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Jianshi 3 and Zhuge Ziyun directly sent Long Chen into the blessed space.

The blessed land space of Canglong Blessed Land is now guarded by the five people who swallowed the ancient soul divine medicine refining into a pill and stepped into the god emperor.

Although Long Chen was in a coma, these 5 people were still able to open the blessed land space.

Zhuge Ziyun did not hesitate to contact Shang Hai and the Palace of Heaven and Mandate, hoping to find a way to save Long Chen.

During the time when Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 left, Canglong Fudi had a lot of contacts with Shang Hai.

Now there are nearly 1000 Divine Emperors in the Canglong Blessed Land, and even the powerhouse of God Emperor has ten more people.

These people have used the source stone obtained from the ancient soul divine medicine sold by Long Chen and found them through the business sea.

have to say.

After the Canglong Blessed Land became stable, many Loose Cultivator forces did gain a lot of confidence in them and began to try to contact them.

There are several Elders in the people of Shanghai now in the Canglongfu Earth Palace.

While Zhuge Ziyun was negotiating with him, Jian Shi 3 rushed out of the blessed land space and gave Zhuge Ziyun a wink.

Zhuge Ziyun walked out of the palace and asked Jian Shi3: “What happened? I think the lord’s injury seems not simple. What is the faint purple pattern? It is not Power of Primal Chaos at all. …”

“These things wait for him to wake up, you can ask him yourself.” Jianshi 3 shook the head, said with a bitter smile: “You don’t need to notify Shang Hai and Tianming Palace. Everything goes on as usual. Continue to absorb the Divine Emperor and the powerhouse. Yes.”

Jian Shi 3 Seeing Zhuge Ziyun still inquired, he said directly: “Have you not entered the blessed land space to take a look these days?”

“After he entered the space of the blessed land, he woke up. These commands were said by himself.”

Zhuge Ziyun was stunned and stopped asking. Instead, he sent away several Elders from Jiang Shang Hai, and then under the leadership of Jian Shi 3, he swept straight towards the channel entrance of Fudi.

Within the blessed land space.

The mountains have already taken shape, everything is like the Five Great Sects where Long Chen and Ye Hailan used to be in the corpse world.

Zhuge Ziyun naturally didn’t recognize all this.

His eyes stared at the central area of ​​the entire blessed land space.

Under the sky where the Power of Primal Chaos converge, a green tree swaying divine light is more than ten meters high.

Long Chen was sitting on a branch of this tree impressively.

The Power of Primal Chaos on this branch is so rich that it even turns into water droplets and drips continuously, like resin.

On this azure ancient wood, only 9 branches grow strangely, each of which has a different shape, just like a statue.

Zhuge Ziyun did not recognize these statue-like branches, but Jianshi 3 remembered clearly.

This is the soul of the sacred beast in the corpse world!

The divine beast war soul that had fallen in the corpse world long ago appeared on this strange green wood today.

Gluttonous, juixuan, Qilin…

“I am one of the 9 great beasts and souls, and I am willing to find the body of the world for my lord and build immortal achievements!”

“I am the soul of the 9 great beasts, and I am willing to find the body of the world for my lord and fight 10000 times!”


Long Chen sat on the branch, right hand unable to bear, caressed and sat down on the green wood, between his ear and heart one after another, the sound of roaring one after another!

It was this cry that seemed to blend in with his original Divine Soul, which made him wake up from a coma.

His blood boiled in this brief moment.

It turns out that these sacred beasts’ war spirits have never perished and gone further.

They have always been hidden in the Dragon Palace, and now they actually reproduce the world in this way.

Long Chen missed the souls of the beasts who had fought with him in the corpse world. The corner of his eyes became a little wet to be able to bear, and he muttered: “I look forward to fighting with you again. Great work, reorganize this turbulent mountain and river!”


Long Chen sounded like Hongzhong, Jianshi 3, Zhuge Ziyun, and 5 god emperors who guarded the blessed land kept roaring in their ears, and their eyes looked towards Long Chen’s green wood.

Roar sounds of various colors were heard from the 9 statue-like branches.

The roar sound is full of endless fighting intents and unyielding, as if this world can’t shake a half.

Pu pu!

roar fell.

The top branch suddenly ignited raging flames, and the burning aura swept away, as if there was a scorching sun in this blessed space.

The branches at the feet of Long Chen directly evolved into nothingness, like an endless black hole.


Zhuge Ziyun stared at this scene in a daze, and muttered: “This, what is going on? Why are these branches filled with unprecedented fighting intents and vitality!”

Sword Ten 3 is also extremely solemn, solemnly replied: “The 9 branches of this tree will be transformed into a demon with Power of Primal Chaos.”

The 2 people were completely relieved when they saw that Long Chen had woke up, and they wanted to withdraw from the blessed land space one after another.

Long Chen raised his hand and stopped the two of them.

Now Long Chen’s complexion is still pale, his whole body and even Source Divine Power are like hairsprings, saying: “I have a list and you will hand it over to Shang Hai. No matter what the price is, it must be delivered as quickly as possible.”

Long Chen branded a jade slip with divine sense and threw it at Zhuge Ziyun.

After Zhuge Ziyun left, he said solemnly again: “Thirteen, I have one thing I want you to do with the people from the Taishang Palace.”

“Even if someone who goes to the school too is accompanied by this matter, it is bound to be dangerous 10000 points, are you willing?”

Sword Ten 3 did not speak too much, just nodded, and then bowed back.

After the two of them retreated, Long Chen stretched out his hand to carve lines in the air to convey the letter to Taishang Palace.

Everything is over.

When he moved the North Foot Realm World’s source with his right hand, he appeared in his hand.

“This thing can control people born within 3000 years of the entire Northern Foot Realm.”

“If this is the case, before using him to destroy the World’s source of the blessed land forces of all parties, you can first absorb a group of powerhouses here…”

Long Chen penetrated into World’s source with weak Source Divine Power.

His divine sense was immediately sucked into it.

this moment.

He seemed to feel a candlelight flickering in the dark night.

Some of these candlelights are as bright as stars and others are like fireflies.

he knows.

These candlelights are all people born in the northern foot realm within 3000 years.

“All the people above the Divine King come to Canglong to see me!” Long Chen gave an order, but a woman suddenly appeared in his heart.

Fight Blue Moon!

She is also a person of the North Foot Realm.


After Long Chen returned to Zhong Prefecture, the big blessed land forces also received news one after another.

In every message, the long halberd is mentioned.

When people from all sides learned that Long Chen had used the halberd to slay the star beasts in the Wood God’s Blessed Land, they were all shocked, and many Gods of Destiny re-examined the cards in their hands.

Even many people have completely lost their hearts, and they have retired.

Too empty and blessed.

Looking at the news coming from his hands, Qi Fantong laughed wildly at Unable to bear, and couldn’t help but said: “This long halberd is really strange, interesting and interesting…”

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