As everyone expected, after the Han family stepped in, there were a lot less people who chose Lin Yang and other students. There were only two or three scattered students, which could not be compared with the grand occasion of the previous few days.

Even if the people who came to the name of Lin Yang and others would naturally choose Jiren hall after seeing the sign of Jiren hall!

On this day, jirentang did what he said and didn't get a cent. However, most of the doctors told the patients a word in the end.

"Continue to come tomorrow. If you are in this situation, you should continue to apply needles for several days!"

The patient had no doubt about the doctor's words. He was grateful for his kindness and left slowly.

Moreover, I have made up my mind to come here before dawn the next day.

It's a rare opportunity to be treated by Jiren hall for free!

We must solve all the problems of the whole body at one time!

The fees of Jiren hall are always very high, and many famous hospitals are far behind them.

Ordinary diseases are OK, but as long as they encounter difficult diseases, jirentang often prescribes prescriptions with sky high prices. Moreover, only jirentang can grasp such medicines!

It costs thousands or even tens of thousands for a sore back and leg.

If it is a incurable disease, there are no tens of millions of people. You can't walk out of the gate of Jiren hall.

Therefore, many people know that Jiren hall can cure many diseases, but they are afraid of this place.

I can't afford to go!

Ordinary people who can put out tens of millions?

After getting cancer, they would rather die at home than step into Jiren hall!

Jiren Hall Specially for Jinbei's high officials and rich people!

One day later, Lin Yang, not to mention completing the task of twenty-five places, failed to reach even a fraction.

Three patients came to him!

As for others, it was even worse than him. Some students waited for a day, but none of the patients came to see the front door of the Korean stall.

And they no one shows any interest in.

In the evening, a group of students were listless, dejected and depressed to the extreme.

Even if ye Hong said that they should go to dinner, they couldn't lift up their spirits.

"Teacher ye, go back. I have no appetite today. I can't eat any more!"

"Yes, Mr. Ye, in this square, maybe you can see the people of the Han family in some corner I really don't want to meet them again. "

"My face is almost swollen by them today!"

Ye Hong lightly swept all people one eye: "defeat in the hands of the Han family, do you think it is difficult to accept?"

"Of course Lin Yang said: "we have worked hard here for so many days, but in the end they have robbed us of the limelight Can't anyone swallow it

Li Dazhuang also lowered his head and said: "teacher ye, I didn't receive a patient today. We really can't compare with the Han family. Otherwise, we'd better change places."

"For every second, it's a torment for us

Ye Hong turned to look at Leng Bingyan: "Leng teacher, what do you think?"

"I think we should stay out of the limelight for a while." Leng Bing said in a deep voice: "in the northern part of Tianjin, we really can't compete with the Han family, and Our students are not as good as the real doctors in Jiren hall. If we hold on, we will not get any advantage! "

Ye Hong nodded: "indeed, in terms of fame and strength, we are far less than Jiren hall!"

Leng Bingyan and the students around him all have a long breath.

Finally It's time to escape this hellish place.

Looking at other people's crowded, but their own eyes are very few, that kind of being trampled on the pain, so that each of them is on the verge of collapse all the time.

However, Ye Hong next second, it is a voice turn.

"But because of this, you're going to be deserters? But when you fight, you have to fight? " Ye Hong asked, "is it embarrassing? Today you can escape, but for the rest of your life, you will never want to look up in front of Jiren hall. Even if one day, your medical skills and cultivation surpass them, they can still laugh at you for being a shrinking turtle, and you will still cringe in front of them! "

"Only because you are their defeated generals, because you have not the courage to fight back in front of them!"

Lin Yang and others were flushed.

Shame and anger!


The gap of strength is here, they really have no way!

"Come here first. If you don't want to eat, don't eat it!" Ye Hong said indifferently: "after going back, think about it carefully. Do you want to continue tomorrow? You can choose by yourself."

With that said, Ye Hong did not care what the students' reaction was, and walked to the shopping mall.When ye Hong walks away, Lin Yangcai looks at Leng Bingyan and asks carefully: "Leng teacher, ye teacher, he What did he do? "

"It should be Did you go to dinner? " Leng Bingyan is not sure.

Encounter this kind of disgusting thing, the students who have been tired for a day are not in the mood to eat. Can ye Hong eat?


Besides eating, he couldn't think of any other reason why Ye Hong went into the shopping mall.

"Mr. Ye What a wonderful man Lin Yang said with a face of admiration: "being so provocative by the Han family, you can still drink tea and eat quietly. Who else can do it?"

Li Dazhuang shook his head and said, "let's go back."

The students went to school in a mixed mood.

On the way back to school, a group of people also went back to their dormitories to sleep.

Seeing such a situation, Ling Piaoxue and other people's hearts are very strange. They quickly find Leng Bingyan and ask, "Leng teacher, what happened? The students don't seem to be in a good mood? In the past, when you came back, they were all very happy and excited? "

Leng Bingyan smiles bitterly and shakes his head: "it's a long story. The Han family made a move today..."

He said today's matter simply once, originally thought that Ling Piaoxue would follow with indignation.

After all, she is the school teacher, but now, the Han family bullies the whole school.

Even if ye Hong is not agreeable to his eyes, he should also think from the standpoint of students.

But did not expect, Ling piaoyue after listening to, unexpectedly very excited laugh out a voice: "Ye Hong arrogant despotic, now retribution to come? He has offended the Han family to that extent. Now they are going to hit him in the face to see what he can do

"Teacher Ling..."

Ling piaoyue didn't notice Leng Bingyan's unhappiness, and still asked with great interest: "where is Ye Hong? Why didn't you come back? Don't you think you can't solve this problem, so you don't have the face to come back to see us? I knew that he was just a man who had a lot of accomplishments. He didn't use his brain when he was in trouble. In the end, he didn't want to be bullied and couldn't raise his head? "

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