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Long Chen and the others and the Taishang Xuegong people all walked behind the beautiful woman in the red dress and dare not say a word.

Everyone was embarrassed in their hearts, who would have thought that the matter should be solved in this way.

Is this woman really the woman of the Ancient Saint Emperor?

Everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They couldn’t believe that they would see the woman of the Ancient Saint Emperor and even his daughter in Zhong Prefecture.

Long Chen was very curious as to why Taishangxue Palace was involved in this matter and followed this beautiful woman.


When everyone returned to the still-established Blessed Land sphere of influence, they were directly dismissed by the beautiful woman, leaving only Long Chen alone.

The beautiful woman asked Long Chen: “What did he leave for me? How could a person like him die so thoroughly, I don’t believe it!”

Long Chen’s complexion remained unchanged, but his heart had already asked the emperor Remnant Soul.

The emperor Remnant Soul coldly snorted and said: “I have nothing to leave her, you can make up an excuse yourself!”

Long Chen quickly replied: “Master, you should say two sentences, there is a problem with 2, the consequences are unimaginable!”

This beautiful woman is not a good talker. If she were to discover that she had been deceived, she would probably die on the spot.

The emperor Remnant Soul pondered for a moment, and suddenly said with a smile: “Just say…I want to imprison her by my side for another 3000 years!”


Long Chen hearing this was stunned, but the beautiful woman in front of her face gradually became gloomy, icily said: “What are you still hesitating?”

Long Chen chuckled twice, and brace oneself said: “When the Master inheritance dissipated, he once said that if there is a future life, he would still want to be imprisoned for 2 years!”

The beautiful woman was stunned, her eyes gradually turning red.

At this moment, Long Chen realized that the original Ancient Saint Sector master’s so-called use of time to conquer women is really useful.

Long Chen even disabled to bear wanted to ask the Ancient Saint emperor if he had used his strength in the first place, and then brought the teacher in front of him for 1000 years to cultivate feelings.

of course.

He didn’t dare to ask this, so he thought about it, but it was pretty close.

The beautiful woman seemed to fall into reminiscence, and immediately after her eyes were red, her cheeks were also red.

The girl on her side was very quiet and never said a word, but her eyes were staring at Long Chen curiously.

Long Chen took this opportunity to ask the emperor’s opinion on this girl.

The emperor Remnant Soul just sighed: “Let them live by themselves, try not to have anything to do with me.”

“If you really ascend the position of the emperor in the future, you will protect them well.”

The beautiful woman did not speak, and Long Chen did not dare to speak, and the scene fell silent for a while.

One full hour has passed, the beautiful woman only spirit slowly recovers, her eyes softened and she glanced at Long Chen: “You go out first, I will look for you in a few days…”

Long Chen nodded retreat, leaving the courtyard is also impossible to bear let out a long relaxed breath.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, all the people from the Supreme School Palace greeted him, and the Palace Master of the Supreme School Palace directly took Long Chen out of several tens of thousands of li.

“This guy is really your wife? Tell her well, can you let us do an investigation, this person seems to come from Star Domain, where the real Divine Race is located…” The Palace Master said Somewhat hot.

Long Chen was hearing this completely speechless, said with a bitter smile: “Isn’t this the reason you followed her?”

Nodded replied, the lord of the Supreme School Palace: “We found her more than a month ago, and later learned that she was inquiring about the people of the emperor’s inheritance, so we just took action.”

“If it hadn’t been for our strength, we would have found you a long time ago and would not wait until today.”

The words of the palace lord of the Supreme School made Long Chen grateful.

With such a terrifying battle strength for the beautiful woman, it is not easy for the Supreme School Palace to be willing to help.

This matter seemed to be a misunderstanding. No one thought that the beauty of the lady looking for Long Chen was just because the emperor’s affairs did not kill Long Chen.

Even so, Long Chen rightly refused to go to the school palace request.

He has seen the verbosity of the people in the school palace. Once 10000, the beautiful woman will get into trouble.

Long Chen casually found an excuse to avoid the entanglement of the Taishang Palace, but the palace lord of the Taishang Palace stopped him with a word.

“Do you still want to challenge all the gods of destiny within 3 years, but here I have got the ultimate information.”

“There are a few of these gods of destiny that are extremely hidden, but they are far more simple than what was given to you in Book 3 last time. There are also the remnants of the emperor in their hands. I am afraid that even if you win, it will be difficult to get.”

After a battle with Cang Ye, Long Chen has already understood the abilities of the gods of all blessed places.

The realm cultivation base cannot be the only criterion for measuring its battle strength at all.

If you can really know their specific battle strength and even their hole cards, it is no different to Long Chen like a tiger that has grown wings.

“What do you mean by the matter of the emperor’s remains? Are they going to be involved in this matter!” Long Chen brows tightly knit and stopped.

The lord of the Supreme School Palace replied: “You first promise to help us take down your wife, so that we can understand the existence of the various chaotic Divine Races in the Star Domain.”

Long Chen helplessly said: “I will try to help you, but I can’t decide whether it will succeed or not.”

The palace lord of the Supreme School Palace repeatedly nodded and replied: “At the beginning, the gods of the great blessings and destiny swear to you by the way of immortality, and if they are defeated, they will hand over the remains of the emperor to you.”

“But as far as I can tell, there are only 3 parties left among the powers of the great blessed land, and the remains of the emperor exist. The others have all been transferred through World’s source.”

“World’s source is enough to cover the Law of Immortality. Even if they lose at most, they will only symbolically give you a piece of the emperor’s remains to complete the vow of the Law of Immortality, but you still have to challenge them within 3 years! “

World’s source!

Long Chen brows tightly knit. If it is true as the palace lord of the school said, then his next challenge will be meaningless at all, and he will directly become the most passive party.

Unable to obtain enough monarch remains, his cultivation base will continue to improve impossible.

It is countless times more difficult to snatch the remains of the emperor from the powers of the great blessed land than to defeat the gods of destiny.

“We haven’t found a way to end this matter. We can only tell you who the remaining three parties are. You try to challenge them before they get World’s source!”

“Otherwise, with your current strength, it is fundamentally impossible to defeat all the gods of destiny.”

The palace lord of the Supreme School gave a long cry, waved and handed the jade slip to Long Chen.

Long Chen’s complexion was extremely gloomy after taking jade slip.

The World’s source covering the immortal principle must be resolved, otherwise he will fall into absolute passiveness.

On the other hand, the voice of Emperor Remnant Soul also came to his mind again.

At the time of World’s source, the emperor Remnant Soul seemed to be very concerned.

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