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As this cosmic light beam travels, vaguely, it is like a line of Bloodline Strength running in the air.

“Dragon Race Bloodline Strength?” Feeling the familiar power contained in the Hongmeng beam, Dragon Tomb slightly smiled and said: “I would like to thank Senior Xuanyan for Long Chen.”


The radiant light beams of pure Bloodline Strength swept across the air, and while Long Chen was still depressed about how to proceed with that last step, it poured into Long Chen’s body with lightning speed.

Long Chen didn’t have time to react. Immediately after that Bloodline Strength entered the body, Long Chen’s whole body flashed with a burst of gorgeous brilliance, and bursts of red rays of light also flickered on the surface of Long Chen’s body.

Before Long Chen could control this power, Long Chen felt that his within the body seemed to have some power that had been silent for a long time. When this great beam came, it was actually awakened!

Immediately afterwards, a pain related to Bloodline Strength spread directly on Long Chen’s body, and even Long Chen was forced to scream due to this painful tear.

This level of pain is more intense than the bursting pain that Long Chen suffered when he was tried in the clouds and waves before. The source of this pain is his own Bloodline, you know, Bloodline awakens, then But I have to change my body.

The pain is naturally self-evident.

“Dragon Clan Bloodlines is the root of my Dragon Race cultivation. The reason why my Dragon Race was born is that the overwhelming majority of human beings cannot match the Hongmeng Yuanjie realm. It relies on the Dragon Race Bloodline Strength. Unfortunately, this Dragon Clan Bloodlines and human Bloodlines have too much repulsion. Even the human races who are carrying my Dragon Clan Bloodlines, most of them rely on Dragon Clan Bloodlines to make some changes to their bodies. If you want to awaken this bloodline , It can be said to be more difficult.” Xuan Yan Zhilong sighed.

“However, I can see that this Long Chen should have awakened him once within the body’s Heavenly Dragon Bloodline. That awakening helped him a lot, but the awakening did not completely awaken him within the body. The power of the Heavenly Dragon Bloodline of the body is displayed. Part of the Bloodline Strength is the silence of choice. Now, what I instill into him within the body is the Bloodline Strength of the True Dragon clan. I mean, this is the use of Dragon Clan Bloodlines. As an introduction, he inspired all the Heavenly Dragon Bloodline within the body, plus he was born a Heavenly Dragon body. If he can bear this catastrophe, I want to come, and I will practice my “Flame Dragon” in the future. “Heaven and Earth Gong” will truly have a chance to turn into a Dragon Race.”

Dragon Tomb knows that although the practice of the Dragon of Xuanyan is a bit extreme, in the final analysis, it is also for Long Chen’s consideration. For many cultivation people, Dragon Race Bloodline Strength is enough to make them jealous, as long as it can be Refining and integrating into their own Bloodline is of course a great help for their own realm improvement.

However, such a good thing, absorption and refining, naturally have some side effects.

Dragon Clan Bloodlines and human Bloodlines naturally have mutually exclusive parts. If you want to dissolve Dragon Clan Bloodlines refining, you naturally need to pay a lot of price.

However, Dragon Tomb is not worried at all. For Long Chen, Dragon Tomb is still very relieved in this simple refining Bloodline. Now, Dragon Tomb is worried about Long Chen’s awakening within the body Heavenly Dragon Bloodline.

Long Chen is the body of Heavenly Dragon. Within the body possesses Heavenly Dragon Bloodline. Before meeting Dragon Tomb, Long Chen awakened his within the body Heavenly Dragon Bloodline by himself. However, in the end, it is also half awakening. , Just awakened a little bit, and most of the rest remained silent.

And now, the meaning of the Dragon of Xuanyan is to let Long Chen complete all the awakening of the Heavenly Dragon Bloodline in one fell swoop, thus becoming a half human half dragon!

The difficulty of this matter was a little beyond Dragon Tomb’s expectations.

For now, it is still unknown whether this matter can be achieved.


Under the gaze of Dragon Tomb and the Dragon of Profound Flame, that silhouette above the clouds and waves, as the Dragon Bone Bloodline Strength arrived, the range of action became more and more fierce, and there was a violent wave of great grandeur along the way, also in groups. Coming in groups.

“clang 哐哐!”

The sound of roar and the sound of Hongmeng waves are entangled with each other. The that silhouette in the depths of the clouds and waves is also violently twitching, and the terrifying Hongmeng wind whizzes up, rolling out a huge wave in the clouds and waves. .

What is slightly better is that as this wave of the Great Meng Meng disperses, the bloodline pain that Long Chen experienced has gradually weakened. Although the Heavenly Dragon Bloodline awakens, it will cause huge pain to himself, but , Long Chen has experienced great tempering for a long time, Long Chen’s physical strength is extremely strong.

After all, similar to this painful torture, Long Chen experienced 7 days in this cloud and wave.

Just when Long Chen was gradually able to withstand the painful torture in the Heavenly Dragon Bloodline, Long Chen’s whole person was undergoing Heaven and Earth turning upside down-like changes.

On Long Chen’s skin, as Qi of Primordial Chaos floated, faintly, some scales formed by the condensed Hongmeng could be vaguely seen.

“Has Bloodline’s awakening succeeded?” The Xuanyan Dragon looked at this scene, slightly smiled, nodded with satisfaction.


Amidst the waves of the clouds, a sound of dragon roar came out. At this time, Long Chen was completely devoid of the pain that was surrounded by pain before. Now Long Chen is full of comfort, bursts of pure Force of Primordial. Chaos diffused out with each breath of Long Chen, and Long Chen’s body was also slowly suspended in the waves of clouds.

At this time, Long Chen was exuding pale red Bloodline Strength all over his body, and the red eagles all over his body gradually left a mark on his skin. This mark is equivalent to the unique scale protection of Dragon Race. mechanism.

Long Chen looked at the changes in his body, naturally with a look of joy, and felt a little bit of his strength after awakening Bloodline Strength. Although there is no breakthrough in the realm, this is the result that Long Chen can suppress, and everything else is again. Booming!

In other words, the current Long Chen can already practice the two spells taught to him by the Dragon of Xuanyan, whether it is “Flame Dragon Heaven and Earth” or “Dragon’s Line 2 Days”, Long Chen is both With this qualification, this is a gift from Heavenly Dragon Bloodline to Long Chen. When Long Chen has practiced these two spells, Long Chen’s strength will bring it up a level!

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