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Inside the mine.

Long Chen and Xu Lao and the others put all the plans out.

Ezu also showed a look of shock when he heard that Long Chen was going to refine the soul puppet.

He pondered for a moment and asked Long Chen: “Since you can think of refining town puppets with ethereal iron stones, you should know that this thing cannot suppress Erdao at all.”

“With our battle strength, it is impossible to beat Erdao. Why are you refining so many town puppets?”

Long Chen took a deep breath nodded.

Erdao was able to establish the Divine Kingdom of Heavenly Rong, and he held the Chaos Dragon Bone in his hand, which was enough to see the horror of its battle strength.

A puppet made with ethereal iron stone alone is not enough to suppress him!

It must be like walking on thin ice at the time of the ceremony.

“What I want is not to suppress him, but to take the Chaos Dragon Bone.”

“Also let everyone know that he is not the inheritance of the Ancient Saint Sector Lord at all!” Long Chen solemnly replied, but not all of them are the puppets of the town.

Only then did Old Xu and Lan Haixin hearing this thoroughly understand the meaning of Long Chen.

But Erzu browsed tightly knit and got up: “You mean that after taking the Chaos Dragon Bone, the entire Divine Kingdom will be suppressed by the entire Divine Kingdom?”

Long Chen didn’t reply, but the meaning was self-evident.

Relying on the fact that they want to suppress Edo is tantamount to idiotic dreams, only this method can be sure of victory.

There are countless god rebels in the entire Divine Kingdom, and many strange human races even possess innate talents beyond the chaotic Divine Race.

If this force is rebelling against Erdao, he absolutely cannot resist.

When Long Chen was silent, his eyes never left Erzu’s body: “I want to know, since you are Erdao’s father, why do you want to help me wait?”

If it weren’t for Xu Lao as a guarantee.

Long Chen definitely believes that Erdao’s father will help him.

How many people can avoid the vulgar family in the world?

Even though Erdao established the Divine Kingdom with different appearances, it was definitely not enough to let his father die.

Ezu shook the head with a wry smile, his face full of helpless bitterness: “I came here today just to intercede for him, even if you get the Chaos Dragon Bone, or can really suppress him.”

“I also hope you spare his life, he is not bad in his heart…”

Long Chen’s browses tightly knit, cold said with a smile: “If only this is the case, with the cultivation base of the predecessors, wouldn’t it be more foolproof to kill us now!”

At this time, Ezu hadn’t spoken yet, but Elder Xu sighed and explained.


Old Xu and Ezu have known each other for 1000 years.

2 people are the most to make friends, otherwise in the Divine Kingdom of Tianrong, Xu Lao only depends on the cultivation base and impossible to make many people of the lineage of doom god respectful.

It didn’t happen that Old Xu and Erdao knew each other overnight.

Erdao can be described as Heaven’s Chosen Child in the lineage of the god of doom, and he is also obsessed with the cultivation base.

He never asked about matters between Human Race and the Chaos Divine Race.

He never felt that the human race was despicable, nor did he feel that Divine Race was noble, everything seemed to him just a passing scene.

Everything changed on the day he got the Chaos Dragon Bone!

After he obtained the Chaos Dragon Bones, he comprehend the mystery, and clearly understood that it was one of the emperor’s inheritance.

He Dao Tianzong wizards, only relying on the meaning of chaos and dragon bones, practice all the way smoothly.

His realm’s rapid improvement has shocked the entire Doom Lineage, and he has even been appointed as the next patriarch of Doom Lineage.

Everything changed with Heaven and Earth turning upside down when he experienced the trial of doom.

Trial of Doom.

This kind of trial is just a kind of ordinary ceremony that’s all in the lineage of the god of doom. Anyone who reaches the level of God Emperor 5-Layer must participate once.

The trial of doom that Erdao participated in was slightly different from before.

The Doom God Lineage was at the time when the rebels and the human turmoil were suppressed, so the object of that trial was not the original beasts but the humans!

The lineage patriarch will tell all the creatures of the lineage, that as long as the rebels and humans appear in the clan, they will never end well.

In that trial, Edo slaughtered everyone, including the traitors of the same race, with a breath of bad luck!

After the matter.

Erdo is still obsessed with cultivation, but as his cultivation progresses, he gradually begins to change.

He claims to be a person of the emperor’s inheritance and preaches the so-called true meaning of Tianrong!

Since then, it has caused an uproar throughout the doom god lineage!

By the strength of oneself, he led many rebels and followers of the tribe, rushed out of the powerhouse as clouds lineage of the god of doom, and then established the Divine Kingdom.


Long Chen and the others were shocked and inexplicable after hearing all this.

No one thought that the way Erdao became Tianrong was so incredible.

Lan Haixin was even more unable to bear and asked: “Then why did he suddenly preach the matter of Tianrong, and is he really the person who inherited the world lord?”

“He founded the Divine Kingdom of Tianrong, is it really for the coexistence of the Divine Race and the chaotic Divine Race, or to find a pure land for the human race and the traitors!”

Both Erzu and Old Xu shook their heads.

Ezu seemed to fall into the memory: “Why did he suddenly preach about Tianrong, I don’t know why his mind changed so much, but I know that all this is inseparable from that trial.”

“Now I am also sure that Erdao is not the one who inherited the emperor…”

The occasion of words.

His eyes fell on Long Chen.

In Long Chen’s mind, the emperor Remnant Soul had already understood everything about Tianrong from his words.

Long Chen pondered for a moment and said to Ezu: “I may have already understood why Ezu is like this. If this is true, at the last moment he will just repent and I will spare his life!”

The words are complete.

Long Chen shook his head and laughed again: “Of course, the premise is that everything can be carried out as planned, otherwise it will be us who die.”


After everyone discussed, Erzu and Xu Lao left the ethereal land again.

But after this time.

The entire ethereal land was completely replaced by a batch of gray robe from the lineage god of doom.

These people seem to be under Ozu.

Ozu’s identity gives him considerable power, and many people don’t want to cause more trouble.

of course.

Part of the reason is that they still believe that everyone is suppressed by the mark of Tianrong, and that there will be no major disturbances in the Divine Kingdom of Tianrong.

that’s the truth.

Since the establishment of Divine Kingdom, there has never been any turmoil.

In a way.

This place is really a pure land.

After Erzu and Xu Lao left.

Long Chen and Lan Haixin decided to inform the people of the ethereal land about the puppet refining of the town.

Today’s events have cost them a lot, but they have also built trust between them.

The fact that this group of people can attack the lineage of doom for Lan Haixin and Long Chen is enough to prove that they will not betray.

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