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The Domain Spirit Pillar was whizzing around with a huge Hongmeng Gang wind, and the monstrous star formation was fully formed in this brief moment.

Seeing that the two were colliding with each other, and at this moment, Mu Wenhua’s figure quietly condensed in front of the monstrous star formation, browsing tightly frowns.

With the cohesion of the grandeur of his body, the monstrous spiritual pillar in the domain instantly collapsed, and what followed was the vast and mighty Primordial Chaos Aura.

Perhaps it was Mu Wenhua who thought that this monstrous star formation would be very strong, or perhaps it was Mu Wenhua who realized the Golden Lotus above the monstrous star formation.

“Shen Mu, strangling 2 people!”

The icy words came out. On the ground, the children of Shenmu tribe heard these words, and immediately each and everyone took out their weapons, and the intricate and confusing cultivation technique also rose from the ground, directly. Towards Longyuan Jianshi 3 2 1 people were culled and killed.

Long Yuan and Jian Shi 3 looked at each other, they did not hesitate, and they directly gathered the grandeur of the whole body, and could not help but rush towards the group of Shenmu tribe.

Sword Ten 3 One sword broke through the air, and the whole body was agitated with a thunderbolt-like sword energy unrolled bolt of white silk, Longyuan long spear was horizontally picked, and his eyes were biting.

Two people have been in contact with more than a dozen people, which inspires a fierce grandeur. Although Jianshi 2 and Longyuan 3 have fewer enemies and more enemies, this imposing manner does not fall at all. The same, at first contact, Jianshi 2 and Longyuan 3 still have an advantage.

And in the midair at this time, Mu Wenhua didn’t have any dullness. The monstrous Hongmeng behind him was already a cohesive success, and the monstrous star formation in front of Long Chen was already one of the uninterrupted attacks on those fields. Next, there appeared one after another cracks.

Long Chen originally thought that if he could deal with Mu Wenhua in the same way he had dealt with Lei 1000 Hua and the white haired old man, he would be able to exert Long Chen’s greatest strength and have a certain degree of success in defeating Mu Wenhua. .

However, at the moment Mu Wenhua’s caution really prevented Long Chen from finding any opportunities.

Mu Wenhua is different from Lei 1000hua and the white haired old man. Even if the situation occupies such a big advantage, he still retains a trace of mind and firmly wraps himself up.

Long Chen couldn’t find any breakthrough at all.

At the last moment that the monstrous star formation was able to sustain, Long Chen moved something again.

The golden lotus on the top of the astronomical star formation suddenly emitted bursts of golden light. At the same time, Long Chen poured his own Primordial Chaos Aura into a star lotus.

Xinglian Tian Divine Formation!

As soon as the Array came out, the cracks that had existed before the monstrous star formation immediately recovered, and the domain spirit pillars that were constantly attacking were all shattered.

Seeing this scene, Mu Wenhua’s expression changed slightly, and he said awe-inspiringly: “These methods are good. If you kill you like this, it would be a pity. It seems that you have to keep your body until I find the Soul Searching Technique. People who do not use it any more!”

Long Chen curled his mouth and said, “Perhaps, if there is that opportunity, I have to say something else!”

Mu Wenhua smiled at Long Chen and said: “I don’t bother to talk nonsense with you. I’m optimistic. Today, if you can die under my this move, it will be considered your success!”

After the words fell, those domain spirit pillars that had attacked the Divine Formation of the Star Lotus Sky disappeared in an instant, and what followed was a strong breath of vitality that flooded this domain.

This vitality, like a spring breeze, is actually awakening 10000 things!

The trees that had collapsed in the war slowly stood up, and the large pit above the ground was once again covered with grass. In this field, within the jungle, it was as if 10000 things were resurrected and full of vitality.

“Shen Shen Yan, the spring comes upon a withered tree!”

Mu Wenhua loudly shouts, in this realm, the Supreme vitality that permeated it actually started to gather at this brief moment, but after a long time, Mu Wenhua’s the front then is condensed a huge mark, as if it were a one Seeds.

This seed expands rapidly, and at the speed that naked eye can see, it just grows in the air. In a moment, the seed grows into a seedling, the seedling grows into a small tree, and the small tree grows into a towering giant tree!

As soon as the towering giant tree emerged, Mu Wenhua’s mouth smiled awkwardly, and immediately it was loudly shouts. The towering giant tree was actually turned sideways in his hand, just like Long Chen strikes.

Although the impact speed of the towering ancient wood is not fast, if it is changed to normal, Long Chen must be able to come and go freely to avoid the attack of the giant tree, and now, in this field, Long Chen is surprised to find that it is the slightest at this time. unable to move even a little bit.

Not only Long Chen, but everyone on the ground was completely locked into action by the vitality that permeated this realm at the moment when this giant tree converged.

In other words, all the Primordial Chaos Aura in this field are completely locked.

Even Mu Wenhua, the instigator of all this, was still suspended in the air, not moving.

It can be seen that Mu Wenhua, relying on his ability to manipulate this domain, locked the Primordial Chaos Aura in this domain at that moment, and struck out the towering giant tree strikes. As long as no accident happens, Long Chen must die!

“Long Chen, take back the big formation and run “8 Heavenly Dragon Techniques”!” In the Dragon Palace, Dragon Tomb’s voice was urgent for 10000 points.

At this time, Long Chen, even the simplest operation of the whole body is difficult to complete, and it is even more difficult to recover the big formation and run “8 Heavenly Dragon Secrets” as heavenly ascension.

“Even so, how can I block this and the towering giant tree?” Long Chen was panicked.

Dragon Tomb was anxious for 10000 points, and said: “Do this first. As for other things, I will tell you in a while. What I am doing now is to take back the Divine Formation of Xinglian Tian and use the Primordial Chaos contained in the Array. Aura, run “8 Heavenly Dragon Techniques”, after that, take advantage of your strength!”

In any case, Long Chen has no choice at this time. If he doesn’t even listen to Dragon Tomb’s method, maybe he will really explain it here today.

This domain is much stronger than Chiyan Elder’s domain. Especially after Mu Wenhua locked the Primordial Chaos Aura in this field, Long Chen turned into a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and could only be slaughtered by Mu Wenhua.

And Dragon Tomb’s advice may be able to help Long Chen.

The cohesion of the Divine Formation of Xinglian Tian requires a huge Primordial Chaos Aura. Long Chen also cost a lot of money before, and this was able to condense successfully. But just after the Primordial Chaos Aura in Mu Wenhua’s locked domain, the Tianshen Town of Xinglian Tianshen is still The maintenance means that the Primordial Chaos Aura in the Divine Formation of the Star Lotus Sky, not at all, is locked!

If so, as long as Long Chen successfully withdrew the Divine Formation of the Star Lotus Heaven, then Long Chen has the opportunity to absorb the Primordial Chaos Aura in the refining formation, and then make a decision!

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