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Such a tragic scene, when everyone reacted, they immediately convulsed from the heart. Some people who were planning to follow the person who was in the lead at the same time swept toward the five void holes also slowly stopped. Footsteps.

These people all understand that this dance void hole cannot detect the Force of Primordial Chaos in it with common sense. In other words, they want to break this void fear with a cavity of blood and closeness and enter the void hole. On the other side, it’s almost impossible.

“Perhaps the inheritance in this Xuanyan tribe, and those Spirit Treasure opportunities, are in this void hole…” Long Chen was a little at a loss. Although he roughly guessed the mystery of the void hole, how did he pass through this hole? , But it has become a big problem.

Successfully passing through this void hole is to be able to enter the true Inheritance Land of this Xuanyan tribe!

In the great hall, most people looked blank, so they had to look at the faint void of the Force of Primordial Chaos, frowning tightly…

Long Chen looked around for a week and saw Zhou Xiaoxiao and Bing Fanming and the others entering this great hall. What made Long Chen curious was that there was nothing in the expressions of Zhou Xiaoxiao and Bing Fanming. At a loss, the two of them looked at these 2 void openings, as if they were picking and choosing, as if they were choosing which opening to enter.

is it possible that, Zhou Xiaoxiaobing and Fan Ming have a way?

Long Chen frowned and thought a little.

At this moment, a loud word came from the great hall.

“Everyone! I must have noticed that behind these 5 Void Portals is the Inheritance Land of the Xuanyan Tribe. Through these 5 Void Portals, or you are the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Cangtian Realm, you can completely ignore this Void Portal. The surrounding Hongmeng Array, or it must have these 5 Void Portal keys!”

Long Chen followed the voice and found out that the person who raised his arms and shouted was He Songyan!

What does Ha Songyan want to do? Long Chen is even more curious.

“What is the key, and where is the key?” Someone asked He Songyan among the crowd.

He Songyan nodded, said with a smile: “Maybe some people don’t know that the Xuanyan tribe has been the most powerful tribe among the Spirit Realm relics since it was established for 10000 years. The reason why other tribes can be here, However, they are all seeking help from the Xuanyan tribe that’s all, and the Xuanyan tribe also happened to be the person who set up this Spirit Realm ruins guardian Array. Therefore, the key to open these 5 Void Portals is to open this Spirit Realm. The key needed by the ruins, this key, is the 5 Spirit Realm jade that was raged before!”

When the voice fell, He Songyan looked towards Long Chen directly.

“hu ……”

Everyone reacted to what He Songyan said, and many people understood this truth after thinking about it.

It’s said that this Spirit Realm jade was refined by Ruler of the Little Spirit Realm, and it possesses the power of this little spirit within the realm. When people who want to come to the Xuanyan tribe come here, they probably think about it. The method is to get these 5 pieces of Jade Jue, and use Jade Jue to set up this Array Guardian and these Void Portals.

Having said that, Spirit Realm Yujue can open these Void Portals so that he can safely enter the Inheritance Land of the Xuanyan tribe, which is true.

Everyone reacted, and soon, there was someone who looked towards Long Chen with that harboring malicious intentions.

There are also some people here who have met Long Chen a long time ago. Although they have not passed their names, they are very clear about the fact that Long Chen has 2 Spirit Realm jade.

The strength that Long Chen showed was yet another realm of Harmony. Under the gaze of these powerhouses of the Harmony Metarealm, Long Chen quickly felt uncomfortable.

It turned out that the reason why Zhou Xiaoxiao and Bing Fanming were so relaxed was that they had already understood this matter.

As for Long Chen’s possession of Spirit Realm Yujue, from the current point of view, it has naturally become the most concerned thing for people in this great hall.

“One more thing, this Long Chen is very likely to not only possess 2 pieces of jade, you may have heard of it, Mu Wenhua of Shenmu tribe was killed by Long Chen not long ago. , I want to come to the Spirit Realm Yujue in Mu Wenhua’s hands, it is on Long Chen at this moment!” He Songyan shouted again.

As a result, everyone in the great hall looked at Long Chen’s eyes even more greedy.

At this time, Long Chen finally understood the Wuyun Duhai from the Wuyun tribe, why he had to say that to himself in the first place. Thinking about it, Wuyun Duhai had long expected this kind of thing to happen.

Before Long Chen could respond, He Songyan actually walked up to Shi Jingtian and said: “The stone of the Jinshi tribe is shocking. My Dahe tribe has always relied on your reputation. It is better to join hands today and grab a few pieces from the hands of Long Chen. A piece of Spirit Realm jade, how?”

Upon hearing this, Shi Jingtian’s expression became a little surprised. He was able to attack Long Chen. He was naturally intent, and now he can get the key item Spirit Realm Jade Jue to enter this void hole. Let Shi Jingtianle never get tired.

Shi Jingtian looked towards Long Chen with some harboring malicious intentions. Together with the big men of his Jinshi tribe, he slowly moved towards Long Chen and approached a few steps.

“Long Chen, give you a chance to hand over the Spirit Realm jade from you. Otherwise, you can imagine the consequences.” With Shi Jingtian’s gesture of tacit support, He Songyan’s confidence is also a little bit more. He immediately changed his face and threatened Long Chen: “With your ability alone, it is always impossible to deal with so many people, so you should hand it over, 3 pieces of jade, no one piece!”

As he spoke, He Songyan held the long sword in his hand tightly, and a little Primordial Chaos Aura appeared all over his body.

Shi Jingtian was the few people from the Jinshi tribe who immediately blocked Long Chen’s eyes.

The crowd in the great hall was crowded, and many people saw this scene, and they also had the idea to come and get a hand. But if you have a good luck and successfully get a piece of Spirit Realm jade, you can enter this place successfully. Void Portal?

Then, it is the Inheritance Land of the Xuanyan tribe. When the inheritance is obtained, the realm of strength will definitely be advanced by leaps and bounds. At that time, let others say that their inheritance knows the wrong way, what’s the problem?

“Long Chen, I, He Songyan, said that one day, you will be worse than dead. If you don’t hand over the Spirit Realm Yujue you have today, I really do what I say!” He Songyan growled. Tao.

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