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Here is a vast plain, not far away, is a majestic and hidden valley, from a distance, the fall is reflected in it, and there is a burst of sunshine directly, and looking at the other side, it is a densely packed jungle , But the distance to go is probably a distance of nearly 100 miles.

Originally, Heaven and Earth was extremely quiet. Suddenly, a swift figure burst into the air. Then, when the silhouette was about to fall, another silhouette followed the climate, two figures one. After the other, they all hit this plain heavily.

These two figures are Long Chen and Long Yuan.

Long Chen touched his head with a splitting headache, and after a little movement of his body, he regained a little consciousness after a few breaths.

Looking at Long Yuan who was still sleeping not far away, Long Chen stood up with some effort, walked slowly to Long Yuan’s side, and woke him up.

Long Yuan took a long breath and recovered for a long time before he stood up.

Long Chen looked all around, but he didn’t find the silhouette of Jian Shi3.

“Where is your First Senior Brother?” Long Chen asked in a panic.

Long Yuan shook the head and said: “When we came out, the bursting sound of that field directly pushed us away. First Senior Brother should have been pushed in another direction, at least not caught by the Shenmu tribe.”

Although Long Chen was reluctant to accept this fact, he finally admitted it reluctantly.

This was just reunited with Jianshi 3, and didn’t expect something like this. However, Long Chen believed in what Long Yuan said, and used the power of the Devouring Dragon to forcefully break Mu Wenhua. If Mu Wenhua really integrated with his domain, he must have suffered a lot of injuries at that time. Therefore, he did not have time to chase Sword X3. Furthermore, the strength of Sword X3 is also Not let the community, not to mention, Jian Shi 3 also escaped from Mu Wenhua’s hands once.

After his body was almost recovered, Long Chen tried to run “8 Heavenly Dragon Secrets”, but was surprised to find that the current “8 Heavenly Dragon Secrets” is indeed as Dragon Tomb said, no matter what method is used, it is impossible. After condensing 8 Golden Dragons, even one is difficult to condense.

This battle almost consumed most of Long Chen’s strength. It also clearly made Long Chen realize that the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Yuanjie realm, as long as it does not have 100% strength to break the seal in its domain, will be easy in the future. Don’t provoke.

“Master, where are we going next?” Long Yuan regained his strength and asked when he approached Long Chen.

Long Chen heave a long sigh, said: “Since I met you First Senior Brother, the most important thing now is to find him. Since we are going in the opposite direction, then we will move towards there and set off, and , I think it’s not far from the jungle. If so, then it’s very close to the ruins. If your Senior Brother is fine, you will probably go somewhere.”

Long Yuan is nodded, in this Xiaoling within the realm, he has always listened to Long Chen.

The relic that Long Chen said was actually a few 10,000 years ago. The teenager in charge of the Little Spirit Realm forced the people of Ten Great Tribes to create a tribal site. Where it is, Long Chen only knows where the jade in his hand can be opened. Office. Long Chen didn’t know anything else.

Although the memory of the Red Sun tribe Great Elder has long been acquired in the Earth Palace, Long Chen has not been there since he came out.

However, this ruin also puzzled Long Chen. From the moment he entered the stone chamber of the Earth Palace in the Luoxia Valley, the ruins were discovered. To this day, they have not been entered by everyone, is it possible that, there are still remains. What seal?

If this is the case, there must be many large tribes gathered outside that ruin. Such a chance against the sky will make everyone who enters the Little Spirit Realm covetous.

Compared to the previous battle in the Luoxia Valley, this time is estimated to be even more tragic.

And Long Chen, who is considered an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, if this secret is known by the powerhouses of those large tribes, it is estimated that Long Chen, who is weak in power, will directly become a target.

Moreover, as far as Long Chen knows, Shenmu tribe will definitely go to that ruin, and the woman named Zhou Xiaoxiao who previously loved Yu Jue who snatched Long Chen from the Earth Palace mysterious stone chamber is estimated to be the strength behind it. Will come to intervene. In this way, if Long Chen appears, it will cause a storm.

“Is the strength almost restored?” Long Chen asked caringly looking at Long Yuan, who was still weak.

Long Yuan straightened his chest and said, “Master, rest assured, everything is fine!”

“Okay, let’s go now. This time, you have to be more vigilant. If you meet someone from the Shenmu tribe or the Chiyan tribe on the road, you must tell me immediately!” Long Chen finished, leaping directly Up.

Long Yuan immediately followed and said, “Okay!”

The Luoxia Valley area, perhaps the largest plain in Xiaoling within the realm, Long Chen and Longyuan traveled for nearly 2 hours, but still did not see the edge of this plain, only the fuzzy Luoxia Mountain in the distance .

This made Long Chen sigh with emotion. In the jungle before, how strong was the impact produced by breaking the field, and was able to strike two people so far.

Along the way, occasionally I saw the lonely monster beasts of Hongmeng, Long Chen would always signal to Long Yuan to fight alone with these Hongmeng Monster Beasts.

With the last experience of Longyuan, he has become a lot more mature and stable in these few solo battles. As for the dragon inheritance within the body, it is also vividly and thoroughly played by Longyuan.

Long Yuan, who was affirmed by Long Chen, was naturally extremely happy, and immediately wanted Long Chen to propose the idea of ​​replacing weapons.

According to Long Yuan, he also imagined that, like Sword Ten 3, he could use a weapon to the point where it could be integrated with it, but the long spear in Long Yuan’s current hand was really too ordinary.

Long Chen understands that Long Yuan’s request is not excessive, but if you want to cultivation to the level of He Jian Shi 3, it is really difficult. Long Chen also told Long Yuan about the difficulties, but Long Yuan expressed the extreme Great confidence.

In desperation, Long Chen had to accept it.

However, in this huge little Spirit Realm, there are not many weapons used, let alone how to find a handy long spear for Longyuan.

However, often people will come whatever they think.

When Long Yuan and Long Chen came to a gathering point, Long Chen wanted to inquire about other information, but this inquiries were some information understood, among them, there was news about the long spear Spirit Treasure.

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