master!" The Emperor didn't think that ye Hong and Feng Qiwu would answer him!

When he runs the heaven swallowing magic skill, the sucked person not only has no ability to move, but also has no chance to speak!

We can only let him do his best until he sucks these people up.

"The old man is so precious that he won't pass on my advanced Kung Fu. By chance, I got the heaven swallowing magic skill. I just let the old man become the first victim of my magic skill when he didn't pay attention!"

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