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The moment the battle halberd appeared, Long Chen’s face returned to normal.

All directions suddenly heard numerous exclamations.

“This, this person is the one of the realm master’s inheritance!”

“It’s him, it’s him! That day, he killed two Primal Chaos Heaven god lineage 2th-level peak powerhouse with a halberd!”

“He even dared to pass into the Weitian God Lineage Clan by himself. This is to commit suicide!”


Their voice has not fallen.

In the hands of Long Chen, the battle halberd purple glow cut through the sky as if dividing the entire Heaven and Earth into two.

Hong long long.

The terrifying purple glow was not suppressed by the innate talent of the Primal Chaos Heaven god lineage at all, and it cut straight from top to bottom towards the person of the Primal Chaos Heaven god lineage.

Bah la la.

The shadow of the halberd is like a rainbow, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and it is the first to crush the Primal Chaos Heaven divine lineage with the divine force of endless chaos.

The 9th-order gods of all races who originally began to stir stiffened, but they didn’t dare to take a step forward.

They clearly felt the horror of this purple glow, as if this halberd was enough to suppress any god emperor of Tier 9!

Hong long long.

A loud noise accompanied by the sky of blood mist almost verified their conjecture at the next moment.

The only person left in Primal Chaos Heaven God lineage has instantly turned into blood mist and died completely.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Loose Cultivator, who was originally with Long Chen, trembled as if watching this scene.

He never thought that he used to speak so unscrupulously beside Long Chen.

Long Chen holds the long halberd, standing in the sky, as if beheading a Primal Chaos Heaven lineage is insignificant to him.

All around Divine Race No one dared to step forward for a while.

Primal Chaos Heaven god lineage can suppress several god emperors of rank 9 in one fell swoop, but Long Chen killed them with a halberd.

Such a terrifying battle strength made any rank 9 god emperor present feel unprecedented fear.

Is this the battle strength of the people who inherited from the master?

Is this the one who is most likely to ascend the throne of the emperor?

After the short-term shock of many high-level gods lineage, each and everyone is like a big enemy, a divine glow between the 9th order of the gods and the 8th order of the gods, suddenly encircling Long Chen.

The headed person even shouted: “I really didn’t expect you to dare to use the cultivation base of the God Emperor’s 8th rank to come to my Weitian God Lineage Clan!”

“Even if you have the inheritance of the realm master, you can suppress anyone at the 8th rank of the God Emperor with the 9th rank of the God Emperor, but now there are 100 God Emperor 9th rank and 10000 God Emperor 8th rank you are courting death!”

His voice fell on the entire unday star ancient formation, and immediately activated the entire star to be completely sealed.

The chaotic Divine Race of all parties watched the start of the ancient formation of stars on the starry sky, and then looked at Long Chen, who had been surrounded, and a murderous intent appeared in his heart.

Although the strength of Long Chen today made them feel unprecedented shock, it also gave them endless crises.

If their previous knowledge of Long Chen remained above rumors, then everything is now in sight.

He, however, has the aptitude to ascend the dominant position!

Now is the best chance to kill Long Chen!

He came to Weitian Divine Race alone in front of the other parties Divine Race and many Divine Race 9th Tier shots, already putting himself to death.

xiū xiū xiū.

The chaos of all parties, Divine Race 9th and even 8th Divine Emperor all broke through the air, they must completely seal all the escape places of Long Chen.

Long Chen does not at all mean the slightest departure.

With the long halberd in his hand, he rushed directly towards the 8th order of the Weitian god lineage God Emperor and even the 9th God Emperor.

Before the Heavenly God Lineage, many senior executives had to fight back hardly before they had time to think.

But under the battle halberd purple glow, even the 9th rank of God Emperor is not an enemy of one!

For a while, Divine Race God Emperor 8 levels continued to fall, and the people of God Emperor 9th level moved away from Long Chen and attacked with magical powers.

None of them dared to fight Long Chen hard, as if they could kill them with a random move!

“What are you guys looking at? If you let him go today, it will be even harder to kill him in the future!” The Weitian god lineage patriarch was able to escape the roar of Long Chen’s halberd.

All around the 9th-order god of all races, hearing this, looking at each other, one after another broke through the air and opened a distance from Long Chen.

Endless magical powers cover the sky for a while.

Counting 100, Tier 9 of the God Emperor simultaneously shot within the Array of Stars and Stars, and the horror scene can be imagined.

In the blink of an eye, there are 1000 sores and 100 holes in the huge empty star.

Long Chen battle halberd Ruhong appeared in front of the Weitian god lineage patriarch who had just spoken at the moment when everyone attacked.

The long halberd passed through his chest, and the purple glow shredded his Divine Soul!

“Angry Tornado!”


Long Chen does not have the slightest look of hesitation.

He is also dignified by 10000 points at the moment. Under such a terrifying wave of attacks, his life is in danger even if his battle strength is monstrous.

one after another dragon shadow hiding the sky and covering the earth out, every giant dragon is covered with purple glow and goes crazy behind him.

Qi of Primordial Chaos’ magical powers instantly merged with the people of rank 9 of the gods of all races, and were quickly crushed.

Such a terrifying attack is not to say that killing a god emperor Tier 9, I am afraid that even Heavenspan will not survive a moment again.

Long Chen also not at all intends to resist this mighty wave of attacks.

He seemed to just want to kill the Weitian god lineage as much as possible between these last few breaths.

Hong long long.

The dragon shadow blessed by Qi of Primordial Chaos shattered almost inch by inch while resisting endless magical powers.

But at this moment.

Long Chen’s battle halberd once again fell to the lineage of the other Weitian gods.

Just 3 breaths.

Long Chen cut out 3 purple glow halberds.

The first purple glow killed 2 Weitian gods lineage 9th order.

The 2nd purple glow fell into the 8th rank of the Weitian god lineage.

The 3rd purple glow slashed straight to the Weitian stars under his feet!

With 3 purple glow halberds shot, Long Chen’s whole body was instantly wrapped in one after another Guanghua and disappeared in place.

The magical powers of the ninth-level shots of the 100 gods slammed into the empty space instantly, and they also landed on the Weitian Star at the same time.

pu chi chick.

Under the eyes of the public.

A long halberd phantom under the package of purple glow will make all the future stars wrapped by the Array of stars into 2.

The attacks of the 9th Tier Divine Race of Chaos from all parties came almost one after the other.

The entire star turns into powder at the speed visible to naked eye.

The black smoke divine glow on the stars dissipated without a trace, and even the ancient formation of the stars that could protect the clan was completely shattered in an instant.

Seeing such a complexion, the gods of all races were startled and immediately turned into streamers and swept towards the stars.

This is actually happening too fast.

Many people just reacted at this moment and lost their voices: “That is the Dragon Bone of Yi Tian Chaos, this person only dared to have today’s trip based on this!”

“Weitian Divine Race is over, there are only 9 people left at the 2th rank of the Emperor God, and the death of nearly 8 at the 10000th rank of the God Emperor, even the Weitian stars are completely shattered!”

“Primal Chaos Heaven god lineage is also dead, what should I do?”

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