"I want to apologize to you, old man!" Ye Hong's mind fluctuated for a little time, then he pressed his complicated mind to the bottom of his heart and slowly stood up. He looked at master Hu and said.

Mr. Hu was stunned, and then he got up in fear: "Mr. Ye, why do you say that? Why apologize to me? "

"I killed your best friend!" Ye Hong said in a deep voice: "although I didn't kill him myself, he died because of me!"

Master Hu and April are good friends who talk about everything!

But April died because ye Hong and Feng Qiwu broke into the mage alliance!

True... April is also one of the main culprits of the Chinese people, but after all, he is a friend of master Hu!

Before starting, I should have said hello to Mr. Hu!

Mr. Hu was stunned and then said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Ye, I have said for a long time that my position is different from that of April. I didn't help you deal with the traitor who has been waiting for Huaxia. If I blame you for his death again, am I still worthy of being a person?"


At this point, Mr. Hu took a deep breath, and a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes: "after learning what he did to the Chinese compatriots, he is no longer my friend!"

Ye Hong is silent for a moment, also don't know how to comfort!

Hu didn't want to let his emotions affect Ye Hong. He said with a faint smile: "Mr. Ye really doesn't have to take this matter to heart. April made a mistake first. It's his destiny to die in the hands of you and your friends..."

We are both mortal sins!

How can you have a grudge over his death?

Master Hu is a very thorough person

Hu Xia Xia, as she said before, closed her mouth tightly and didn't say a word.

Every time I want to open my mouth, I will hold out my hands and cover my mouth tightly.

Can't talk, can't talk!

She told herself in her heart!

Talking is about to be driven out. It's not easy to get along with Mr. Ye alone. You must not miss it easily!

Ye Hong turned her head and gave her a white look: "say what you want to say, why hurt yourself!"

Hu Xia Xia tentatively looks at Hu Laozi: "can I... Say it?"

Mr. Hu didn't have a good way: "if Mr. Ye asked you to say it, do you need to ask me?"

Hu Xia Xia finally took a long breath and looked at Ye Hong with a smile: "Mr. Ye, you are as calm and graceful as the legend, and you are incomparable... I really like you. Can you give me a autograph?"

Ye Hong is full of black lines!

Seeing her hard work just now, I thought she wanted to express some original opinions

I didn't expect that she would make such a series of comments!

"Later!" Ye Hong calm face said: "in addition, if there is nothing urgent, you still don't open your mouth, I still think you look better with your mouth closed!"


Hu Xiaer exulted: "do you really think I look good? Well, I won't speak, not a word! "

Then he closed his mouth tightly and tried to show his most beautiful side in front of Ye Hong!

Mr. Hu sighed helplessly!

"In such a position, it's no problem to send a group of Chinese back home!

"Moreover, they are very kind to the Chinese compatriots, and they don't even talk about the cold or the warmth, or even respond to their requests!" Hu continued to praise, obviously very satisfied with the performance of Lorin Milan and others: "if the masters of the western world treat us like this, we can hold our heads high no matter where we go, and no longer have to worry about being bullied!"

Ye Hong light smile: "rest assured, this day will not be too far!"

Huaxia Medical School is changing with each passing day. It is developing at a very fast speed. Even if the alliance of mages is immortal, one day, Huaxia will trample on the western world with its own strength.

Now without the mage alliance, the era when everyone in China is a doctor is not far away!

Ye Hong and Hu Laozi chatted for a while, then took the initiative to leave.

Hu Xia Xia stands up in a hurry and is reluctant to give up. He still wants to keep his most beautiful silence in his heart, but he thinks that ye Hong is going to leave. He still doesn't know if he can see him again. It's a pity if he doesn't say a few more words to him.

May become the biggest regret in my life!

"Mr. Ye, let's go after dinner!" She reluctantly said: "meet is fate, we can see twice, it is a great fate, you don't even eat a meal, how can I have the face to tell others that I know you!"

"It's not that serious, is it?" Ye Hong looks at her suspiciously.


Hu Xia Xia nodded: "besides, you haven't taken a picture with me, and you haven't given me your autograph. Isn't it too irresponsible?"

Ye Hong is more puzzled: "what does this have to do with responsibility?"

"Your fans are responsible for you!" Hu Xia naturally said: "completely ignore the demands of fans, almost paranoid, you are so easy to drop powder, do you know?"

Mr. Hu also said: "Mr. Ye, you can stay for a meal, or this girl will have to talk about me all my life... I'm afraid I'll never be clean again..."

Ye Hong said helplessly: "I still have some things to do. Both autograph and group photo are OK. Even if I have dinner..."

"Good!" Hu Xiaxia jumped three feet high: "I'll get the camera... You wait, don't take the opportunity to escape!"

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