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Zhuge Forbidden God Clan.

Zhuge Ziyun stood in a very dim room, and he was a little confused.

The Zhuge Forbidden Gods and Ghost Pythons are not hostile, but they are not good.

He once left the Zhong Prefecture environment, but ran into Yao Ye Ji.

2 Anyone who didn’t agree with each other was a big fight, and Yao Yeji chased him to the North Foot Realm in one fell swoop, making him almost alive.

When the ghost python was planted, he was saved by Long Chen.

In the next month, I planned to return to the Forbidden God Clan to understand the grievances with Yao Ye Ji, and then return to the North Foot Realm to repay the favor of Long Chen.

But he did not go back in the end.

In 2 months, he fell in love with this woman completely.

He didn’t even know why this happened.

As a Young Master of Zhuge’s Forbidden God Clan, Zhuge Ziyun has an outstanding innate talent and bears the destiny of a clan. What kind of woman has never seen him.

But he really fell in love with this woman for the first time.

There is no sign, no reason.

The woman who nearly killed him almost met in two months during the two-foot consultation.

When did love appear?

he does not know.

Love does not know where it starts and goes deep.

Thinking of this sentence, Zhuge Ziyun couldn’t help bitterly laughed.

He had already left behind the March appointment.

All he remembered were 3 things he still owed Long Chen.

These three things caused Yao Yeji to kill Long Chen.

Zhuge Ziyun didn’t want to argue with Yao Yeji about this matter. Although he was tough in his mouth, he still had several points of breaking his words in his heart.

Otherwise, how many people can stop him, a Young Master of the Heavenly Caverns?


He counted 1000 as 10000. He didn’t expect that in just a few years, Long Chen would come to Zhong Prefecture from the northern foot realm.

An emperor became the Divine King powerhouse in an instant.


When Zhuge Ziyun thought 10000 1000, a white light thread gradually appeared in the dim room, and then the sunlight completely illuminated the room.

The cold and beautiful face of Yao Yeji was reflected in Zhuge Ziyun’s eyes.

Zhuge Ziyun was stunned for a while, maybe it was this cold temperament that captured his heart?

“Ye Ji, I have promised you, no longer pay attention to the immortal principle, what are you still worried about?” Zhuge Ziyun asked Yao Ye Ji.

Yao Yeji browses tightly frowns, and she has several points of anxiety in her heart for some reason.

The Divine King and the three Divine Kings holding the Xuantian Edict have been around for nearly 3 months, but there is no news yet.

Yao Yeji walked to Zhuge Ziyun’s side, followed Zhuge Ziyun’s arm and fell into his arms.

But she has several points of gentle color in her eyes.

She murmured, “Do you know why you were almost killed by me that day?”

Zhuge Ziyun shook the head.

Yao Yeji continued: “Your heart is too soft, but you are not a stupid person. You should know what I am doing.”

Zhuge Ziyun smiled without saying a word, just tightening the lovable body in his arms, indifferently said: “If you want to fuse together the ghost pythons and the Zhuge forbidden gods, you have to divide ours.”

“You let them misunderstand the relationship between you and me. Using my uncle’s lineage is indeed a means.”

Zhuge Ziyun was paused, but Yao Yeji was also silent.

As she said.

Zhuge Ziyun is indeed not stupid, these things can’t escape his eyes.

In fact, many people in the clan were already aware, but they were suppressed by Zhuge Ziyun.

“I don’t care about these, but Long Chen, you can’t kill…” Zhuge Ziyun’s voice became a little more determined.

Yao Yeji shook the head, but said: “It may be too late at this time. Three people with Xuantian edicts in your uncle’s lineage have gone to the other side of the god of forbidden water.”


As soon as Yao Yeji’s voice fell, Zhuge Ziyun shocked Dao Mark, and Yao Yeji was forced to retreat.

Yao Yeji not at all means divine glow to counterattack. Instead, she continued: “This person has such a cultivation base for several years before and after. If he has the heart to use your power, those three things will affect you and even the entire forbidden gods. There are threats!”

Hong long long.

Just as Yao Yeji’s voice fell, a loud roar suddenly came from outside the palace.

When the two people looked at each other, they all broke through the air and disappeared in the same place, once again appearing at a height of 2 meters deep.

at the same time.

Many powerhouses of the Zhuge Forbidden God clan burst into the sky, and the Divine King powerhouse has a total of 100 Divine King powerhouses.

The strongest of these Divine King powerhouses has even reached the peak of the late Divine King, but the weak ones have just set foot in Divine King.

When the breath of Divine King was up and down after the count of 100 Divine Kings, the air began to become chaotic, and the mighty force shocked 8 parties.

Under the Divine King, there are countless emperor auras one after another. Every Divine King powerhouse’s subordinate can store hundreds of emperors!

Such a terrifying number has just created a force in the cave!

All eyes gathered above the god of forbidden water, Mizusawa!

From the inside out, the forbidden god Shuize interspersed like a sharp sword into the 5-row Array palace of the Zhuge Forbidden God clan.

The existence of the god of forbidden water is the back of this clan, and its endless array is enough to block the late powerhouse of Divine King.

of course.

Long Chen is not in it, even more how now he still has the breaking the formation given by the old man in his hands, which is enough for him to walk through this place easily.

Forbidden God Shuize can directly reach the hinterland of Zhuge Forbidden God clan, this is a double-edged sword.

Long Chen used this double-edged sword at this moment, otherwise, even if he had the late battle strength of the Divine King and a cave in the sky, he would only have a dead end.

Under the eyes of the public.

Long Chen’s dragon shadow is overwhelming, and the divine glow behind it is like a waterfall, ten thousand zhang.


The moment Yao Yeji saw Long Chen, a beam of black light blasted Zhuge Ziyun on the side.

Zhuge Ziyun stared at this scene in a daze, and finally took a deep look at Yao Yeji, and disappeared into the palace behind him with a long sigh.

This scene was captured by Long Chen as the emperor Remnant Soul immediately.

He turned his head up and laughed at the impossible to bear.

To save lives tomorrow, today is treachery!

He, regardless of Zhuge Ziyun’s reason, and whether he is really involuntarily.

He only knew that he had saved this life with his own hands.

The immortal Tao is weak.

Zhuge Ziyun avoids the oath in the simplest way, how easy it is to avoid meeting somebody.

“Zhuge Ziyun, since I came to your clan today, I want to see you to see if this life should be taken back!” Long Chen loudly shouted, right hand grabbed three Divine King souls by him. On top of 3 Xuantian edicts.

He didn’t care about Zhuge Ziyun’s three dispensable promises.

He needs an explanation!

Bai Yexing’s death, the endless pursuit during this period of time, must not be forgotten.

a Divine King powerhouse rushed towards Long Chen, encircling him in an instant.

Hong long long.

On the Xuantian edict, there was endless Purple Divine Thunder crashing down. Long Chen knew that even if he came from the god of forbidden water, he would not have much time.

at the same time.

Long Chen right hand a giant cauldron phantom out.

He leaped on the giant cauldron and rushed straight to the place where Zhuge Ziyun retreated.

Today, he must be fast and must see Zhuge Ziyun!

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