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When five people entered the Earth Palace, they immediately felt a burst of dim rays of light.

In the Earth Palace, it is still like the cave before, with numerous roads tangled and complicated, it is really difficult to find an accurate route.

Looking at Long Yan, there is no way, Long Chen is also anxious, but ignores the Array above the Earth Palace, immediately jumped up and took a bird’s eye view below.

What appeared in Long Chen’s eyes was a palace with no end in sight, and in the center of this palace, there was a naturally formed cave, which was located in that place, like an old man who was sleeping.

Long Chen took another look at where they were now, and probed the next route a little bit, which was where they landed.

“Go here!” Long Chen resolute and decisive said.

Before the words were over, Long Chen took action and moved towards the previously explored route.

Naturally, the remaining 4 people could not help but keep up, for fear of being left behind.

In this Earth Palace, those naturally formed stone walls have grown some small spiritual medicines. So think about it, this Earth Palace seems to have existed for over 10,000 years. As for the previous small Spirit Realm many times Open, whether anyone has been here is still unknown.

What worries Long Chen even more is that in this Earth Palace now, are there other people who are heading to the same destination like himself?

The entire group moved forward in an orderly manner. The faint and yellow rays of light previously felt became stronger and stronger, quietly, as if there was something mysterious in the Earth Palace, guiding them forward.

“Long Chen, continue to walk forward, I feel that the Primordial Chaos Aura in front is very strong!” Long Yan leaned over and said quickly.

Long Chen nodded, said: “Yes, I also feel it. In front, there seems to be some mysterious existence, this Primordial Chaos Aura is too pure?”

The two people reached a consensus, that is, without hesitation, immediately increased the speed, moved towards and ran forward.

The two figures rushed quickly, following the faint Primordial Chaos Aura. After rushing for nearly 2 minutes of time, the two figures finally stopped in front of a natural stone chamber.

Just standing outside the stone chamber, the two people felt the oncoming pure and refreshing Primordial Chaos Aura. The two people looked at each other and immediately mobilized their strength, directly opening the stone of the stone chamber from the side. wall.

When the dust dissipated, the two people gathered next to the stone chamber and looked around. They were shocked and suddenly speechless.

In this stone chamber, the natural and unique environment has become the best place to grow spiritual medicine.

Several hundred kinds of spiritual medicine grow densely packed on the stone wall, and the rich medicinal fragrance is mixed in the Primordial Chaos Aura. When it comes to the nose, it makes Long Chen feel refreshed like never before.

Long Chen looked carefully, and finally, in the center of the stone chamber, he found something that was enough to make him jump.

Where, there is a small sapphire tree that is as tall as a person, and on that small tree, it actually bears a pale-yellow fruit.

According to Long Chen’s understanding, Long Chen recognized it almost in an instant. This small tree is called the Green Jade Spirit Tree, and the one on the tree without fruit is the Green Jade Spirit Fruit!

“Sapphire Spirit Fruit!”

Long Yan on the side also had good eyesight, and immediately shouted.

Looking at this pale-yellow fruit, Long Chen’s eyes were full of expectation.

The rest of the stupid women rushed over, but were also taken aback by the sight of the stone chamber, speechless for a while.

The dense green fruits resounded assaults the senses, and there was a faint energy fluctuation in the air, which was tempting the 5 people present all the time.

Long Chen took a deep breath and was the first to walk into this stone chamber.

The others followed quickly, with extreme caution in their footsteps, for fear of destroying any kind of spiritual medicine in the stone chamber.

The spiritual medicine in the stone chamber is not recognized by most Long Chen. Even if some spiritual medicine is more precious than the green jade Spirit Fruit, Long Chen can’t take care of it. After all, according to Long Chen now, this A sapphire Spirit Fruit is the most important thing at the moment.

Sapphire Spirit Fruit, also known as Hongmeng Spirit Fruit, is the fruit that grew when Hongmeng was born when Heaven and Earth was in chaos. Outside of the Little Spirit Realm, this sapphire Spirit Fruit has always existed in the form of a legend and in the cognition of everyone, now that they can meet each other, everyone is naturally surprised.

According to legend, Sapphire Spirit Fruit can regenerate physique, making people like shedding body, exchanging bones, purifying bone marrow, it is a rare spiritual object.

The remaining 3 people, except for Long Ping, were a little confused as to whether the sapphire Spirit Tree, Long Aotian and Long Yuan naturally did not understand this aspect at all. The two of them just understood that in this stone chamber, growth With so many spiritual medicine, if it is used to improve one’s own strength, it will definitely be advanced by leaps and bounds.

“Long Chen, didn’t expect, our luck will be so good, this sapphire Spirit Fruit, but never appeared in the world, I thought this legend is fake, until today, I don’t understand that this kind of fruit, It really exists…” Although Long Yan recognized this sapphire Spirit Fruit, he also had uncontrollable excitement in his heart, but Long Yan understood that this sapphire Spirit Fruit naturally belonged to Long Chen, and they could enter this Earth Palace. Most of it is because of Long Chen. Without Long Chen, it is unknown whether Long Yan and the others can live here.

Therefore, when Long Yan saw Long Chen eagerly moving towards the sapphire spirit number, Long Yan slowed down a bit and stopped competing with Long Chen, but instead looked towards the stone wall on the other side. Many spiritual medicines. In Long Yan’s view, it is not a small gain to include these spiritual medicines on the stone wall.

Long Chen did not reply. After all, the current situation is too important. If he can obtain this sapphire Spirit Fruit and absorb its successful refining, Long Chen has absolute confidence and his realm strength must be promoted to Hongmeng Gui. Level 3 and above!

Long Chen finally walked to the front of the sapphire Spirit Tree. As the distance shortened, the energy fluctuations that Long Chen could feel were also stronger. Seeing the slightly bright color on the sapphire Spirit Fruit, Long Chen was intoxicated for a while, as if he had already been in the beginning of Hongmeng.

“Long Chen, if you can control it, it’s better to take this sapphire Spirit Fruit off now. There may be something abnormal in this Earth Palace. You can feel relieved if you start early!”

Long Yan reminded from the side.

And at the moment Long Yan’s voice landed, a thunderous voice came from the door of the stone chamber: “This kind of divine object, how can you covet it?”

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