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“Li Xun!”

These Force of Primordial Chaos, which were absorbed like a black cocoon body, completely entered, but there was no change in the slightest, as if nothing happened.

At this time, Long Chen on the side is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Long Chen does not understand these steps at all. As for what changes are taking place in the black cocoon now, Long Chen is even more so. Curious 10000 points.

Force of Primordial Chaos rushed into the black cocoon body, and the cocoon body at this time was like a bottomless pit made of incarnation, although it greedily absorbed the pure omnipresent in this great hall, And there is no sign of stopping.

But fortunately, the Force of Primordial Chaos in this great hall is also endless, but it can meet all the needs of Dragon Tomb at this moment.

There are more and more cracks around the black cocoon body, and the black cocoon body absorbs Hongmeng in the great hall faster and faster.

is it possible that, the fleshy body of Dragon Race must have such a powerful Force of Primordial Chaos blessing?

Long Chen was puzzled and surprised.

“Hang bang!”

As more and more Force of Primordial Chaos are poured into the black cocoon, the cracks on the black cocoon are getting bigger and bigger. It seems that something will break out of it.

“chi chi! ”

Suddenly, a tearing sound came, and Long Chen quickly gathered his mind again, carefully investigating the movement within the black cocoon.

The tearing sound this time is like the sound of the birth of life, and the cracks on the black cocoon are gradually connecting together.

Although I still don’t believe it, Long Chen is confident enough. No matter what Dragon Tomb is going through at this time, it may not be long before Dragon Tomb sleeps out of the cocoon.

And these mutations now are clear signals.

From above this crack, the absorption of the Force of Primordial Chaos in the great hall fell with the tearing sound, and at this time it actually became a little weak.

Gradually, this black cocoon is as if it is full, and the absorption of Force of Primordial Chaos has stopped gradually.

Before Long Chen could think about what it was, in the cracks of the black cocoon, it started to exude a breath from the inside out!

These are the strong and vigorous Life Aura, as if a baby was born, that breath assaults the senses, and in a trance, Long Chen seemed to remember his childhood.

This is the Source Power of life, and only through the blessing of this power can the body be condensed!

When the cracks on the black cocoon were finally connected together, the thick and indestructible black cocoon, which originally seemed to be thick and indestructible, began to collapse in this brief moment.

After a large piece of black cocoon body swayed for a few times, it peeled off from the whole like flowing water, and fell straight to the ground.

After that, a whole piece of black cocoon body was like a corner of a ignited grain pile, and a larger vibration began uncontrollably.

There was a sound of shattering, and the black cocoon suddenly all split up and in pieces, and at the same time, when the black cocoon fell for more than half, Long Chen also clearly saw the scene in the black cocoon.

This is a piece of azure scales. Looking along these scales, you can see many of the unique shapes of Dragon Race before the black cocoon shell is completely peeled off.

The sharp dragon claw, the thick Long Chen, the dazzling scales, at this moment, these are just shown in front of Long Chen.

Finally, the outer shell of the black cocoon body fell completely, and the Azure Dragon in the cocoon body was also completely exposed at this brief moment.


A sound of dragon’s roar sounded, and the refreshing Force of Primordial Chaos was engulfed in the sound wave, and at the same time, a wave of majestic waves was triggered in the air.

The Primordial Chaos Qi wave pushed away, and Long Chen looked at the huge Azure Dragon that was a twenty zhang in front of him expectantly, his eyes filled with excitement.

Is this Dragon Tomb’s body? In other words, this is Dragon Tomb, the tomb of True Dragon?

Looking at it in general, the Azure Dragon’s body glowed with azure scales, the dragon claw was shining sharp rays of light below the earth, and the dragon head was on the edge of the great hall, and it had not completely turned around.

Looking at the huge Azure Dragon, Long Chen couldn’t help but smiled slightly. He thought, if the strength of this Azure Dragon is equal to him, wouldn’t it be able to catch himself to death with one claw?

Azure Dragon is suspended in the air, and the life Aura around it gradually dissipates. A horror version of Primordial Chaos Qi is overwhelming. After its sound of dragon’s roar falls, it spreads out.

Long Chen within the body also has Dragon Clan Bloodlines. After feeling the imposing manner exuded by Azure Dragon, there is actually some connection.

After carefully feeling the terrifying aura emitted by the Azure Dragon, Long Chen immediately compared with the dragon of Xuanyan he had seen before.

Although the realm of the Dragon of Profound Flame is much higher than the Azure Dragon at this time, but in terms of the imposing manner between Primordial Chaos Aura and the gesture of action, this Azure Dragon is better than the Dragon of Profound Flame. too much.

“Is this Dragon Tomb?” A look of shock flashed in Long Chen’s expression, thinking that Dragon Tomb had said to himself before, how awesome he was at the beginning, and his realm was able to walk in 8 polar regions. Unhindered, when I see it now, maybe it really is what Dragon Tomb said.

Azure Dragon slowly turned around, and his figure was considered to be wandering in this great hall. After a long time, the great pressure he radiated slowly dissipated.

After turning around, Azure Dragon looked towards Long Chen in the middle of the great hall.

Long Chen also looked at Azure Dragon generously, without the slightest fear.


Just when Long Chen was unaware of the Azure Dragon staring at each other, the Azure Dragon body suddenly shook violently. Then, a sharp Primordial Chaos Qi pillar was directly inspired from the Azure Dragon body. , Immediately engulfing several Force of Primordial Chaos in this great hall, struck towards Long Chen strikes heavily!

Long Chen couldn’t react to such a sudden change. Is this Azure Dragon actually acting like he did it?

Isn’t this Dragon Tomb?

But Long Chen didn’t believe it. In the previous confrontation, Long Chen still found the shadow of Dragon Tomb. Long Chen was almost 100% sure. The Azure Dragon in front of him at this moment must be Dragon Tomb!

But why does Dragon Tomb attack himself?

The speed of this Primordial Chaos Qi pillar is extremely fast, almost in an imposing manner like tearing the void, and it is involuntarily blasted towards Long Chen.

Just when this Primordial Chaos Qi pillar was about to hit Long Chen’s body, the Azure Dragon in the air suddenly shouted: “Who are you?”

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