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The man lowered his head and said solemnly: “If One Doesn’t Cut The Grass At Its Roots, Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More!”

“I have to let them die before I can feel at ease. Just now, the old 3 sent a message saying that he had killed Long Kong, but he still let the little evil boy and a stranger run away. Please also High Priest to point the way!”

3 The captain has reported everything to him.

Of course, Longkong Self-destruction caused all his subordinates to be buried. He would not say that Long Chen used some means to kill their subordinates.

These details, the new leader does not care.

He just cares about Long Yuan’s life and death.

He knows that only High Priest controls the Bloodline lock for the Black Dragon tribe, but every time he uses the secret technique, he has to pay a lot of money to find a location, so he will not come to High Priest unless he is a last resort.

“Long Yuan is now in an isolated place, I have no other choice.” High Priest shook his head, and handed Long Yuan’s tablet to the new leader.

“The bloodline lock method is very expensive. I have tried it just now and there is no response. Don’t forget what you promised me…” High Priest said suddenly.

“Furthermore, he’s just a fool. Even if he was born ten or five years ago, even a trace of Force of Primordial Chaos could not be cultivated out of the waste. What does it matter if he escapes?”

“Compared with the life of the sacrificial priest, not worth mentioning.” High Priest looked towards the new leader, speaking indifferently.

Obviously he is already not in willing to continue to sacrifice his precious life for Longyuan.

At this time, the new leader suddenly smiled and said: “Don’t forget, I am the true leader of the Black Dragon Tribe!”

“I’ll let you check. Just check!”

“Long Yuan is not dead, I have trouble sleeping and eating!”

“As for what I promised you? I have my own decision, but don’t forget that I am the real master of the Black Dragon Tribe!”

The new leader suddenly raised his head and his complexion was a little green, as if there was something unspeakable in the depths of his eyes.

Otherwise, he will never break his face with High Priest until he is not as a last resort.

He needs the power of High Priest to help suppress the family.

However, Long Yuan is a thorn in his heart.

If he doesn’t get rid of it, his position as the leader of the tribe always feels a bit unstable.

He released the imposing manner to oppress the High Priest, and the cultivation base of the 7th floor of the Hongmeng Primordial Chaos Realm suddenly bloomed, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

High Priest is not afraid of the pressure of the tide. The silhouette is like a small boat in a stormy wind and rain, though it is swaying but not moving.

High Priest sneered and said solemnly: “Hehe, if it weren’t for me, do you really think you can be the leader of the tribe?”

A terrifying force suddenly burst out of his aging body, directly crushing the new leader.

The new leader fell directly to the ground!

He looked pale, he had never thought that High Priest has such a terrifying power!

Even the boss who faced his big brother previous time has never had such an oppression.

“Hehe, your big brother is not obedient, so you have a chance to become the leader!”

“But if you are not obedient, I can also choose another person to take your place. All I need is an obedient dog.” High Priest’s words were cold and insidious, like a giant hand firmly grasped The heart of the new leader.

Is this his real position?

The entire face of the new leader changes color.

High Priest raised a hand and slapped it directly on the face of the new leader, almost blasting him into the ground. His face was full of blood: “This one is to make up for your previous offense!”

He sneered while standing with his hands behind his back to the new leader: “I can help you, but you have to recognize your status!”

“What I want, I hope you can get it for me as soon as possible, otherwise you know the consequences!”

High Priest finally showed his fangs.

The new leader lowered his head and showed fear and his body trembled, and he no longer dared to intimidate High Priest.

He can only bow his head: “Will Long Yuan leave it alone?”

The power of High Priest envelops Longyuan’s tablet, and directly shattered his faintly said: “We have wasted too much time on this fool, bring back all our hands!”

“It’s just a fool, so how can I survive?”

Obviously, he did not know the real physique of Longyuan,


Among the stars.

Long Yuan stood beside Long Chen, his face still confused and sluggish.

Long Chen looked towards Long Yuan and said: “We have to find a way to get out, staying here is not a way.”

Longyuan now is like fireflies in the dark.

Once you step out of the envelope of the star array, you will be discovered in the fastest time.

So much so that he can only shrink into the Array, unable to move.

Dragon Tomb looked indifferent, and said, “The Bloodline lock in his body must be broken.”

“How to break it?” Long Chen asked.

“Bloodline lock is an added layer of shackles in the Bloodline. The Bloodline of Hongmeng Dragon Race is the most annoying bondage. As long as the Bloodline of his Dragon Race is fully awakened, even though the Bloodline lock is derived from the Bloodline, it can be able to restrain this. Crash.” Dragon Tomb said unsaltly or unfailingly.

“Then how long does it take him to fully awaken Bloodline?”

“For 300 years, he can activate Bloodline autonomously and get rid of the tight system of the Bloodline lock!”

“You let me stay in this broken place for 300 years?” Long Chen felt helpless.

Although it is said that there is no time for practice, it is still a little uncomfortable to waste 300 years here.

Dragon Tomb shook the head looked towards Long Chen: “If you really want to stay here for 300 years, I won’t stop you.”

Long Chen suddenly reacted and looked towards Dragon Tomb: “You mean, there is a way to awaken his Bloodline in advance?”

Dragon Tomb glanced at him and said, “I’m not too stupid at all, this is what I’m talking about.”

“If the bloodline of the ancestors relies on themselves, it will take a lot of time, but if there is foreign object assistance, then things will obviously be a lot easier,”

“As long as there are enough foreign objects, it will only take 3 years for his Bloodline to fully regenerate.”

Between 300 years and 3 years, there is a gap of 100 times. Long Chen will naturally not give up. He glanced at Long Chen lightly: “Do you like to see the stars?”

Long ignored his ridicule, and asked, “Stop talking nonsense, what foreign object assistance is needed, straightforward?”

Dragon Tomb sneered and said, “That doesn’t need to be too much trouble, but you need to sacrifice a little.”


“Your Heavenly Dragon Vein is the bloodline of the pinnacle of my Hongmeng Dragon Race. It has a great oppression force for the weak Dragon Clan Bloodlines, but it is also a huge tonic for other Dragon Clan Bloodlines. A drop of blood essence is 10000000 million times better than other foreign objects!”

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