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When the Void Power in his body slowly faded, Long Chen understood that he should have passed the Void Portal and successfully arrived at the Inheritance Land of the Xuanyan tribe.

The Void Power dissipated, which made Long Chen quite uncomfortable. However, after a few vomits, when the whole body reappeared, Long Chen felt a sense of inner stability in typing.

At about this time, a burst of slightly bright rays of light swept over, and Long Chen adjusted slightly, and opened his eyes with confidence when he passed through the Void Portal.

What Long Chen sees is a wide open door. The big rays of light that Long Chen feels are emitted from the giant door.

Before this giant gate, Long Chen was like a humble trivial ant, feeling the shocking force emanating from the giant gate, even Long Chen trembled from the heart.

The giant gate showed a bright golden. At this time, the gate was not at all closed, but half open. Perhaps it was the setting of the Xuanyan tribe, or perhaps someone came here.

However, no matter what, since Long Chen has come here, he naturally wants to enter the deepest part of this Inheritance Land, to explore Long Chen until now. There are many legends about this little Spirit Realm. Things you don’t understand.

“Behind the gate, is the real Inheritance Land?” Long Chen was quite curious. He didn’t understand why this Xuanyan tribe would set up its own Inheritance Land to guard the inheritance land. Is it just because this Xuanyan tribe is the strongest tribe?


Just when Long Chen was curious, a force of Primordial Chaos suddenly burst out above the giant gate. In the vagueness, Long Chen actually felt that the giant gate might be telling a story.

“Xuanyan tribe, the spirit of the sky.”

Long Chen didn’t know what was going on. He actually read these words like this. Thinking back, maybe this giant gate was vaguely indistinguishable, and it really taught Long Chen some information.

“Those who enter this door will inherit the profound flames, kill without mercy!”

Another piece of information appeared in Long Chen’s mind. Long Chen also understood one thing. The people who arranged this Xuanyan tribe’s inheritance wanted to come so that after 10000 years, those who can inherit to the Xuanyan tribe can truly match Worthy of the Xuanyan tribe.

Perhaps, those who cannot meet the requirements of the Xuanyan tribe will be directly bombarded by the inheritance Array of the Xuanyan tribe in this Inheritance Land.

However, these intimidating messages cannot make Long Chen retreat at all. He came here after 1000 or 10000 risks. Now he wants Long Chen to leave. It is impossible.

Long Chen took a long breath, and his mind sank.

No matter what mountains of daggers and seas of flames are behind this giant gate, Long Chen has to go for a break, and Long Chen also has to get the inheritance of the Xuanyan tribe!

Long Chen knows very well that if he wants to survive in this little spirit within the realm as he did before, he must improve his own realm recently, and to improve his realm, on the one hand, he must rely on his own efforts. On the other hand, it is also necessary to obtain the inheritance of these tribes.

For the current Long Chen, for the other tribes in the Spirit Realm ruins, there is no condition to explore. If you want to obtain the inheritance of the tribe, all that is left is to move forward to obtain the Xuanyan tribe in danger. inheritance this way.

“Xuanyan tribe, I, Long Chen, just want to see how powerful your Array Guardian is!”

Standing in front of the giant gate, a icy cold flashed in Long Chen’s eyes. In the end, he settled down without any hesitation. He stepped in while the giant gate was half open.

Entering this huge gate, what Long Chen saw was very different from what he had experienced before.

At the same time, a rumbling sound that seemed to come from the mind sounded. Then, a golden rays of light spilled from nowhere, and an ice-cold look appeared on Long Chen’s calm face before.

In Long Chen’s eyes, there appeared an empty place with almost no end in sight, and the edge was close to vague, but Long Chen knew that this world might be endless, unconsciously, Long Chen reacted to himself. Actually came into a field again.

The clouds above are extremely thick, like a violent wave. At this time, they are fiddled with baring fangs and brandishing claws, as if they are giving Long Chen, a newcomer, a disarm.


A burst of Force of Primordial Chaos sounded. Suddenly, on the wave, a violent Primordial Chaos Qi group appeared directly, and the clouds became thicker because of the explosion of the great monstrous.

Inadvertently, Long Chen looked towards all around where he was, only to realize that he did not know when he came to this cloud layer!

A wave of Force of Primordial Chaos exploded around Long Chen, which immediately caused Long Chen to suffer some pain.

It was not until this time that Long Chen realized that the terrifying part of the clouds and waves, although the Force of Primordial Chaos here is not so strong, but just this kind of continuous invasion is enough for Long Chen to eat It’s painful.

“What kind of place is this, it can produce such a peculiar scene, think about it, people who create this field, the strength is simply unimaginable.” Long Chen said to himself: “is it possible that, this mysterious The condition of Yan Tribe’s inheritance is that I need to pass through this cloud wave? But there is no end in sight. Where can I find the end of this cloud wave?”

At this time, Dragon Tomb slowly said: “Perhaps, but I have to remind you that this cloud wave is far from being as simple as it seems. After this, there will be more powerful dangers waiting for you. If you go in, Must be prepared for 10000.”

Long Chen nodded, said: “I can see it, but no matter what, I want to try this cloud wave. Since the inheritance of the Xuanyan tribe is here, naturally there is no reason to go back empty-handed.”

When the voice fell to the ground, Long Chen condensed the whole body, directly rushing to the deeper clouds and waves, and went straight.

Once Long Chen’s figure entered the depths of the clouds and waves, the whole body directly felt a continuous wave of Hongmeng invasion. Soon, this force gathered, and Long Chen immediately felt a strong wave of Hongmeng oppression. Moreover, beside Long Chen, bursts of Hongmeng blasting sounded one after another, and those Primordial Chaos Qi waves slapped on Long Chen’s body heavily.

“ka ka! ”

Severe pain came out on Long Chen, and Long Chen directly suffered a lot of pain.

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