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In the boundless Spirit Realm ruins, Long Chen took Long Yuan towards the destination that he had inquired about before, the so-called Spirit Realm ruins in the center.

At this time, Long Chen is not like the directionless resistance that he had just entered the Spirit Realm ruins before. Now, understood, most of the secrets of the Spirit Realm ruins, he holds one of the 5 jade pieces in the Spirit Realm ruins. 3 yuan, Long Chen is naturally going to find the greater secret in this Spirit Realm ruins.

Just like the Spirit Physique inheritance of Long Yan 3 people 10,000 years ago, Long Chen also wants some inheritance, but what Long Chen hopes for is a more powerful inheritance.

Long Chen also understands that if you want to get this Spirit Treasure opportunity, you must fight with people who are also in the Spirit Realm ruins and sometimes have to fight necessary. This is inevitable, and Long Chen is not afraid to do it. , Long Chen is really afraid of those who secretly attacked. After all, in the relics of Spirit Realm, fish and dragons mixed in together, there are countless powerhouses in the realm of Hongmeng Yuanjie. Even if Long Chen has a battle against Hongmeng The powerhouse’s ability in the metaworld realm, but, after all, it’s still better to be careful.

The secret inheritance of this little Spirit Realm will definitely attract countless people, and the Spirit Treasure opportunity that exists wherever it is will make everyone amazed. And Long Chen yearn for something even in dreams’s soul grass, if so Where it is, presumably it will inspire a wave of people looting. In this way, it is really not an easy task to successfully monopolize these benefits in the hands of those people.

After all, there are only these two people on Long Chen’s side, and those hidden opponents appear in the form of a tribe, a large tribe, the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Yuanjie realm, has nearly double digits, even if Long Chen has been promoted It was impossible to deal with it easily even in the Hong Mo Yuan Boundary.

“Spirit Realm ruins, Su soul grass, no matter what, as long as there are things I need here, even if it’s in the Great Mengtian Realm, I have to fight him!”

Long Chen secretly cheered up while flying.

During the next flight, Long Chen almost didn’t have a moment of rest. He always rushed at full speed to the most fascinating place among the Spirit Realm ruins. Long Yuan followed Long Chen, but was tortured. It’s miserable, but I dare not say anything.

Long Yuan knew that if Long Chen did this, he must have Long Chen’s reasons.

In this almost crazy rush, the tribal ruins that I saw on the way, it seems that no one has unearthed them, Long Chen is to disdain as beneath contempt.

The effort paid off. Under Long Chen’s full frantic manner of flying, probably one day, one night, Long Chen finally vaguely saw the destination of his trip.

At the same time, as Long Chen’s position changed, Long Chen also gradually felt that the Heaven and Earth Primordial Chaos all over his body were actually a bit richer, and the remnant tribal ruins on the ground had arrived here. It also turned into a huge tribe, looking intact, not like it hadn’t been set foot for 10000 years.

Similarly, where there are opportunities, they are also full of dangers.

Here, the Harmony between Heaven and Earth is extremely unstable. From time to time, lumps of Harmony Force will condense in the mid-air, and aimless ones will sprint in the air.

Although the formidable power of these Hongmeng strengths is not very large, if it is accidentally attacked, it will not be healed for a while, and it will take some pain to say it.

In the same way, this environment of danger lurks on every side is also evidence that Long Chen has truly come to the center of the Spirit Realm ruins, and there is no silhouette around it, which also makes Long Chen have reason to believe that here, surely It has not been explored by those on the periphery.

With the violent aura that rushed out in the air, Long Chen didn’t dare to fly anymore, and immediately fell to the ground, looking for a chance Spirit Treasure, while advancing slowly.

This walk lasted for about one hour, and Long Chen felt an increasingly abnormal atmosphere.

First of all, it is the increasingly cold temperature in the Spirit Realm ruins. Even though Long Chen is now able to adapt to the external temperature influence, but the temperature of the whole body drops, Long Chen still feels a little abnormal.

As the temperature drops, the surrounding environment also changes to surprise Long Chen.

What was originally considered a normal site, turned into a frozen earth-like area, and the howling cold wind blew by. What surprised Long Chen even more was that in this Spirit Realm ruins, there was a heavy snowfall. .

After a long period of pondering, Long Chen realized that

The Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon here is very likely to be caused by a large man-made formation. The purpose of the large formation is to protect something!

World of Ice and Snow, because of the existence of this big formation, will show up in front of Long Chen.

That’s it, and it just means that Long Chen has truly come to the center of the Spirit Realm ruins, the Core Zone. After all, only here is it worthy of being guarded by such a powerful formation.

Going further, what Long Chen saw and heard finally confirmed Long Chen’s guess.

Here is a piece of white ice and wasteland. From a distance, the howling cold wind blows up fluffs of snowflakes, directly condensing a group of violent and cold Primordial Chaos Aura in mid-air, directly between Heaven and Earth is culled.

“World of Ice and Snow…”

Looking at this scene, Long Chen couldn’t help being a little surprised. What kind of formidable power array can forcibly create such a World of Ice and Snow, and, in this, there is obviously an endless guardian of Hongmeng.

Long Chen understands that if he wants to enter the core area of ​​the Spirit Realm ruins, he must pass through the World of Ice and Snow.

In this area, it is very likely that one after another attack methods are connected. As long as people set foot, those biting humongous cold winds will engulf endless Primordial Chaos Qi potential and directly bombard the intruder.

Looking at some vaguely recognizable footprints around, Long Chen also understands that before Long Chen, it is very likely that someone has come here long ago, and passed this piece of World of Ice and Snow, and successfully went to the Spirit Realm ruins. Core Zone.

Just standing on the edge, Long Chen can feel that he is being suppressed by an unknown Hongmeng. It is really unimaginable. What kind of resistance will there be in the middle of World of Ice and Snow?

While Long Chen was waiting, some silhouettes rushed directly beside Long Chen, and immediately went to the other side of World of Ice and Snow. Long Chen felt a little bit about the strength of these people. It was obvious. Yes, these decisive people are all above the Hongmeng Yuan Realm.

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